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Our Kids are Doomed, and it’s our Fault

We are the worsts parents ever. We are an intelligent and high-tech society, but we are doing this parenting business backward. We are losing touch with everything that is natural. Because of our shared faults, our next generation will have a harder time than us. We would like to think that we are so evolved; survival is a non-issue. We just failed to notice that our kids are doomed. What are the signs and where have we gotten it wrong?

We Demonize Co-Sleeping like a Sin

Here in our Western society doctors and “experts” alike treat co-sleeping parents as outliers or worse, criminals. Ok, that might be an exaggeration, but you see the point here? Co-sleeping has been around for centuries and is still currently practiced all over the world, except in the West. Why the complete disconnect? For our grandparents, co-sleeping is the norm. Have we as a society became so technologically advanced that we can replace a mother’s touch with an app? Have our kids outgrown the need to be held, nursed and comforted round-the-clock?

We might think that we are spoiling our kids with too much affection. The opposite is true. Babies who are loved unconditionally and are used to being enveloped in their parent’s warmth grow up as more emotionally healthy adults. Co-sleeping removes the burdensome routine of sleep-walking in the wee hours of the morning just to feed a hungry baby. You can’t expect a baby to self-soothe and suppress hunger all night long.

Parents are likewise getting more sleep. When there is no need for a baby to cry out his lungs in the middle of the evening, this kid learns how to trust. Independence begins with total dependence. With these facts, why do we have all that fuss and bad press about bed-sharing?

We Are in So Much Rush that we forgot to Slow Down for our Children

When it comes to child-rearing, it’s not just about quality but rather, quantity time that matters. We are caught in between two or three jobs to pay the bills. We forgot to slow down and to have some quiet moments with our children. Time is the currency of love and hurry is its enemy. To replace the void, we let our kids distract themselves with electronic entertainment.

We are speeding up our lives while failing to see the subtle signs that are children are trying to tell us. Kids are likewise forbidden to go out, explore and get dirty. Nowadays, kids would just hole themselves up in their room, oblivious to the world and in a cocoon of their own.

Instead of parental guidance, it’s the media and peers that set the bar. Blasphemy, savagery and anorexic bodies became the standard of cool. More and more boys see violence as acceptable. More and more girls accept anxiety, self-harm, eating disorder and body shaming as the new norm. Why can’t we see into these things all along?


We Treat Hyperactivity as a Disease and Diagnose More and More Kids with ADHD

Never in history have we seen this much cases of ADHD (roughly 5% of children worldwide). Our grandparents have previously called these children as merely “mischievous.” Before the advent of TVs and the internet, these kids were treated with an iron hand and some tough love. Fast forward nowadays and these kids are now drugged daily with ADHD pills just be “normal.”

But upon a closer look, almost half of these kids are erroneously diagnosed with ADHD. These poor children might have something else going on. Some health professionals failed to delve deeper, just branding children with ADHD-like a quick fix.

In reality, there are lots of other health conditions that mimic ADHD. Visual problems can cause a child to be inattentive. Fatigue and not getting enough sleep can backfire and make these kids hyperactive. Auditory and sensory processing disorders can also mimic ADHD, but we are rarely testing for these conditions. That being said, drugging grade school kids is not a cure. In reality, it won’t even help in the long run. Add to that the fact that these ADHD drugs are highly addictive. This being said, we are prepping our kids to a lifetime of addiction and quick fixes.  


High Academic Expectations Drive our Teens to Take “Smart” Drugs

No country can beat the US in its highest rate of stimulant addiction during finals exam season. Stimulant abuse is the new cool in American high school and universities. We are putting undue pressure on our teens. What we missed out is instilling in them the sense of discipline. Pressure over grades, fatigue due to a truckload of school work and competition for elusive college admissions have driven our teens to the brink of addiction.

Elsewhere in the world, people take drugs to get high. In the US, students take drugs to get high grades. Smart pills (most likely ADHD drugs) became the staple come cramming season. All these because we rammed into the throats of our children the “fact” of life: good grades beget a good university, which will later translate to a nice job and lots of money.

If our kids are not hooked up on drugs during grade school, they will eventually take it come college time. Just about when we parents are just content with our morning cup of coffee, these kids are taking pills like candy. Self-motivation is gone, a quick fix is on. The weak won’t survive, so our teens feel the need to pump themselves out or else, they’ll go bust.

The Wrap

Who is to blame with these dilemmas, you might ask? I don’t know. Perhaps you and I are all liable. Last century, it took a village to grow a child. Nowadays the world has gotten smaller. This collective guilt has spread the world over. So I just shake my head in despair; this is too much for me to ponder.

