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Norway Becomes First Nation In The World To Ban Deforestation

Deforestation is becoming a serious problem everywhere in the world. It is estimated that each year 55 billion tons of fossil energy, metals, minerals and bio mass is extracted from the Earth.

In other words, people are using 50 % more natural resources that the planet can provide. According to scientists, within 100 years, the world’s rainforests will completely disappear.

These facts can cause serious problems for future generations, so Norway decided to do something about it. It became the first country to ban the practice of deforestation.

According to a report of UN partner, Climate Action, Norway is the first county to wake up and rise to solve the problem of deforestation. On May, 24th the country committed to zero deforestation.

Through the government’s public procurement policy, the country agreed to ban any product in its supply chain which is guilty of deforestation of rainforests.

In a statement on the organization’s site, Nils Hermann Ranum of Rainforest Foundation Norway said: “This is an important victory in the fight to protect the rainforest. Over the last few years, a number of companies have committed to cease the procurement of goods that can be linked to destruction of the rainforest”.

Although, in 2014, at the UN Climate Summit in New York, Norway, UK and Germany agreed to do everything to encourage deforestation-free supply chains using public procurement policies and sustainable source products like soy, timber, palm oil and beef, until now only Norway stood by its word. 

The foundation has campaigned many years in order to make this happen.

Climate Action also said that, by producing soy, palm oil, beef and wood products in the seven countries where deforestation has reached an alarming level- Brazil, Indonesia, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Papua New Guinea and Malaysia, 40% of the total tropical deforestation is decreased.

Therefore, other counties must follow in Norway’s steps as soon as possible, because mother Earth needs our help.

Especially, Germany and the UK are expected to act soon, and fulfill their joint statement at the UN Climate Summit.

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12 Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs And Their Characteristics

Just like Western Astrology, Egyptian Astrology has 12 signs. Each sign is represented by a god or a goddess except the first one. However, the Egyptian Astrology signs differ from the Western Astrology in the dates.

Egyptian Astrology contains 12 constellations that form 36 decans (which are groups of stars).

The Egyptians also believed that the god or goddess of the representative sign determine one’s personality, skills, behavior, strength and weakness. So which sign are you in Egyptian Zodiac?

The Nile (January 1-7, June 19-28, September 1-7, November 18-26) 

The Nile is the first sign of the Egyptian zodiac and is the only sign that is not represented by a god or goddess.It represents the beginning and new start of something. The main characteristics for the people born under this sign are that they are peaceful, logical and practical.

They can be very moody- from calm and peaceful to angry and irrational. Usually, they try to avoid conflict and try to keep the peace around them. They have analytical minds and tend to dream about the possibilities of life. They are very practical and cautious so they tend to keep the safe path to their success.

Amon-Ra (January 8-21, February 1-11)

Amon-Ra is the second sign in Egyptian Astrology. The people who were born under this sign are very good leaders since they are very talented, confident and have excellent self-control.

They are also known to be generous and helpful people. These people’s optimism and intelligence make them successful leaders. They can be very motivational to others and are often successful in mentoring and counseling.

Mut (January 22-31, September 8-22)

Mut is the third Egyptian zodiac sign. This goddess is the symbol for the mother so that’s why people who were born under this sign are considered to be nurturers by nature.

These people also are good life parents and good parents as well as role models.They are logical and practical thinkers who are determined and focused on fulfilling their dreams.

Geb (February 12-29, August 20-31)

Geb is the fourth sign of the Egyptian zodiac. These people are kind-hearted and sensitive and most often they rely on their intuition.

Since Geb is the God of earth, the people born in this sign are sensitive and environmentally conscious. Most of the times these people are shy and introvert, but if they feel anxious, these people can become very egoistic.

Osiris (March 1-10, November 27-December 18)

Osiris is the fifth sign of the Egyptian zodiac, it is the symbol for fertility and resurrection.  People who are born in this sign have two sides to their personality- strong side and vulnerable side.

Energetic and passionate, these people are very confident and natural leaders who are very optimistic about the future. They are very independent and don’t like to work with other people.

