Home Curiosity 13-Year-Old Gives Baked Goods To Homeless People For Every Dessert He Sells

13-Year-Old Gives Baked Goods To Homeless People For Every Dessert He Sells


13-year-old Michael Platt donates a cupcake or a cookie to the homeless and hungry for every dessert he sells. And that’s not all – he delivers the baked goods himself. Twice a month, he visits transitional housing, domestic violence shelters, and parks in the Washington area.

From a young age, this 13-year-old cherished 2 things: cupcakes and Martin Luther King Jr. He used to spend hours watching bakers on YouTube making desserts. But he also spent hours thinking of ways to fight for justice in front of the “I Have a Dream” poster in the house of his grandparents.

Three years ago, Michael’s parents gave him a pair of Toms shoes for Christmas and he came up with an idea about how to connect his two passions: fighting inequality and baking. So, he opened a bakery which operates on a “one for one” model: He gives cake, cupcake, or cookie to homeless and hungry people for every dessert he sells.

Michael said: “I always wanted to have a purpose for what I do. It’s all about helping people — not just having a purpose for yourself, but thinking about, ‘How does this touch other things?’ ”


Michael sells about 75 cupcakes a month along with 12 cookies and 12 “chef’s choice” goods. This means that he has to make more than 100 desserts to give away.

Very often, this 13-year-old fills orders placed by people that live in the area. But, his amazing edible works of art can be ordered via Facebook, too, as he recently created a website for his business.

Michael makes cupcakes or cakes for individuals as well as events, such as birthday parties, weddings, and anniversaries.

It’s important to mention that Michael was diagnosed with epilepsy when he was in the 6th grade. And because his seizures became too frequent, his family decided to homeschool him. Michael’s mother, Danita Platt, said:

“It was a very difficult time for him and our family. He was a real active kid. You know, the type of kid who would go out and climb trees and come back with sap all over his hands and clothes. So it was tough.

“I have no scientific evidence, but baking has been something he could really zone in on and pull all his mental faculties. He could stand and bake for hours.”

Michael’s talent for baking hasn’t been limited to his own bakery or the desserts he donates to the homeless. The Food Network noticed this kind-hearted, talented boy, and he took part in its “Kids Baking Championship” at the age of 11.


What’s interesting is that Michael offers his customers 3 types of desserts each month. His customers can choose between a “chef’s choice” item, shortbread cookies, and “freedom fighter cupcakes.”

Michael said: “So I choose a person to base a cupcake off for each month. And each month I have a flavor that represents them — and I’ll tell their story on my Instagram page.”

Maya Angelou, Harriet Tubman, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King are just some of the freedom fighters he’s chosen to base a cupcake on, and each of them has a different flavor.

Well, all we can say is that this 13-year-old has set an example that many should follow.