6 Simple Ways Every Career Woman Can do to Avoid Procrastination

Your tasks are all piled up and you are just so determined to get everything done by the end of the day. But when procrastination hits, you can’t help but set everything all aside. Today’s tasks become tomorrow’s. And this whole frustrating cycle goes on and it won’t end unless you do something about it.

It isn’t bad to take a short break from all your work stuff. You need it too! But if your break becomes as long as the rest of your day, you’re in trouble. There’s no denying that, us, women are often occupied both by paperwork and the daily tasks, especially those career moms who need to have both hands working in the office and at home. So, if you just skip one task, you would get another pile of unfinished business.

Fret not! You can put a halt to it. Indeed, little things do matter and these simple ways can control your tendency to procrastinate. You probably have done some of these steps but, like what they say, just go on and keep trying.

  1. Find a good ambiance.

Just imagine a noisy and mucky workplace. Do you think you could focus on what you’re working on? A good atmosphere always ignites a relaxing mood and energy. And when you’ve got the energy you need, you would be more productive and determined to accomplish all the things you have to do. Working out on a project definitely becomes much easier with a nicer and cozier working environment.

Try to get a spot in a coffee shop or a neat and calm space at home. If you’re working in an office, tidy up your workplace and remove all the stuff that might distract you.

  1. Make your own to-do list.

                It has always been proven effective when you list out everything you need to do in a day. A to-do list allows you to evaluate which task needs to be done first. It tells you what your priorities should be. So, if you’ve got several projects needed to be done within a deadline, you can start off by listing them down. A notebook or a planner will do. Jot down the projects or paperwork you have to work on. List the deadlines to know which requires an immediate action.

  1. Difficult tasks come first.

                That’s right. Be tough and go on with the difficult tasks! Though not everyone prefers to go by which project is harder, rather by the deadline, some still find it quite effective. When you accomplish a difficult task, it seems like letting go of a heavy burden in your chest. Because you know you were able to finish it, you would be even more motivated to proceed with the easier projects. You’d be more productive and less procrastinating! Hooray!

  1. Stop multitasking.

                Just when you think you accomplish a lot of work by doing everything at the same time, you don’t. You are actually doing less than what you think you did. And because you are not focused on one particular project, you are less efficient thus unlikely to finish it in time. Much worse is your tasks are doubled and it will tire you out eventually. Once you are stressed and tired, you’d procrastinate. So, do one task at a time.

  1. Try listening to music.

                Not everyone has the habit of listening to music, but if you try, you may find it beneficial. Music is one of the greatest gifts human could ever have. Listening to the right choice of music can soothe your mood, improve your creativity, boost your energy and reduce your stress. Truly, music has a lot of benefits. If you haven’t tried it, why don’t you give it a shot? Just remember that not all kinds of music can enhance your performance at work. You should still be careful what types of songs can help you accomplish your tasks.

  1. Take a break.

One of the simplest ways to overcome procrastination is to take the root out – stress. So, don’t be afraid to give yourself a break. Relieve your stress. Take a nap or pamper yourself in a salon. We, career women, are often too busy with the everyday activities at work and at home. If you let the stress tire you out, you won’t have much motivation to go on. Give yourself some rest. Just don’t go too long before your deadline ends!

Fight Off Procrastination!

                Procrastination is one of our weakest points and sometimes, seems impossible to fight off. However, even the littlest ways could be the most effective. Why don’t you try these simple tips? And if you overcome procrastination, your accomplishments would be more than just a reward. It’ll be part of your success story!

Erin Taylor is the founder of YouthTune.Com, a music adventurer. She loves learning about music and audio devices, and she’s probably been to the music festival you were at last summer.

Fat Burning Exercises in the Comfort of your Home

If you are far from the “nearest” fitness facility, you can simply exercise at the comfort of your house. For you to effectively burn fat, you require movements that oblige you to engage numerous muscle areas altogether.

You may even do fundamental moves and greater intensity or combine it into a superset to make it exceptionally proficient.

That way, you can spare money from securing a gym membership and spare you from going out to the fitness center. In fact, bodyweight activities can help you ace your own body’s quality which is superior to utilizing external weight equipment.

It won’t take you over an hour to execute the exercises, yet it will consume a lot of calories at the given time. Guarantee that you will play out the developments with safety and speed. I will present to you certain Fat Burning Exercises in the Comfort of Your Home for that summer and beach-ready body.

To start off, here are the things you actually need to begin those fat burning exercises in the comfort of your home:

  • Strategic Place

You will need a strategic place to conduct your exercises. You just can’t do your exercise in your living room or bedroom. Choose a particular space in your area that is suitable enough for you to move freely. It can be in your backyard, on your front lawn or in an empty room that has a proper ventilation.