Isis (March 11-31, October 18-29, December 19-31)

Isis is the sixth sign in the Egyptian zodiac. She is the goddess of nature and symbolizes motherhood and protector during childbirth. People who were born under this sign are very direct and like to give advices to others.

These people are very determined and ambitious and there are no obstacles for them on their way to success. They are good communicators but sometimes they tend to be demanding.

Thoth (April 1-19, November 8-17)

Thoth, or the god of wisdom, is the seventh sign in Egyptian horoscope. People who were born in this sign are energetic, courageous and compassionate. They are good at solving problems and are very passionate and faithful partners who are dedicated to family and loved ones. Sometimes they can be very naïve and betrayal can put these people in depression.

Horus (April 20-May 7, August 12-19)

Horus is the eight sing of Egyptian zodiac. People born in this sign are very courageous, have a lot of impatience, endurance and wit.

They are optimistic and risk takers so they are inspiration to others. They are gentle by nature and careful listeners and so they are surrounded by friends who love and support the people born in this sign.

Anubis (May 8-27, June 29-July 13)

Anubis is the ninth sign in Egyptian astrology and people who were born in this sign love solitude and can be very introvert.

These people are strongly emotional and sensitive and sometime very unpredictable. Confident and determined, these people don’t have unfinished businesses. They are very helpful, generous and honest, and very caring partners.

Seth (May 28-June 18, September 28-October 2)

Seth is the tenth sign in Egyptian zodiac. The people born in this sign are extreme perfectionists, constantly looking for change around them.

These people are natural leaders, excellent orators and communicators and thrive to be in the center of attention. Other people are attracted to their charming personality but sometimes they know to lose their temper and explode.

Bastet (July 14-28, September 23-27, October 3-17)

Bastet, the goddess of cats, is the eleventh sign of the Egyptian zodiac. The people who are born in this sign are always searching for peace and balance. They surround themselves with things that make them happy, and tend to enjoy life the best they can.

These people are very caring, extremely emotional and sensitive which sometimes can cause for them to be overprotective of the loved ones.

Sekhmet (July 29-August 11, October 30-November 7)

Sekhmet, the goddess of war, is the last sign of the Egyptian zodiac.  People born in this sign are highly intelligent, so they are natural leaders who are an example of authority.

These people are perfectionist, with sense of justice and discipline. They can be very rude, direct and aggressive if they are irritated.


Our Planet Is So F***ED That Some Women Are Choosing To Not Have Kids

Choosing to have children is one of the most important decisions one has to make in their life.

Traditionally, societies have imposed the idea that creating a family is one of the main measurements of success in life, and consequently, it is considered a given fact that each person should be a parent.

However, things have changed. In the modern world, there are number of financial, social, medical and psychological factors that influence the verdict of bringing new life to Earth.

Recently, with the fast transformations in the global environment, climate change has become an additional impactor.

We have all been witnesses to global warming, increased air pollution and lack of clean water. Plentiful species of the flora and fauna are endangered or gone into complete extinction, while the natural resources are being depleted with the speed of light.

The scientific predictions indicate future trends of temperature growth and lack of natural resources. As one can easily guess, the main reason for the above comes from the human factor.

There have been many researches that study the connection between population growth and the global climate change.

As Safa Motesharrei, a researcher from Maryland University  argues, “Many datasets, for example, the data for the total concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases, show that human population has been a strong driver of the total impact of humans on our planet Earth.

For the most recent time, we show that the total impact has grown on average ~4 percent between 1950 and 2010, with almost equal contributions from population growth (~1.7 percent) and GDP per capita growth (~2.2 percent).”

Motesharrei also mentioned that this resembles a replication of the entire effect every 17 years. Hence, it is no wonder that this replication of the influence is appallingly quick.

These figures are important to many environmentally aware women when evaluation their reproductive plans. Josefine Ferorreli, a co-founder of Conceivable

Future, a non-profit organization that deals with the issue states that we are living at a time where people’s choices are profoundly and excruciatingly intricate by climate change.

The argument is the following: Why contribute to the Earth’s unsustainability by giving another birth? Supportive to the cause is the fact that there are millions of unfortunate kids who struggle with poverty, hunger, illnesses and lack of education.

