
Home Health
Health entails more than just the absence of disease; it is a state of physical and mental well-being. Stay up to date with health and wellness trends with Curious Mind Magazine.

Everything You Need To Know About Plantar Orthotics

Plantar fasciitis is usually caused by aggravation and excessive stress on your foot. The plantar fascia is the connective tissue that goes from your...

What You Don’t Know About Your Drinking Water Quality Could Hurt You: Surprising Facts...

What You Don't Know About Your Drinking Water Quality Could Hurt You If you don't have the facts about your drinking water quality, you could...


Grrr!!!!!! A message rolls in while your hands are firmly on the wheel, meandering your way probably on the highway. You are immediately caught...

Ligandrol; What It Is, How To Take It, Benefits, And Side Effects

Ligandrol, also known as LGD-4033, is a popular supplement that stimulates testosterone, functioning as a selective androgen receptor (SARM) modulator. In this recent blog post...

Tricks for building muscle and losing fat

By, Angela Williams When it comes to knowing what foods you should and shouldn’t eat, it can be a bit confusing. Knowing whether something is...

7 Tips for a Healthy Night’s Rest

If you wake up each morning feeling groggy, or more tired than when you went to bed, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with...

Some of the Proposed Benefits of Consuming CBD

Although research on CBD is still ongoing, there is much anecdotal evidence for effectiveness as a treatment for a wide variety of conditions. All...

Dealing With The Anger Of A Cancer Diagnosis

Receiving the news that you have cancer can be the most emotionally staggering moment in your life. The uncertainty of what is to come,...

Everything You Need to Know About Blood Oxygen

We take our bodies for granted for the most part, and it’s only when something isn’t right that we realize just how vital it...

How Your Diet Can Affect Your Testosterone Level

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out when something isn't right with your body. You may have been out to lunch with a...