  • Sufficient Time

If you want to burn fats, you need to give much of your time in performing your workouts even if you are just at home. These workout routines are supposed to be devotedly followed over a span of time to see the results you are yearning for

  • Dedication

It has been a common notion that whenever we are at home, we always feel relaxed and even procrastinate to do things. This shouldn’t be the way. Dedication and commitment are needed to make things work out.

Exercise No. 1: Jumping Jacks

I know it is difficult to believe that this is one of the fat-burning activities that is included. It is only a straightforward movement that you use to do your morning exercise.

It is an extraordinary warm-up and cooldown tool that you can incorporate into your arrangement of activities. Trust it or not, some of the CrossFit competitors dependably include this at the start of their session to warm up their bodies before they do their dynamic stretching.

If you want to, you can incorporate this as a superset and utilize it as your “pacing” move to rest while still being dynamic to set yourself up for a progression of activities.

You can play out the jumping jacks quicker in the event that you need the exercise to be harder. Just by doing so, you can already perspire a considerable amount of sweat from it.

Exercise No. 2: High Knees

It is one of the movements that will help you initiate the lower-body group to get ready for another activity that will mostly include the legs. While doing the movement, the hamstrings and glutes get extended as you go further into the movement. 

To execute this move, ensure that the position of your feet is hip-width separated for stability and balance. Then raise one knee up and make it parallel or go past the hip crease. Lastly, put it down on the starting position and repeat with the other leg. Regardless of the possibility that I go to the rec center, I do this before I would do a major squat program.

Exercise No. 3: Burpees

Now, this is a tough exercise and it should not be taken lightly. You will get conditioned from shoulders to your legs as it will be utilized all throughout. There are assortments of this exercise you can do to include force and level of difficulty.

For a bodyweight movement, it is a tough one especially if you have frail muscles that need strength. If you do it with more intensity, your reaction time will be faster than before.

To do the burpee, to start, descend into a planking position and lay flat on the door with your chest and thighs getting contact with the floor. After, push your arms back to the plank position and jump up. Lastly, go back to your starting position.

When playing out this activity, I suggest that you do it under time pressure. One minute is sufficiently long to execute the same number of repetitions as many as possible.

Performing it with reps will just render the exercise pointless and makes you execute the exercise with no instability. Week after week, record your number of reps you can do in one minute and ensure that it builds up each week.

Exercise No. 4: Push Ups

If you have been a passive individual for the most of your life and you are not a fitness enthusiast, it would be a troublesome exercise for you particularly because it’s an upper body-concentrated exercise.

For others, it will just fill in as a warm-up, so why not do it many times over. To others, it would just focus on the arms, particularly the triceps and pectoral muscles.

What you may not know about is that your core and glutes are involved, too. You are doing it right if your front deltoids will  feel the strain amid the movements itself.

If you to concentrate on the outer part of the pectoral muscle, you can go a bit wider such that, when you go lower; your arms are perpendicular to that floor.

However, if your arms narrow down together, the focus would be placed more on the triceps rather than the pectoral muscles.

Find a “sweet spot” where you can have a mix of arms and chest target in one single movement. It is an excellent way to develop your pushing muscles before proceeding to an external weight equipment such as the Bench Press.

To kick you off, begin in a high-plank position with your arms marginally wider than your shoulder width. At that point, control going down on the movement and make certain that your body and thighs touch the floor.

Lastly, push  back to the starting position. In case you’re experiencing considerable difficulties, the less demanding approach to do it is instead of having your toes pointed out on the floor, simply have your knees stable to the platform and perform the exercise.

If you choose to focus on the outer part of the pectoral muscle, you can go somewhat more extensive such that, when you go lower, your arms are perpendicular to the floor.

In any case, if your arms narrow down together, the focus would be placed more on the triceps as rather than the pectoral muscles. Locate a “sweet spot” where you can have a blend of arms and body focus in one single movement.

It is an astounding approach to build up your pushing muscles before continuing to an external weight equipment, for example, the Bench Press.

Exercise No. 5: Mountain Climbers

I would consider this as one of the best core burners for bodyweight workouts. You won’t require any equipment for this exercise. About each muscle in your body will be given something to do for this activity as it is an eventually tiring one. It might look easy on the grounds because you will be in a steady position, yet what makes it challenging is you need to hold that position while different parts of your body are being locked in and used.

Much the same as the push-up, it kicks off with a comparable stance which is the high plank. At that point, varying upon which leg you begin with, you move that leg to the elbow of the same side and do likewise for the other leg.

In the event that you need a scaled-down version which you can accomplish for speed, you simply need to raise your knee without having your knees touch the similar elbow.

There is additionally another version where you need to twist and cross the leg to the other leg and this will focus on the oblique also.