Moreover, there are millions of orphans with awful prospects for a high quality life. Therefore, wouldn’t it be by far more noble to help such a child instead of contribution to earth’s destruction?

Secondly, one has to take into consideration the prospects for well-being that their new born child will have. Deciding to have a child, means accepting the fact that he/she will have to build a life in a polluted world and bear the consequences of it.

Who wants to put his own child at a risk of illness or disorder created as a result of the environment they live in?

The reasoning behind the issue is a straightforward formula – we have destroyed the Earth by overpopulation; why supporting further destruction while putting others at the risk?

However, human mind does not always reason straightforwardly. What we need to learn is how to become less selfless, and make a decision that will be to the greatest benefit to everyone.

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25 Life-Changing Quotes From Feminist Writer Rupi Kaur That Will Make You Start a Revolution

Women have struggled to fulfill their basic human rights ever since the dawn of times. It was not until recently that some countries have allowed for women to have the right to vote.

We still have to work hard to achieve equality in all parts of the world, but that’s why we can learn from hearing the stories of women who are an inspiration to the world.

Touchy themes of women’s struggles are constantly entering the social media. There is one woman who stands out in representing women’s powerful voice from all around the world.

Rupi Kaur is an amazing photographer and feminist writer. She is what some people call Instagram writer, because she adores to share her poetry with her Instagram followers.

She likes writing about womanhood, survival under difficult circumstances, love, loss, and emotions. Rupi Kaur is Canadian, but as an Instagram-poet, she already has followers from all around the world.

happy bookday milk and honey ❤️

A post shared by rupi kaur (@rupikaur_) on

Her famous book Milk and Honey, which was recently published, is a book of poems which had great success and we can undoubtedly say that she is a New York Times Bestselling author.

This Canadian female author is using the power of the pen to represent what women experience on a daily basis.

Her poems are short, intense, and full of inspiration. Rupi has inspired other writers to start writing on the similar topics, too.

Her book has four sections where she explains about the processes of hurting, loving, breaking, and healing. She starts from her own experience and includes other experiences too to explain these processes.

The Huffington Post asked her what was the trigger for her writing and she replied: “It seemed more important for me to express solidarity with women going through similar struggles than to continue being that “polite, shy, quiet girl.”

Here is a collection of 25 poems that she wrote where you can find your own inspiration:


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This Hilarious Instagram Account Is What Going To Happen If Dictionaries Were Honest

Dictionaries are a useful tool which we use to understand or explain certain words in a language.

But when it comes to language that we can all understand and relate to, the definitions about some words found in the dictionary are simply not enough.

Therefore there’s HipDict, an Instagram account which is crowdsourced photo dictionary that gives honest definitions of words.

The account gives people’s alternative views on words and even coins new definitions. Not only are these definitions hilarious, they also provide shockingly correct definitions about the words.

Go through some of those definitions and have some fun. I’m sure you’ll look differently on certain words later.   


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5 Simple Ways To Remove Negative Energy From Your Home

Our home is the happiest place on Earth. We should feel peaceful and secure, calm and happy in it. But have you ever felt some vibes of a certain feeling that causes some negativity in you and you can’t find words to explain it?

Has it happen to you to argue with your family or argue with your partner for no particular reason? Or have you felt anxiety and mood swings that cause you lose concentration, reduce your capability or destroy your confidence and your dreams?

That means that your home has been invaded by negative energy. You can’t see it but you can definitely feel it.

Experts say that although, most mental diseases and problems are caused by biological or psychological problems, some mental health problems can be provoked by spiritual factors or negative energy.

In that case a patient won’t respond well on therapy and the problem will just evolve.

Luckily, there are five simple, but really effective methods which can help you cleanse your home and surroundings from negative energy.

  1. Keep Your Living Space Tidy and Clutter-Free

Dirty dishes, things which you no longer use, displaced item and much more can cause that feeling of nervousness and negativity because negative energy needs things to hang on to and remain around. So, make sure that your house, your living space, working space or office are always tidy and clean.

