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Everything You Need To Know On Chakra No. 7 + How To Heal It – Sahasrara!

Affirmative Statement: I Understand

Sanskrit name: Sahasrara (thousand petalled)

Color: Violet

Frequency: 963 Hz (Solfeggio), 480 Hz (Carrier Wave)

Musical Note: H

Element: Thought, Energy, All

Organs: Upper brain, right eye

Endocrine Glands: Pituitary gland

Identity: Universal identity

Rights: To know and to learn

Challenge: Attachment

The crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara (which in Sanskrit means “Thousand Petalled”) is the chakra of spiritual connection, divine wisdom, oneness, universal consciousness and the superconscious mind.

It is located at the top of the head or slightly above it. This chakra is the most non-physical chakra of the 7. Once all physical aspects are met, satisfied and refined and the non-physical aspects nurtured and enhanced, the crown chakra gives way to the most spiritual nature of our being. It is the chakra of wisdom, enlightenment and spiritual truth.

It is believed that through this chakra do we receive the universal energy that keeps us alive and connected to everything else. Just like comparing ourselves to a flower, once the roots give fluid to our sacral chakra, our stem fed by the fiery energy of the solar plexus, which helps us grow into the air and vibrate in sound and light, our crown starts blooming into a thousand petalled lotus.

This chakra is the pinnacle of our physical existence and a gateway to our Higher Self. The knowledge and experience we gain by working on all the aspects of ourselves lead us to this consciousness by themselves, so even if you find this far-fetched, once you have done all the work on the lower chakras, this knowledge will come to you spontaneously.

Which organs is the crown chakra responsible for?

As we mentioned in Part I, this chakra governs over upper brain and right eye with its gland being the pituitary gland. The hormones of the pituitary gland help regulate the functions of other endocrine glands. It produces many different kinds of hormones that stimulate different glands to function normally. These glands include the adrenal glands, the ovaries and testes and the thyroid gland.

So, what are the characteristics of a balanced crown chakra?

A person with a balanced crown chakra is a very wise person with great intuitive knowledge. They achieve a very good spiritual connection, they are open-minded and possess the ability to question.

They have the ability to assimilate and analyze information and create a strong understanding of everything around them. They see everything as functioning in unity, because of which are selflessly devoted to the well-being of others. They know when to let go and know the difference between attachment and connection, of which they choose the latter.

What are the characteristics of a crown chakra out of balance?

There are two scenarios for an imbalanced crown chakra: it can be underactive or overactive. Both cases are unhealthy, as they bring many negative aspects to one’s being.

Underactive crown chakra:

People with an underactive crown chakra feel like they lack a purpose in their lives. New outlooks on life will be hard for them to grasp if they believe they exist at all. These people have rigid belief systems and are cynical towards spirituality.

They are narrow-minded and do not wish to see the larger picture. They feel separated from the rest and they see their life as a punishment. An underactive crown chakra may result in coordination difficulties, clumsiness or poor balance.

Overactive crown chakra:

People with an overactive crown chakra have difficulty in being taken seriously by others as they drift in their own world, living in their heads. They can create excessive attachments and this includes their attachment to their ‘god-like’ spirituality, which really dissociates them from the true nature of spirituality. They have trouble grounding themselves and consider themselves better than others around them.

How to balance the crown chakra?

If you find yourself in one of the scenarios of an imbalanced crown chakra, you might want to help yourself by trying to balance it. While energy healing (such as Reiki or Crystal Therapy) is a very good step, you will need to work on yourself even afterwards, since your body is your temple and you have to keep it healthy, nourished and clean all the time.

There are several ways of balancing this energetic center. Below you will find some useful ways of balancing it, but be careful as these techniques are only good for an underactive crown chakra! If your chakra is overactive, try balancing all other chakras, and the energy will adjust itself.

Color therapy (or chromo therapy)

Violet is the color of the crown chakra, which means wearing something violet will instantly boost the chakra as it vibrates with the same frequency. However, if your crown chakra is overactive, we recommend that you stop wearing violet for some time. You can also place a violet poster in your bedroom if your crown chakra is underactive.