Along these lines, depending upon which variation you are doing, you need to keep your hands planted all the time which additionally expands the tension and pressure on your shoulder. The core is the one that is being utilized for a considerable measure so you need to concentrate and increase the intensity en route.

Exercise No. 6: Squats 

With this, we will focus on the lower-body muscle groups. The squats, regardless if it’s body weight or with the barbell, is the activity that will focus on another region of your body. Other than the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteal, it will develop core strength which will balance you out for the whole exercise duration.

To begin it off, have your feet hip-width or shoulder-width separated. With your back straight and your core tightened up, squat down with your hip crease in parallel to your knees. Lastly, go back up with your knees locked at and hips extended.

Remember that your back will be straight the whole time. Your lower back will endure in the event that you keep it bent. Having a rigid core will ensure that your lower back doesn’t ache constantly. 

Sample Workout Routine

Based on the exercises above, here is a sample workout routine which you can do from the comfort of your home. This will only take about 10-15 minutes depending on how many sets and repetitions you do it for.

With 10-second breaks in between, perform the following:

  • Jumping Jacks for 20 seconds
  • Mountain Climbers for 25 seconds
  • Push-Ups for 30 seconds
  • Squats for 25 seconds
  • Burpees for 20 seconds

You may execute the given routine for two to three sets and it will give you a fat-burning feeling then. You also have to perform as many repetitions as possible in the given time for each exercise.

You won’t require a gym membership for you to burn out the extra and stubborn fat in your body. You can simply play out the fat-burning exercises in the comfort of your home. Simply increase the intensity each time you perform it. Keep in mind to do a few stretches before and after every exercise.

Author Bio:

Gregory is chief editor at ConstructMuscles.com. He spends half of my time in his blog while the other half on being physical fitness trainer. Believing in the great benefits of bodybuilding and fitness to the body, he has been motivated to become a fitness enthusiast. Stay Connected to him on Twitter.

How To get Rid Of Sulfur Burps Quickly

Burp is a natural condition which the air (excess in the stomach) goes out. It is normal when you have a burp after meal. Hydrogen sulfur is a chemical that is created from the food we eat after absorptive process. In some case, your burp can be smelly (like rotten eggs) when it comes out, that is sulfur burps.

Sulfur burps are one of the symptoms that can meet in anyone. There are various reasons for sulfur burps. Without an appreciate diet is the major cause of sulfur burps. Besides, it is easier to get sulfur burps if you have digestive disorders like gastro esophageal reflux or gastrointestinal infection.

Although, the signs and symptoms of sulfur burps are not dangerous but it effects to the quality of life. Losing of appetite and discomfort are two main problems.

So, do you know how to get rid of Sulfur Burps?

  1. Diet

Diet is the most important method in getting rid of sulfur burps. Avoiding to eat the food that can cause sulfur burps. They are the high protein foods which can product sulfur burps by staying long time in your stomach, so that the hydrogen sulfur goes out by your mouth. They are garlic, onions, sweet potatoes, eggs, nuts… The daily diet should add more food with high fiber like vegetables.

Besides, dinking enough water which can help us digest the foods that stay long time in our stomach. Water also hydrates all the cells so that it is useful for cells in using the energy. The exceeded proteins in stomach can be that energy. You can also drink a cup of warm water with lemon and honey everyday to prevent sulfur burps.

  1. Giving up the bad behaviors

Smoking and drinking are the habits that contribute to your sulfur burps. Smoking and drinking destroys the good environment in your intestinal. So that, you digestive system can be easy getting the disorder and bacteria can come in your body easily. Smoking and drinking also make your sulfur burps to be more serious.

Giving up the habit of eating too much sugar every day is another way to prevent sulfur burps. Sugar can motivate the process of hydrogen sulfur production. Sugar contributes to the prolong the digestive process in your stomach.

When you eating the foods that take long time to digest, sugar that gets into the stomach will be pro-longer the digestive process. Or even, with the normal food, sugar also prevent and make your stomach works more. Hence, the food stays for a long time in your stomach, resulting in sulfur burps.

You should also give up the behavior of using fast food and junk food that may increase your sulfur burps. Fast food and junk food will promote the oxidant in your body. They are also damaged your gastrointestinal systems, therefore you may suffer from the gastrointestinal diseases and it is the benefits for sulfur burps.

  1. Medication

In addition of diet and giving up bad habits, you can take some medication to improve your condition. Medication will help your stomach digest easily and limit the prolong digestive. You can also use some probiotic which can use as an enzyme for your stomach to digest food.

Medication to treat the diseases that are the causes of sulfured burps should be taken. When the causes are treated, the sulfur burps will absolutely go. You will not feel embarrassed any more to talk with people.