  • Put dirty clothes directly into the hamper.
  • Wash the dishes regularly, never leaving them overnight.
  • Vacuum and clean every room from your home including the bathroom and the kitchen.
  • Get rid of toxic products from your home.
  • Wipe thoroughly windows, doors, doorknobs. Keep them clean and free from dirt and dust.
  • Throw away every old magazine, or any other item which you haven’t used for a long time.
  • Organize your desk and always keep it neat.
  • Organize your cupboards, wardrobes and shelves.
  1. Salt the Carpets

This is such an easy method to remove negative energy from your home. All you need to do is sprinkle a few tablespoons of salt directly on the carpet and leave it for 48 hours.

The salt will absorb the negative energy from your home because it has an incredible built in ability to erase the programming of energy. Just like an eraser would wipe everything from a chalk board.

3-6 table spoons would suffice for a medium size room.

To be fairly certain that you have been totally protected, grind up some saffron and add it to the salt. According to Tibetan tradition, evil energies can’t enter a place which has the smell of saffron.

  1. Use Loud Sounds

Loud sounds, such as loud clapping, bells, drums, chimes, or any similar item will break up negative energy patterns in your home and will allow them to disperse.

That’s the reason why Chinese people love fireworks, while Mother Nature does the same with the noise of thunderstorm.

And just think about it, church bells sound so calming and cleansing, don’t they?

Walk through your home clapping softly with clear and loud sound, or use a ringing bell, singing bowl or chime to send away all the negative energy that’s dwelling in your house.

4. Play Spiritual Music

For the best effect Tibetan Buddhists use the sound of Tingshaw bells, but playing spiritual music from your stereo will work just fine too.

Play the stereo as loud as you can in order to cleanse your home and surrounding and transform negative energy into positive one.

  1. Grow Living Plants

Another useful method of removing negative energy form your home is by bringing living plants into it. There are numerous beautiful plants which will avert negative energy and balance your inner connection with nature.

On the other hand, living plants will also add colour and beauty to your home décor and they will provide you with generous supply of oxygen too.

Some suggestion about which living plants you could put in different rooms to remove negative energy include: money plant, peace lily, rosemary, lucky bamboo, orchid, sage, jasmine, holy basil and aloe vera.

But if you decide to bring a living plant into your home, make sure that you take care of it. Water it regularly and remove dead, dying or dried parts of the plant. If the plant dies, remove it from your house immediately.

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CUBA Had A Lung Cancer Vaccine For Years, And Now Is FINALLY Being Tested In The USA

Have you ever lost someone who was diagnosed with cancer? I have. It hurts, it hurts deeply. Cancer has long been not just a disease but turned into one of the most profitable business industries.

Thousands of people are fighting with this terrible disease and pharmaceutical corporations, hospitals, retailers, and doctors around the world make billions of the plague of the 21st century.

There is hope at last! Twenty years ago, with a very thin budget but with great enthusiasm, several Cuban doctors and microbiologists began researching in this area.

The goal was not to make money but to find an effective solution against the dreaded diagnosis. The result is the world’s first vaccine against lung cancer – CimaVax and medicines successfully find application in cancer of the prostate, colon, breast, and tumors in the brain.

In 2015 the vaccine was tested in 9,000 people, and over 100,000 were cured only based medicine – without chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.

What is CimaVax EGF and how it works?

CubaHeal is a global organization specializing in medical tourism and patient care services. The vaccine is a result of their 25 years research program that was developed by the Center for Molecular Immunology and the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in Cuba.

On their official website they provide useful information about the vaccine.

So how does this vaccine works? It targets epidermal growth factor (EGF), which is a protein found naturally in the body, and it stimulates the immune system to be able to produce antibodies that are specifically targeted for EGF and bind with it.

However, the vaccine does not prevent cancer from developing, but it sets in motion a mechanism whereby the uncontrolled growth and division of cancer cells are more restrained. This way the vaccine transforms a late stage aggressive lung cancer into a chronic disease.

The vaccine is already in The States

At the end of 2016, the Obama administration lifted the embargo and opened the door to more collaboration in medical research when it relaxed economic restrictions on Cuba.

The federal Food and Drug Administration has authorized the Roswell Park Cancer institute to conduct the first U.S. study of a drug developed by Cuban researchers.