Sound therapy (audio therapy)

You can play solfeggio harmonics at 963 Hz on YouTube. Chanting NG (as in tongue) or OM (AUM) while focusing on the crown chakra, since its sound frequencies stimulate the crown chakra.

Nutrition for the crown chakra

Pure foods grown in nature that absorb sunshine are a great source for the crown chakra. Sun-dried foods are also a great choice opposed to sweets. Avoid processed and generally any food with additives. Drink plenty of water to detoxify your body and choose food high in antioxidants.


Sitting comfortably while focusing your attention in your crown area and visualizing violet light emanating from that spot will stimulate the energy of the crown chakra. You can chant NG or OM (AUM) while meditating on the crown chakra.

Meditation in nature is always the best one there is, but if you can’t find the time, just tidy your room and meditate facing a window.

What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Personality

Just as the color of your clothes or the size of your car can reveal your true self, the same goes for some more unusual aspects of your life, namely, your sleeping habits! Would you ever guess that your sleeping positions are that important?!

Various scientific studies on human behavior claim that the way you sleep can reveal exactly who you are! Allegedly, they can tell what type of a woman you are, or even, how your relationships work. In short, psychological tests can expose your personality!

So, do you think you are a leader, a “soldier” or a “starfish” personality?! Let’s find out by using this simple online personality test. See if you recognize yourself in one of the described positions – who knows, you might even discover something that you didn’t know about yourself either!

There are quite a lot of positions that people can adopt unconsciously while sleeping, especially if they are too tired or restless. Several various sleeping positions are described below, with corresponding characteristics.

The Yearner / Reacher position 

In this sleeping position people like to rest on their sides, with their arms stretched forward – it seems like they’re literally trying to reach for something! This personality type is said to be open for new challenges, but can at times be cynical or suspicious. Also, they often tend to be slow decision makers.

The Starfish position 

You’re a starfish personality if you prefer to sleep on your back with both your arms stretched upwards, on each side of your head, resting on the pillow! The sleep analysis tests reveal that, as a “starfish”, you might be a very good listener and you’re liked by many, as you are always there for people when they need you. In short, you’re a likeable friend in need! 

The Log position 

The log sleeping people like to sleep on one of their sides, with their arms stretched down. Their legs are stretched in the same posture. Log sleeping position reveals highly sociable and trusting personalities. However, their trust level might get too high, even to the point of gullibility.  

The Soldier position 

Soldier sleepers peacefully lie on their back with arms along their bodies. Being a “soldier”, you are likely to be self-assured, with a strong personality, setting high standards both for yourself and for others!  You might be a calm, silent personality type.

The Freefall position 

In this position, it appears as if you have just taken a freefall with your face down! In other words, you lie on your stomach with your arms on the pillow and head sideways.

Free fallers are often perceived as very optimistic and enthusiastic personalities, true leaders, but they sometimes might seem too sensitive when it comes to criticism. At times, they might be considered as being nervous or short tempered.

The Fetus position

Fetus is the most common and the most well known sleeping position that people assume during their sleep. In this curled-up position, you lie on your side with bent knees and arms. You almost sleep like a baby! According to a British researcher Mr. Chris Idzikowski, women are more inclined to assume the fetus position, in comparison to men.

It seems that people who often use this sleeping position can be shy or even sensitive. For the outside world, this personality type might appear strong or tough but they actually have a very gentle heart.


The School Of The Future Has Opened In Finland

I’m sure that we all know a few children that can’t wait for the summer and winter break to be over so they could run back at school, sit in their classrooms and enjoy in every lesson they have.

Unfortunately, the number of those children is decreasing all the time. More and more, we hear children saying how they can’t stand going to school, they can’t follow the lessons or they find them uninteresting and they aren’t motivated at all. Or they would also say that they don’t like how their school looks from both the outside and the inside, they are too tired to sit in one place all the time and so on and so forth.