  1. See your doctor

If your condition is not improved, you should make an ointment with your doctor. Your doctor will exam your gastrointestinal system carefully and he will find exactly the causes of sulfur burps. Therefore, he will give you the description.

The consultant of your doctors is very helpful. Because the sulfur burps varies in each individual, each age, each gender, the treatments are also different. The combination of doctor description and above advices are effective, you can implemented all of them. After all, it is a good idea to see your doctor even you are in the first or in the terminal of sulfur burps.

Bio: Jelly Jeff is a senior editor of AuthorityRemedies; that a website which is specialized in providing natural home remedies, tips and also nutrition facts to improve the well-beings. She is a nurse but she keens to explore nutrition and fitness. In addition, she loves writing and doing research. She appreciates to be a good writer in nutrition.

17 Powerful Tweets That Remind Us How Damaging Emotional Abuse Can Be

We have watched the domestic violence warning commercials and we have felt disgust. We’ve felt fear, or maybe we’ve felt lucky that we aren’t in that position.

Women think everything is good in their marriage or relationship and they never think that their partner may hurt them. But one day the woman asks her husband to pick up the kids from school and she goes out to see her old male friend who she didn’t have time to see.

Then her husband threatens her by sending her a text message that she must cancel because that’s not what she should be doing right now. Is this a normal argument? Most women think this is normal, so they feel happy he didn’t hit them.

The above-mentioned example is in fact emotional and psychological abuse. You might not recognize it at first, but it is a common type of domestic violence. It can be even harsher than physical one and women have become aware of that.

Zahira Kelly, a writer and artist has taken it to Twitter where she shared her own experience of this type of violence. She used the hashtag #MaybeHeDoesntHitYou and got the attention on many other women who started sharing their emotional abuse experiences via Twitter.

Here are some of the most notable ones:


11 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re A People-Pleaser

A people pleaser is one of the nicest and most helpful people you will ever meet. This kind of people will never say “no”, they are very dependable and they will spend all the time they need to do things for other people. Do you know someone like this?

These wonderful people will always be there for their friends, family or just about anyone who needs a helping hand. However, this habit may be very hurtful and harmful for them, as they devote little time for themselves and they can be easily perceived as being weak and easily manipulated.

To honor these people, we have created a list of 11 things they do that others don’t realize. If you are a people pleaser, you will definitely agree.

  1. You find it hard to cut ties with anyone

You don’t want to hurt anyone or make anyone feel resentment and hate toward you. You are aware that cutting ties with a person may make them feel hurt, and that’s why you choose to stick around even if that person doesn’t deserve your friendship.

You would rather continue to be around toxic people, as you would rather face the difficulty of that relationship than have the other person face the difficulty of facing its end.

  1. You apologize even if someone else steps on your toe

You will say “I’m sorry” even when things aren’t necessarily your own fault. To spare people feeling bad about themselves you will readily put the blame on yourself and find a reason for that.

Facing blame seems very hard for some people, but when you need to spare someone from it, you don’t find it difficult. On the contrary, you feel better when you see that the other person feels free of the guilt they may deserve.

  1. Saying ‘no’ is very hard for you

You are ready to neglect your needs and extend your possibilities just to be able to say ‘yes’ and fulfill it. Even if you are exhausted from no sleep, you will be readily awake to help someone out, go out with friends or do someone a favor for something which came out of the blue.

You never say no. The only person you can say ‘no’ to is yourself. When someone asks for something from you, you are ready to disturb your plans and cancel personal activities just to jump in and help out.

  1. You don’t devote time for yourself

The biggest issue with your helpful attitude comes when your own time is in question. You are ready to reassign any time you have left for yourself in favor of someone else. This is because you tend to value the people in your life more than you value yourself.

You won’t think of taking some time off to enjoy yourself. In fact, you are always on the move, never even stopping to notice yourself and your own needs. While this is very beneficial for those around you, it will eventually burn you out.

  1. You can’t let go of past resentments

You can’t let go of the anger towards those who took advantage of your kindness. Knowing how much you wanted to be of help, situations that turned you into the ‘bad one’ seem to able to haunt you a lot.

The thing is that people in your life can take your kindness for granted and suck you dry until you start making mistakes. When they see that you’ve stopped meeting their expectations, they put the blame on you and hurt you. These situations can remain in your head for very long.

  1. People frequently exploit your kindness

Your inability to say ‘no’ can bring you to the point where people begin to take advantage of you by asking more than is reasonable. Which is even worse, you can become an easy target to exploitative people who will take as much as they can from you.

Because of your wish to help everyone out (for just about anything), you can’t make a difference between help that is needed and help that is exploited. You do need to understand that sometimes helping a person means having them do things on their own.