According to miamiherald.com, the decision on the early-stage trial was announced by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and officials at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, based in Buffalo.

“With this landmark clinical trial, Roswell Park, America’s first cancer center, becomes the first American institution to give CIMAvax to patients.

We’re the first center to get permission to sponsor the U.S. testing of any Cuban medical therapy to bring Cuban science to the United States ,” said Candace Johnson, president and chief executive officer of the Roswell Park cancer center.

According to Johnson, Roswell Park also has authorization from the Treasury Department to establish a joint business venture with Cuban researchers.

A Cuban study, published in 2016, of late-stage lung cancer patients found that those who were using the vaccine lived about three months longer than those who received standard care.

“You might call the results modest, but patients’ quality of life is better because the treatment is not as toxic, and we see the potential for using the vaccine earlier in cancer, as well as with other cancers. So, there is real hope here,” Johnson said.

Agustín Lage, director of the Center for Molecular Immunology, said in a statement: “This is a day we have been working toward for many years. Our partnership with Roswell Park will allow us to learn things about our vaccine faster than what we could achieve working on our own, and we believe it is the best and quickest path for helping a great number of people both in Cuba and the U.S.”

The Roswell Park Alliance Foundation committed $2.4 million in donor funds to cover the cost of the initial study and the information about eligibility for the clinical trial is posted at the official website.





The 7 Most Useful Features Of Your Smartphone That You Don’t Use

Smartphones pack so many features and functions that one can hardly keep up with the sheer volume of it. Many of these features go overlooked as people generally tend to stick to what they already know, missing out on a wide range of cool tricks that are actually quite useful and fun at the same time.

There’s a list of 7 clever smartphone functions that most people don’t know about.

1.You can use it as a baby monitor

You can actually turn your smartphone into a genuine ‘spying’ device or a baby monitor by following these simple instructions. Once you’ve gone through with the installation process, simply place the phone in the desired location and call the handset you have set up as a listening device.

The phone will answer automatically, and you will be able to hear everything that is being said or done in that specific location.

2. You can lock your lost phone for good

This function will help you protect your private data if your smartphone gets lost or stolen. Let us elaborate on this.  Each SIM worldwide is issued with a unique 15-digit number called the IMEI.

So, if you have lost your phone and chances are you will never see it again, dial *#06# and you will receive the IMEI for your SIM card.

Next, call the cell phone and ask them to block your device using that number. We hope you’ll never have to use this one!

3. It can actually be used as a microscope

Modern smartphones have evolved to such an extent that can now serve as a viable substitute for a number of different devices, including a microscope.

All you need is a small lens – which can be found in any laser pointer – and these simple instructions to convert your device into a portable, digital microscope that will allow you to magnify images up to 100 times, depending on the type of phone you’re using.

4. It has a Face Unlock function

Android-powered smartphones can be unlocked in a number of different ways. A PIN, a password, a pattern gesture, or a typical insecure swipe are the most commonly used unlocking mechanisms, but there is one more method that most users choose to ignore or are simply unaware of.

However, it should be noted that Face Unlock trumps each of the above- mentioned unlocking methods in terms of security.  To set it up, just go to Settings, scroll down to Security, tap Screen lock, and select the option.

5. It can be used as a hologram projector

That pile of dusty CDs that you’ve been thinking of throwing away might come in handy after all. By using a plastic CD cover, a glass cutter, some graph paper, tape and a pen, you can easily turn your phone into a hologram projector to make awesome 3D holograms straight from the future. Just follow these instructions and see for yourself.

6. You can also use it underwater to take cool pictures

Just because your smartphone is not waterproof it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t take it to the pool, sea, or ocean with you. Before you discard this notion as laughable, just check out this video and you’ll see what we are talking about.

All you will need is a case made of polyethylene that will take you about two minutes to make.

7. Cleaning will make it last longer

You’ve probably noticed that your phone’s power jack tends to collect dust, dirt, and other debris over time.

What you probably didn’t know is that dust in the charging port can be the main culprit for your phone’s ‘premature death’.

To extend the life of your device, make sure you clean your smartphone regularly using a syringe full of air. Simply insert the needle into the charging port and inject the air. This will expel the dust from the charging port and extend the life of your device.