That’s the reason why child psychologists have argued for a while about changing the approach we have to education so we could help children learn to love school rather that hate it.People in the city of Espoo, Finland have come up with an interesting idea how to achieve that goal. They have built the Saunalahti school which doesn’t look like a regular school at all. Instead it looks like a modern art museum- wonderfully light and airy.

The experts from VERSTAS Architects have completely changed the typical design for public school that we are all already fed up with.

The building is stretched across 10, 500 square metres and consists of a kindergarten, a primary school, a secondary school, theatre, a youth club, gym, library, cafeteria and many other things.

The process of teaching happens in a relaxed atmosphere. Pupils are allowed to sit wherever they want and whatever position they want and teachers encourage them to engage in a discussion all the time.

In this classrooms pupils are allowed to move around the classroom, change places, lie on a sofa with a computer placed on a stool in front of them. In this school, blackboards are replaced with laptop computers. Most of the lessons are built around the concept of team work and projects.

The cafeteria is a place where teachers and pupils meet as part of the learning process through socialization. The dining hall is also used as a venue for performances, meetings and celebrations because there is also a stage there.

There are also open areas around the school which are specially designed to provide space for children where they could walk around. The areas are divided into different areas for primary and secondary school pupils.

The school is not only used by pupils but also by all citizens in the neighbourhood. In the evenings, the school turns into a sports centre where people can spend their free time and use sports hall and hardware workshops to maximum effect.

When it comes to the decoration, architects decided that using natural materials is the right choice since they create warm, comfortable atmosphere. They used different building methods and in random patterns to build the external brickwork.

This way, they believe, they would encourage pupil’s interest and engagement in the process of learning. The entrance hall and the staircase is a place where children play and relax. The walls there are painted into bright colours. Also, every class has its own different coloured hallway so there’s no way you could get lost. 

The architects had an open place in mind when they designed this school. The school’s open spaces have been carefully connected up with the internal hallways. This was done because architects believed that any fence or barrier will provoke children to rebel against restrictions. Although there are video cameras everywhere, the security measures in general are unobtrusive.

There are large windows that are facing onto the street. Pupils sit beside the windows, so they won’t feel locked behind four walls and will feel free and connected with the outside world.

Amazingly, in schools of this kind which are totally different from the traditional schools, children’s educational progress is much higher. Psychological problems which are often experienced by school children are reduced. Plus, such modern schools will transform a neighbourhood completely because it offers a lot of activities to the whole community.

What’s your opinion on this? Would you like to send your child in a school like this?



2 Months Later, This Toddler Is Still Napping With His Puppy..

Beau is the kid who loves to take naps with his dog Theo. These adorable pictures will warm your heart and make you fall in love with both of them. They’ve been together from when beau was a little baby and they are basically growing bigger and bigger day by day.

Beau, the toddler and his dog love catching some shut-eye together. When did all this begin? It all started last Christmas. Jack and Zoe, the two older siblings asked Santa Claus in New Yok to give them a puppy that year.

However, there was one problem. Their NY apartment didn’t allow keeping a dog. Then, they decided to move out of the city so that they could have a dog. The next thing they did was visiting shelters to look for the perfect pup.

Finally, after a few weeks of searching, they fell in love with one puppy and named him Theo. Theo was loved by all of the members of the family. He got attention from the first day he arrived in their home. Shortly after they adopted him, he joined Beau’s daily naps.

That’s how the story began. One day, his mother took a picture and then we all fell in love with these pictures. Shyba now has 300,000 followers in her Instagram profile and these pictures warm our hearts.

Source: mommasgonecity.com (via)



The 15 Greatest Teachers In The World

At one point or another we were all impatient while waiting for the end of the school year. Luckily, there was always at least one teacher that kept our attention alert. Those teachers are worth remembering.

Teachers who are aware of children’s needs and know how to communicate with them, making the process of learning more fun and engaging. Thank you for making our days brighter.

