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From anxiety and narcissism to relationships and romance, psychology gives us valuable insights into the complexities of human behavior. Explore the depths of the human mind with Curious Mind Magazine.

Psychologists List 5 Things That Make Us Feel Happy And Fulfilled!

Being stressed, tired, anxious and depressed are mental states that are somewhat considered as "normal" nowadays. However, it can be extremely tiring waking up...

A Neuroscientist Reveals 4 Simple Rituals That Will Make You Happy

Alex Korb, a UCLA neuroscience researcher, reveals 4 scientifically proven rituals that will drastically change your life and make you happy.    There are all...

10 Things to Stop Letting Others Do To You

The greatest thing one can do is to follow his own heart! You see, today’s world is so arranged that every day we meet people,...

21 Things Only People Who Were Raised By Really Strict Parents Understand

For many, asking for permission to go out and see a friend was unimaginable. But for those with strict parents, it was something inevitable....

11 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re A People-Pleaser

A people pleaser is one of the nicest and most helpful people you will ever meet. This kind of people will never say “no”, they...

The Secret To A Stress-Free And Healthy Mind And Body – The Spinal Flush!

Today’s modern tempo is stressful for everybody. From children stressed from family quarrels (even the least intense ones) and school obligations, to adults living...

6 Easy Steps To Becoming The Best-Liked Person Everywhere  

Work, school, friendships, everything in life today comes down to one common thing – building good relationships. Although some people are just born with...

If You’ve Ever Been Called Overly-Emotional Or Too Sensitive, This Is For You

Has someone offended you by calling you emotional? Do you often cry because you react oversensitivity to things? People think that you are emotional if...

30 Calm-Down Techniques To Try With Kids

Childhood can indeed be a challenging and stressful time for both you and your kid. Facing all problems that come with childhood can (sometimes)...

11 Things Strong Women Don’t Give A Damn About And You Shouldn’t Too?(#5 is...

I am sure that everyone admires a person that can go through life effortlessly without worrying what tomorrow may bring. It takes a strong...