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A Comprehensive Guide To Amnesia And How To Overcome It

Do you remember the movie The Vow where the heroine lost her memory after an accident? The disorder is called Amnesia, which mainly occurs due to substantial damage of brain, which results in the loss of memory.

Basically, there are two fundamental orders of amnesia. These are differentiated on the basis of the nature of the injury and degree of damage.

Common causes of amnesia

Amnesia is mainly caused due to neurological issues or psychological issues. Let’s get to know that what these neurological and psychological causes are:

Neurological causes: Amnesia caused due to damage in the brain. These can be due to brain stroke, a tumor in the brain, hemorrhage in the brain, overdose of neurotic pills, deficiency of oxygen in the brain, bacterial infections, viral infections, poisoning due to carbon monoxide and so forth.

Psychological issues: Psychological issues can be dreadful due to sexual abuse or child abuse, natural calamities and natural disaster, terrorist attack or brutal crime.

A healthy lifestyle

Diet is very significant in the treatment of memory-loss. The diet should contain all significant nutrients as deficiency of any nutrients can trigger anxiety neurosis in patients. It is advised to avoid tea, alcohol, meat, coffee, sugar, and all the food items that contain sugar and white flour for those suffering from amnesia.

Healthy Foods to Prevent/Treat Amnesia


They are known to enhance cognitive abilities and helps in restoring weak memory caused by brain fatigue. They have extensive properties that enhance the neural connections in the brain and strengthen them.

It is advised to soak a dozen of almonds in water for twelve hours and then ingest it. You may also make a fine paste of the soaked almonds and ingest with a teaspoon of butter. There are many other delicious ways to consume almonds as well. Moreover, no matter how you eat almonds, those taste really well.


Walnuts are known for their cognitive-enhancing properties. The efficiency of walnuts is doubled if they can be taken along with raisins, every day.


All fruits that are abundant in phosphorus are cognitive enhancers aiding in the remedy of amnesia. Phosphorus helps in the synthesis of glutamic acid, which in turn, helps in synthesis of nerve cells. It is advised to have an apple every day along with a tablespoon of honey and milk, in order to treat loss of memory and amnesia-related disorders.

Cumin seeds:

Cumin seeds along with honey, serves as a nerve tonic. A teaspoon of cumin seeds along with honey taken once in a day proves to help in treating amnesia.


Sage is an herb that is considered helpful in the treatment of amnesia. It helps in battling mental fatigue and also aids in concentration. Generally, sage is ingested in the form of tea, especially early in the morning.

Black Pepper:

It is advised to have five-ten seeds of black pepper and finely ground them along with a teaspoon of honey. Take this mixture in the morning and night.

Indian pennywort:

Indian pennywort also known as Brahmi and, botanically known as Bacopa scrophulariaceae, is highly beneficial for the treatment of amnesia.

Around seven grams of this herb ought to be dried in the shade and ground in water, alongside seven bits of almonds and a large portion of a gram of pepper. This blend ought to be stressed and sweetened with nectar or jaggery. It ought to be tanked each morning for a fortnight on an unfilled stomach.


Rosemary, botanically known as Romarinus officinalis, is considered to be the most efficient remedy for amnesia. It has been considered as the herb tonic for memory. It is very effective for mental fatigue and memory-loss. It is advised to have Rosemary in the form of tea, every day.


Beans like black-eyed peas, avocados and asparagus are considered very rich in folic acid, which aids in the treatment of amnesia. One could simply eat beans by soaking with water or boiling them.

Good fats:

Unsaturated fats obtained from rice bran; canola and olive contain oleic acid, which enhances the neural connection that helps in emotional intelligence.


Including eggs in your diet will enhance your memory. Eggs are known to contain a compound called lecithin, which help in the repair of wear and tear of the neurons.

References :

10 Qualities Of Strong Women That Most Men Can’t Handle

Image source: Joel Sossa

Strong women: we all admire them. We all hope to be as strong and self-sufficient as they are, and we also hope that our daughters will grow up to be like them.

Men also admire these women for their strength of character, their independency, and their passion for following their dreams. However, they are often too intimidated to approach them.