Here’s an interesting way how to make students pay attention on what you say:

1.A student- mother brought her baby to class because she didn’t have any money to hire a babysitter. When the baby started crying, students were surprised when the teacher took the baby in his arms, calmed him down and continued with his lecture.

2.When the physics teacher wants to explain the properties of liquids. 

3. An art teacher will draw everything so that the students are motivated

4. A true mathematician will always find a way to draw a triangle

5. When a teacher keeps his word

6. When a teacher finds a way to keep the spirits up instead of getting mad

7. When the teacher is kitten lover you’ll have to share a classroom with abandoned kittens

8. Here’s how an astronomy teacher’s room looks like

9. Here is how you celebrate Pi Day

10. If you are a physics teacher, you need to be properly dressed when conducting an experiment

11. It’s the last day of school so let the kids go wild and express their creativity

12. You can fool this teacher in no way

13.This shows what’s more important than the conventions for this teacher.

14.Born ready to teach history.

15. The clock in the classroom during an exam


21 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Leave Your Baby Alone With Dad

Mothers and fathers always have different opinions when it comes to parenting and taking care of their child. While mothers are more careful and have many principles about the right clothes, right time of feeding, bathing and so on, when fathers are left alone with the child that’s a different story. They certainly will find 1001 ways to entertain themselves and the baby too.

1.Kiwifruit or is it?

2. Keep on counting to see how many can you stack

3. Driving with dad. What a fun

4. Bathing time can be a funny thing too

5. And no one disturbs the other

6. This is what Father’s day should look like

7. This must be fun

8. Do whatever you want as long as you don’t wake me up

9. Has daddy used too much bubble bath?

10.My shift is over, it’s mum’s turn now.

11.Who knew that daddy can be creative? 

12. Arranging your little’s girl hair can be such an easy “chore”

13.You don’t have a scrunchie. Daddy is here with an idea.

14. Baby hipster

15.Never be afraid to take up a challenge

16. And everybody has its own space

17. You will find him just where you left him

18. Baby girl Confucius

19. Sometimes, it can be a problem to find the right clothes

20. When daddy is an engineer and everybody is happy

21. When daddy has to finish the game



Colorado Is Using $3 Million From Marijuana Tax To Provide Food And Housing For The Homeless

Since the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, besides the already known medical benefits the citizens have gained, the cities have also seen a great increase in tax revenue from Marijuana sales.

Inspired by this, Aurora, the third largest city in Colorado, has decided to go a step further in favor of their citizens and has already started using some of the $4.5 million in tax revenues to help in the fight against homelessness through the support of non-profit homeless organizations and institutions.

The Aurora Council has already allocated $1,5 million for 2016 and another $1,5 million have been approved for 2017 and 2018 for the fight against poverty and homelessness.

As an initial step, the Aurora Council has decided to allocate $220.000 of the Marijuana tax revenue to the Colfax Community Network (CCN). This means helping them in their endeavors to provide low-income families and children who live in motels and apartments along Colfax Avenue with basic amenities and items as well as connecting these families to resources needed for housing, parenting classes, education, or career development. (You can visit their website for more information.)

Additionally, with an approximate grant of $96.000, the Council has provided the Comitis Crisis Center and Aurora Mental Health each with a van and has hired two outreach workers to operate the Comitis Crisis Center van.

The vans will serve as mobile centers for those that cannot reach the institutions because of financial or health issues. This will greatly increase their mobility and outreach and thus their effectiveness in the society when it comes to helping those in need.

Another of the challenges that the homeless people face is getting a landlord to take them and the city has given Aurora Housing Authority the funds needed ($45.000) for a full-time landlord coordinator who will help these people find homes and end the cycle of homelessness.

So far, the Aurora Housing Authority has had a part-time coordinator who has faced a lot of difficulties in helping homeless families to find a home and has managed to house only seven or eight families due to the lack of vacancies and willing landlords. With the help given, the city hopes to increase the number of families who have found a home.