  1. Some people consider you weak

The fact that you can be a very easy target to exploit makes people think that you are weak. This especially true for the exploitative people around you who use that ‘weakness’ where you can’t help being helpful. On the other side, there are those people who see you being exploited and see that as your greatest weakness.

The fact is that being able to achieve so much for others makes you stronger than them. However, not being able to tell from necessity to exploitation is a sort of weakness you should pay attention to.

  1. You don’t know how to be selfish

Sometimes, your decisions need to be about you and yourself only. However, if other people don’t agree with your need to stay true to yourself, you start disagreeing with the same thing.

You feel incredibly uncomfortable doing things for yourself if other people disagree with those same things. This is especially true if those other people are people you care about. You would rather have them feel better than go after something you may truly need and want.

  1. You would rather hurt yourself than see someone else feeling hurt

You are ready to neglect and hurt your own feelings so that the ones you care about don’t feel hurt. You always ask yourself whether they would be hurt if you make a statement or do practically anything.

This can go to such an extent that you would rather go through fire and brimstone by yourself before making someone else feel uncomfortable. You base your decisions on how others would feel rather than on how you would feel about the same thing.

  1. You hold on to friendships and relationships even if they don’t fulfill you

 There are some friendships and relationship that make you feel small, unfulfilled and even angry. However, you hold on to them because you don’t want to disappoint or cause pain to the people involved.

In reality, these toxic relationships cause you pain and anguish, and they make you feel worse. You need to learn to let go of some people. Not everybody is made for everybody.

  1. You are the king and queen of over-analyzing  

You can’t help over-analyzing everything you can think of. Whatever decision you may think of is subject to deep analysis and consultation with other people. And you do all of this because you want to achieve the best for others.

It’s always about others’ feelings and well-being. You always think if it’s more convenient for other people and it’s never about you or your needs. Sometimes you can get stuck in a loop if there are more people involved with conflicting interests.

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Source: http://thoughtcatalog.com

San Diego Twins Born In Different Years: New Year’s Eve And New Year’s Day

These twins won’t celebrate their birthdays on the same day. They will celebrate their birthdays in different years! The first twin baby was born at San Diego Kaiser Permanente Zion Medical Center at 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 31, 2015, and the second one was born at 12:02 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2016.
These twin babies will forever share different birthdays.” NBC 7’s Consumer Bob explains.

Twins born in a San Diego hospital will forever share different birthdays: one baby was born in the final minute of New Year’s Eve, while the other debuted in the first minutes of New Year’s Day.

According to staffers at the San Diego Kaiser Permanente Zion Medical Center, the twins – baby girl, Jaelyn, and baby boy, Luis – were born at 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 31 and at 12:02 a.m. on Jan. 1, respectively, to mother Maribel Valencia, 22, and her husband, Luis. Though the twins will be sharing a lot of things over the years, they will certainly not be sharing a birthday.

The hospital said the twins were both 18.5 inches (47 centimeters) long. Jaelyn weighed 4 pounds, 15 ounces, while Luis weighed 5 pounds, 9 ounces. Both babies and their mother are healthy and happy.

Photos: San Diego’s First Babies of 2016

We were actually watching the clock. We wanted to see if we were one of the first ones,” said excited father Luis.

According to the hospital, the Valencia family lives in San Diego. The young mother Maribel works as a cashier at the San Diego International Airport and her husband is a diesel mechanic for the United States’ Navy. The couple also has another daughter, the 3-year-old Isabella. Luis told NBC 7 that the older sister was surprised and a little shocked about how her siblings came into the world.

The twins’ birth times may mean that the baby girl Jaelyn is the last baby born in 2015 in the San Diego County, and the Babyboy Luis is possibly the first baby born in 2016 in the San Diego County.

Maribel really wanted to have the babies on the same birthday because you know later on in the years, they are going to have a little confrontation about it, and be like, “my birthday came first,” so it means 2 birthday parties, back to back,” said Luis.

More than half of twin moms deliver preterm, so this thing happened to mama Maribel as well. The family had scheduled a cesarean-section for January 6, but the babies decided to make an appearance earlier than expected.

It is very unusual and it is very special,” said nurse Lynnette Coetzee, “and I haven’t seen it in all my 34 years of nursing.” She joked that the timing of their births will probably affect the family dynamics.

The average twin delivery is at about 35 to 36 weeks,” says Dr. Szymanski. “There’s no predicting who will go early, but carrying identical twins comes with a slightly higher risk since the babies share one placenta.” Even if you don’t go into labor early, you may be told to take it easy (no marathon shopping!).