Why is that? Fear of rejection?  Cowardice? It could be anything as far as I know, but what I do know with certainty is that these women are really powerful in many aspects of their lives.

So, which qualities make them so special and irresistible?

  1. She knows what she wants

She knows herself perfectly well and knows without a doubt what she wants in life. She doesn’t hesitate or second-guess her choices. If she wants something she goes after it – be it a man, a career, an apartment… anything. She doesn’t expect other people to fulfill her needs and to complete her. She is already complete on her own.

  1. She is passionate and fierce

She knows pain and struggling. She has faced more than enough troubles in life, so she can be intense and at times hard to handle for most men. She knows she can overcome any trouble that comes her way. She doesn’t have time to play games. She is not afraid to speak up and show her emotions and is certainly not ashamed of her scars, but she expects you to do the same. Some men just don’t have enough capacity or will to reciprocate.

  1. She is a fighter

She is a woman who is fiercely independent. She doesn’t need a man to fight her battles and solve the problems in her life. She is able to stand on her own while taking full responsibility for her actions. She likes a man to stand beside her, not in front of her telling her what she should do. She will be affectionate and loving with you, even help you solve your problems, but she expects you to do the same for her. If not, she will just walk away.

  1. She is not scared of intimacy

A strong woman requires intimacy: from long conversations to making love – she is not afraid to get close to somebody. In fact, she gives herself wholly and expects you to do the same. She is not holding anything back. She is always clear about her needs and desires as a woman because she is completely in touch with her femininity. However, she won’t attach to someone just because. She needs to feel the same passion, energy, and desire in somebody before she gives him her heart.

  1. She won’t wait for you

It takes a strong woman to go through hell for you if she sees she can trust you and that you are committed to her. But, be careful: She is also able to let you go and never turn back if she senses you are pulling away from her. She is sick of playing games, you know. Either you are in, or you are out. There is not anything in between.

  1. She knows when you are lying

Let me tell you another truth about these women: Don’t try to lie to your strong woman, ever! You’ll be in danger, I can guarantee you. She can smell lies before you even open your mouth. There is nothing that annoys her more. She is a type of person who values honesty more than anything. She could never be with someone that she cannot trust, and the fact is it is difficult for some men to stay true.

  1. She appreciates honesty and vulnerability

A strong woman dives right into the depths of her soul, facing her past traumas, hurt, and life choices. She wants a man who is honest and vulnerable at the same time; someone to whom she can open her heart and soul. She doesn’t hesitate to ask you tough questions about your family, childhood memories, past traumas, or any life-changing experiences you’ve had. However, she won’t judge you. She understands that everybody is a human being and it is only human to show vulnerability. Although most men think that being vulnerable is a sign of weakness, for a strong woman it is a sign of strength of character and she will love you for that.

  1. She makes you see your true self and inspires you to become the best version of yourself

She loves to get to know other people in depth. She will analyze you for hours and days, trying to discover who you truly are at the core. Once she figures you out, she will point to your mistakes by giving you many perspectives on how you can correct them. She will try to make you aware of your incredible potential you have in you, and will also try to make you become all that you wanted to be. Although many would agree that having an inspiring woman like this is a blessing, this is a hard bite to swallow for some men, since it is hard to accept the things we hate about ourselves especially when somebody is points them out.

  1. She wants stability, respect, and integrity

This woman doesn’t tolerate indecisive and flaky personalities. She wants a man who is true to his word. She requires to be treated with nothing but respect, and she is definitely not kind to those who doesn’t value her. If a man starts to act distant, she will remove herself quickly from the situation and also from him if she feels she’s been played. However, if you respect her and see her for the strong woman she is, she will treat you even nicer and you will be able to experience true passion and love like never before.

  1. She loves unconditionally

Her love is faithful and true. She has a nurturing side in her that she shows it only to the people she truly loves. Just like a mother loves and fights for her children, this woman will love you and fight for you fiercely. Some men just can’t handle this kind of unconditional love. They get scared by the intensity and the depth of giving. But just as she is able to love you endlessly, she is also able to let you go if you fail to reciprocate.  