The fight against homelessness does not stop here for Aurora, Colorado. In fact, the Aurora Council are thinking of ways to fund a day center for the homeless. This would be a place where they could wash their clothes, take care of their hygiene and receive medical help.

With an approximate number of over 1000 homeless people and the new increase in tax revenue from Marijuana sales, Aurora, Colorado is on its way to improve the lives of this vulnerable group of people even further and shows a promising future of a city without homelessness. Their steps so far have shown how the legalization of Marijuana can benefit, rather than damage, the local community.


This Simple Image Can Reveal Some Important Things About Your Personality

It is said that every one of us chooses to live a certain kind of reality and our personality plays the crucial role here. Our perception of the world depends on our personality and the things we focus on first, or most of the time, are usually the hints needed for someone to determine and understand some crucial things about you.

This test was inspired by the Rorschach inkblot tests that are one of the few devices which have entered the modern world in such intensity. The Rorschach inkblot tests are a series of cards containing pictures of inkblot and are folded in the middle to create a symmetrical image.

Concerning the accuracy and reliability of the test, Dr Mike Drayton states for BBC.com: “I first came across the Rorschach inkblot test when I was training to be a clinical psychologist.

I was shown a series of cards containing inkblots and asked to say what they looked like to me (Tester: “What does this look like?” Me: “A bat.”) I remember thinking that it felt more like a tarot reading than a proper psychometric test.

However, when the test was scored and interpreted, it produced a scarily accurate profile of my personality. It knew things about me that even my mother didn’t know. I’ve been a fan, if a rather sceptical one, ever since.”

The image you are about to see below is inspired by the same technique used in the Rorschach inkblot tests and is going to yield results about an important part of your personality.

It can not, however, create a full profile of your personality, as for that many pictures like this one will need to be used.

The profile it is going to create is nevertheless an important part of your personality that is connected to your intra-personal and inter-personal intelligence and your general perception of the world around you.

So, before reading the results, look at the picture and say the first thing that comes in your mind when you see the picture.

The Results

If you saw an explosion:

Your creativity and strong imagination are your prime traits. Working in the artistic field might be a very good option to choose, if you haven’t already. This is especially true if you feel stressed and unsatisfied with your current employment.

Did you like to sing or dance when you were younger? Or did you enjoy painting? Even if you don’t decide to switch professions, taking up a creative activity as a hobby is something you should definitely think of. You will not regret your decision.

 If you saw two hands:

Besides your strong imagination, you base your perception on your logic. Logic is at the root of everything you do, be it creative or not. Before imagining anything, you always try to see what there is and then build a mental image of what it might become. Your sharp mind and rationale makes people feel safe to look for your advice.

Your primary ability is to remove yourself from complex situations easily and find an appropriate answer that would work for everybody.

Your rational mind does not allow you to panic easily and you are able to instill calm in emergency situations. Everybody around you admires this ability you possess and this is why you are often made the leader even if you may think that others are better for the job.

 If you saw a tree:

You stand for the ideal of beauty in the details. You are an extremely observant person and nothing passes your perception without you noticing it. In fact, you tend to notice some details that others may not be aware that exist.

Having this ability, you are able to notice and understand the feelings of those around you with a high dose of awareness.

This gives you the advantage of asking the right questions in the right time. With all said, your greatest skill, observance, can easily contribute to the success of your business career or your career in counseling.

 If you saw nothing:

You need to give yourself a rest – a vacation would be ideal. Not being able to see anything in the picture shows that your brain is tired and unable to perform complex tasks.

If you’ve been getting angry easily or have had a hard time facing a problem from a different angle, these are signs that you are overworked and you need some time off for yourself.

Plan a personal day and do everything in your power to stick to the plan.

You deserve it!

So what did you see? Share below in the comments and send this test to your friends. You may learn something new about them!

How To Answer Questions On An Exam When You Don’t Know Anything!

We all remember the teacher’s advice: “Write everything you know on the subject and don’t leave an empty space”. But what should you do when you don’t have a clue about a single question on the exam.

