Home Love & Relationships 21 Revealing Signs That Your Partner Doesn’t Love You Anymore

21 Revealing Signs That Your Partner Doesn’t Love You Anymore

signs your partner doesn't love you anymore

There is a saying that love is blind. Sometimes, it is hard to pay attention to little details that show that our partner doesn’t love us. Especially when we really love him/her, and we want our relationship to last.

But, you must be aware and pay attention to the little details that your partner does or doesn’t do, so you can get the real picture of your relationship and whether it will, or it won’t work out between you two.

21 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Love You:

1. Their Mind Starts Wandering

If you start noticing that your partner’s mind wanders often – it is not a good sign. When your partner stops listening to you as attentively as he/she was before, it is a sign that they no longer respect what you have to say, and their love might be fading. Maybe they are thinking about someone else?

2. They Start Blaming You For Everything

When you feel that you can’t confront your partner about anything that goes wrong in your relationship because somehow it all ends up being your fault, guess what? They do not care and love you enough to accept their mistakes and say they are sorry. Rather, they will make it seem like it is your fault than compromising themselves. (1)

3. They No Longer Respect You

When you notice that your partner’s behavior has shifted, and they are even disrespectful toward you-you know that is not a good sign. You can’t love someone who you don’t respect, and vice versa – you love only people you respect. So, when your partner stops respecting you, it is a clear sign that he/she has stopped loving you too.

4. They Always Find Excuses For Not Spending Time With You

When your partner starts spending more time at work and out with their friends, and can’t find time to meet with you-you know that you are no longer a priority to them. They indeed may be busy with work, but if they never make time to see you in their busy schedules, it may be a time for you to leave.

5. They Don’t Show You Any Signs Of Love And Affection

 You notice that your partner is not as loving and attentive as they were in the past. Even though this is a hard pill to swallow and it can hurt like hell, best is to accept the truth that your partner no longer loves you, move on with your life, and focus on yourself.

6. You Lack Conversation Topics

When you notice that you have more and more uncomfortable silences and it seems like you two don’t have anything to talk to, it might be a sign that you both have lost interest in each other. Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words, and when silence occurs usually the love dies.

7. They No Longer Support You

If you notice that your partner no longer seems to agree with you and support you and your plans – it might be a sign that you are no longer important to them. Plus, if you notice that they get annoyed and impatient when they are with you-you get the message.

8. They Stop Giving You Explanations

When you are not an important part of someone’s life, they won’t feel the need to give you explanations for their actions. When your partner no longer gives you any explanations that is because they no longer value you, and you should leave them because you deserve better.

9. They Don’t Consider You In Their Future Plans

You don’t need any further explanations for this. When your partner no longer mentions you in their future plans, you know that your relationship is doomed to end because they no longer see themselves with you.

10. They Start Talking About Other Women/Men

When you notice your partner looking at other people in front of you, or even start talking about how great they are looking – it is a sign that he/she stopped loving you and began looking and considering other options.

11. They Hurt You And Make You Hate Yourself

When your partner is disrespectful to your needs, or even lies to you, and cheats – they no longer care about your feelings and the pain you feel. Plus, you will start to hate yourself for it if you try to forgive them. So, walk away from the relationship before you start to lose yourself in the process of hate, blame, and hurt. (2)

12. They Start A Life On Their Own

You feel as though you don’t exist for them anymore. They ignore you completely and start to live their life as they please, apart from you. In the past, when they still had a love for you, they discussed things with you and made decisions together with you. But right now, they act as they are single.

13. They Start Avoiding You

You no longer see them even though you live together. They are doing that on purpose. They are avoiding you. Knowing your daily routine, they do anything to escape an encounter with you. They do this to make you realize that they no longer love you and want out.

14. They are not involved or even interested in your life

You used to do things together, but not anymore. It’s like they have suddenly lost all interest in you and what you are doing. They suddenly hate everything about you. They don’t respect you or your interests. They are also not interested in going out with you or doing something together.

15. They are rude and condescending towards you

They are very harsh with their words, both in public and in private. They are not choosing their words. They demean you, and they don’t care whether you get hurt or not. Their harshness and rudeness are their way of letting you know they don’t want to be with you anymore.

16. They are secretive, hide their phone, and lie to you

They get ready, look at their phone, smile, and leave without even telling you where they are going and with whom! They stopped informing you where they are and when are coming back. They hide their phone so that you can’t see with whom they are communicating. They even lie to you when you ask them about their whereabouts. These are clear signs that they stopped loving and caring about you. (3)

17. They are hot and cold

One moment they are all over you, the next they are pushing you away. They play the game of hot and cold and that means that even they don’t know what they are feeling. They don’t have love like they had for you, but there may be some feelings left, so they are trying to decide whether to leave you or not.

18. They get angry easily

They get angry at the slightest little thing. It is as if day by day, their tolerance levels are getting lower and their annoyance is getting higher. Your connection is slowly but surely becoming a battlefield. You yell at each other without a reason and that’s because they want to break things with you.

19. They no longer say “I love you”

You stopped acting like two people who love each other. You also stopped saying loving things to one another. Your partner has stopped saying “I love you to you.” Of course, actions speak louder than words, but when there are no loving actions and the loving words are missing as well, this is a big red flag.

20. They stop making you happy

They stopped doing all those things you like and make you happy. They are not even trying to make you happy anymore. They just don’t care. Whether you are happy, angry, or sad – they don’t give a damn. When this kind of indifference is present in your relationships, it is practically over between you because the love is long gone.

21. They avoid having sex with you

If they lose interest in having sex with you, then it is a clear sign that your relationship is in serious trouble. Once your partner loses interest in sharing intimacy with you, then their feelings for you are lost as well. If they never initiate love-making then the truth is, they don’t love you anymore.

What To Do?

If you have noticed this sign in your partner’s behavior towards you, the best thing you can do for yourself is leave. You can stay with someone who doesn’t love you. You cannot do that to yourself. You can’t stay and continue hurting yourself.

Life is hard as it is, and you need to be someone who will make your life better. Someone who will make you happy and fulfilled. Someone who will love you as you are, flaws and all.

21 Revealing Signs That Your Partner Doesn’t Love You Anymore