The family will have to GEAR UP

They will need 2 of most things, but not everything. They will start off with just 1 bathtub, glider, nursing pillow, swing, bouncing chair, stationary activity center, changing table, diaper pail, breast pump, and double stroller.

A single stroller will also do the job, since she could carry one of the babies in her arms and push the other one in the stroller. They will also need 2 car seats, 2 high chair, baby carriers, and yes, cribs.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that multiple babies sleep separately to lower the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (shortened as SIDS).


This Man Devotes His Life To Adopting Old Dogs Who Can’t Find Forever Homes

Steve Greig is no ordinary lover of animals. There may be a lot of animal lovers, but this man is absolutely the salt of the earth. Months after his dog died, he just couldn’t recover and had to do something about it. He immediately thought about having another dog and save his life, in other words, to adopt it.

Not only did he decide to adopt a dog, but also he opted for a senior dog at his local shelter in Denver, Colorado. These dogs are not likeable and not so many people would agree to take them home.

Right now, Steve Greig is a proud dad of 10 adopted shelter dogs, which can be seen through cute Instagram posts of pictures approved by 478k followers. So, what does an ordinary day in the life of Steve look like?

He wakes at dawn, at around 5am because he has to prepare breakfast for his big dog family. All of his “kids” eat a different diet. He also has daily or weekly vet appointments as well as walks in the park.

He admits that his favorite time of the day is when he cuddles with his dogs. Steve reveals something very interesting about them – he says they know who they really are, because they have reached that stage of life.

Therefore, he developed a lifelong relationship with them. What is the most interesting about this man’s life is the fact that he also owns a pig (named Bikini), two ducks, pigeons, cats, and a few chickens. What is more, he intends to adopt several more senior dogs when he has more room in his apartment. Love knows no limit.

“A month or two went by and I still felt so horrible about it”“I decided that the only way I would feel better was if something good happened that probably wouldn’t have happened if he had not died”

“So (I adopted) a 12-year-old Chihuahua with a heart murmur and four bad knees”

“…And that was just the beginning of all the animals”

“A normal day for me is getting up at 5 a.m. in the morning and making breakfast for all of them”

“Which, you know, there’s 10 (dogs) and most of them have different diets”

Steve is a dedicated parent and he gives medications to the dogs who need it on a daily basis.

He also comes back from work earlier, usually at lunchtime to entertain his dogs and walk them outside.

In that way, they can be happy and satisfied while he is not at home and have time for themselves.

“I grew up with a lot of pets”

“They pretty much always let me have whatever I wanted as long as I could take care of it”

“It’s just fulfilling knowing that these guys are happy and loved and well-taken care of”

“It makes my days worthwhile”



10 Things to Stop Letting Others Do To You

The greatest thing one can do is to follow his own heart!

You see, today’s world is so arranged that every day we meet people, we connect with them, we talk to them and sometimes we depend on them. There are those who can lift us up, cheer us, but there are also the ones who can drain us completely and we can just lose ourselves.

 In a world where people are mostly selfish and egoistic and think that they know what’s best for you, you must learn to take a stand. One must learn to take back the control over his own thoughts, over his own life and follow his heart wherever it may lead.

So if you want to walk your own Path and start appreciating your own Self, it’s time to stop doing these things:

  1. Stop explaining yourself

This is the first and the utmost important thing to do if you want to be happy. Never ever use your precious time to explain yourself to someone who has already decided to misunderstand you! So don’t waste your time with someone to whom you have tried a thousand times to prove yourself right. Remember, there is absolutely no need for anyone to know or to think whether you are right or wrong. What matters the most is that you know that you are right and just stick to it and walk away from that absolutely unnecessary argument.

  1. Stop letting people drown you into their negativity

Some people tend to be negative all the time and that’s just fine, it’s their own choice. They consciously or unconsciously choose not to be positive, not to improve their own well being, so don’t ever expect that they will be much pleasant company for you either. Such negative people only want company for their misery, not help so stop trying to help them. You can listen, make few suggestions, have a polite conversation if you will, but that’s all. Don’t waste your time helping someone who just wants to drag you down.

  1. Stop letting people blind you from your Truth

We all have our own believes, our own experiences, our own laughs and hurts. And all these things together make our Truth. So no matter what others say to you, just stay strong in what you believe, in what you have seen and felt with your own eyes and heart. Never let anyone make you doubt your own Truth. Nevertheless you should still stay open minded for new experiences, new people and their thoughts, but this should make your Truth wider and yourself wiser, not doubtful and confused.

  1. Stop letting the same people lie to you over and over again

There is a saying that goes like this – “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me!” There are times that once in a while we all have partaken in someone else’s lies, and have said to ourselves: “…well ok, he probably doesn’t want to hurt me, so I’ll let it go this time”. But please, listen to your own promise, only this time! Don’t make it a habit to be someone else’s fool.