Should you accept the defeat and retake the exam or should you at least try to get the teacher’s sympathy by using little creativity. I suggest you do the second one.

That way even if you fail the exam both you and your teacher will acknowledge your creative side.


This Is Why Strong Girls Get Attached So Easily

Have you ever met a guy who got attached after the first kiss from a girl he liked? Do you know any man who got clingy after a phone call of the girl he met at the bookstore?

Biology and genetics have a great impact on how we get attached and how fast we do it. Women get attached very easily and in no time.

If they like you, the other second they might imagine their future with you. They sometimes turn to “obsession” in a relationship.

The influence of oxytocin and vasopressin

Newest 21st century studies reveal great information about romantic relationship that help us understand the somewhat clingy nature of women.

The studies surprised us with a great discovery about orgasms and how these cause oxytocin and vasopressin to be released from the hypothalamus (the part of the brain dealing with pleasure).

This releasing has a much greater influence when it comes to women, and, therefore, the attachment crisis is stronger.

Despite the obvious oxytocin, there are many other biological reasons why women get attached so readily in relationships with men. Their nature is completely opposite of men’s.

What happens in a woman’s brain?

When it comes to biology, it is confirmed that female orgasms last longer than male ones and they are two minutes on average, whereas male ones last for only a few seconds.

Gert Holstege’s 2005 study claims that when females orgasm, astonishing things happen in the female brain. Some of the regions completely shut down.

These include the regions for fear, anxiety, and behavior control. These parts are in the amygdala and hippocampus, where emotion regions are as well.

With this in mind, anxiety and alertness are also decreased. It may sound like a state of being emotionless, but it sure causes women to start being attached to their partners.

Women’s brains receive this energy and that’s how they immediately start even planning a future with the guy they just met.

Women like attention

Women also like to get attention from their partners. It may happen that they get attached from even a simple look, or a smile, or a given flower. They don’t require a lot. Little attention will make them consider you as their future husband.

Women want things fast

Women like when things go fast in relationships. The moment they set their eyes on a guy, they can’t slow down. They are absolutely certain of their feelings and they go and get the guy they like. For most of men, this seems like rushing, but when a girl sets her mind on you, she will go fast.

Women are emotional

Also, women are very emotional creatures. We are not saying that men aren’t, but biology confirms women are on the top list. When hormones reach a certain point in their bodies, they can cry for no reason, and start having extreme feelings about a new relationship. 

The truth is that they really can’t control these hormonal changes that happen every month and make them more emotional than men. That’s why a girl is more likely to stay attached after a relationship break-up even though she knows that guy is not for her.

Women are nurturers

Women received the love and care from their mothers, and it automatically transferred to them. Some women love to take care of people just because of that reason. It is how they were taught. They possess a certain power when it comes to nurturing the people they love. When they meet a new guy, they start doing this from the very first date, kiss, or hug. They get attached unnoticeably.

Women are dreamers

In all areas of women’s lives, they dream a little bit every single day. They dream about their health, they dream about their eating habits, and they dream about their relationships.

Every girl’s dream is different. Some dream of getting married to the perfect one, some dream of having a child, but most of them dream of getting the best for them.

If they enter a new relationship, it is because they think they are going to fulfill this dream. Something in that person made them feel like that’s the dream they need to live. As a result, they cling strongly to this new relationship and try to do their best to stay attached.

Women get influenced

This is particularly true for most of the girls’ best friends. Girls talk includes all the details of their relationship lives and they like to share everything with their girlfriends.

Not only that, but their best friends may have a go at deciding on whether a girl should enter a new relationship or not.

Friends may start planning your future with the new guy, while you still don’t even know you like him. This drama may go on, and you as a woman start attaching yourself to this guy so quickly and for no good reasons.

Women like to get attached

The truth in the end is that women love getting attached. When it is about love life, women are doing their best and they are not pretending.

Their wish for attachment is huge. When they like you, they want to get attached, and this sometimes looks scary, but it is all in women’s biological nature.

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