  1. Stop being a back-up plan

You should never settle to be someone’s amusement time, spare time, part time or sometime. Start appreciating yourself and remember that if you can be the first violin – act like one!

  1. Stop trying to please others

Even if you try, you cannot please everyone, so stop pushing yourself so hard. Sometimes there are some people who seems to have problems all the time and they always ask you for help, but stop and think for a moment… maybe there is no problem at all, maybe they are the problem. Thus please choose very carefully who do you please and why!

  1. Stop letting people take control of your dreams

Remember that the one who didn’t knew that it was impossible, did it! So be this person, be the one who does make everything possible and gets the most of his dreams and life. Live your life at its fullest, never letting someone else tell you what is possible and what’s not.

  1. Stop taking the problems of others onto you

Here you should remember that each one of us have their own destiny, their own karma and life mission, so believe me it is not up to you to make amends for someone else’s wrong doings. You yourself have enough problems as it is, so try solving them first. And when someone asks your help just help them, don’t take their problems as one of your own.

  1. Stop letting people take advantage of you

I know that we all want to help, to be there for someone, but sometimes we can end up paying dearly for always putting others as priority. You should never forget yourself as they do. People tend to notice only your absence, but very rarely your presence. Don’t let anyone take you for granted, remember that you too have a life you should be living.

  1. Stop letting people use your past to control your present

No matter what you have done in the past, the past can and should stay in the past! What’s done is done. Life is too short to stress yourself with old memories and people that won’t let it go. There’ll always be someone who cannot stand your happiness and that you had moved on and they will try to set you back, to through your past into your face. So forgive yourself, just let it go, because only when you are at peace with your Self, only than no one can ever hurt you and control your present or your beautiful future.

Stop doing things that make you unhappy and force you to withdraw from living your life to its fullest. Rearrange your priority list and make yourself the first person that deserves to be happy and at peace and work until you have achieve it and that learn not to lose it ever again.

EXCLUSIVE – Paris Attacks Surveillance Video Captured Restaurant Attack!

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the market at that price. Watch the extraordinary first footage of an Isis gunman rampaging in a Paris café-restaurant has emerged in which it appears one woman’s life is saved when the killer’s machine gun jams as he tries to shoot her point blank.It is the first time any film has been seen of the mayhem caused inside a property targeted by Islamic State.

The video – CCTV footage– shows the scene inside one of the targeted cafésin the seconds running up to and including the savage terrorist attack.The first security video shows the attackers outside, in the outdoor dining area,shooting at customers and into the building.

Windows shatter and some of those surviving the initial barrage flee inside. Occasionally, someone pops up to make a break for it. The other videos show the interior of the restaurant andthe terrified diners diving for cover as jihadist sprayit with bullets.

The images show the merciless savagery of an Islamic State assassin and the extraordinary bravery of the victims. They also show the incredible luck of a young woman who would have died had the terrorist not misfired.

Police believe her to be the luckiest person to escape with their life during the 13th of Friday psychopathic murderous rampagewhich left 129 people dead and 99 critically injured.

The footage emerges amid reports the mastermind behind the Paris terror plot had been killed in an hour-long firefight with commandos after a raid on a safe house in the French capital.

AbdelhamidAbaaoud, 27, and his 26-year-old French-born cousin HasnaAitboulahcen are believed to be the 2 terrorists who died in a gun and grenade battle which saw 5,000 rounds of ammunition fired by police.

The blonde-haired woman, said to be Aitboulahcen, became Europe’s first female suicide bomber when she detonated her explosive vest moments after telling police ‘Help me, help me’.

The Daily Mail can reveal that the gunman responsible for the attack on the restaurant, which is not being named for security reasons, is believed to be 26-year-old Belgian born Salah Abdeslam. 

The terrorist seen in the footage bears a striking resemblance to Abdeslam, who fled Paris after the attacks and evaded capture after a shocking blunder by police near Franco-Belgian border. He remains at large.

Miraculously, none of the diners or staff inside the restaurant died during the attack, which lasted less than a minute, before the gunman is seen climbing into the terrorists’ black Seat getaway car.

A man who had just arrived outside the restaurant to collect a pizza was shot in the back and died in the street.What is particularly horrifying is the calmness of one of the Islamic State gunmen seen in the film as he stalks the street looking for victims and quits trying to murder a woman cowering under a table outside after his assault rifle malfunctioned.

Staff ducked behind the bar or made their way upstairs or downstairs to a basement during the commotion. 

The restaurant is located in Paris’s trendy 11th district, which is particularly popular with well-heeled middle class people who work in advertising and the media.