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The 30 Seconds That Can Save You From Drowning In A Sinking Vehicle – What You Need To Do


Drowning in a submerged car is a nightmare people would like to see only in the movies. However, the reality is much more concerning than that. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that around 380 people drown each year in submersion type crashes. And if we added floods in this scenario, the number would jump even higher.

The main issue with this kind of accident is that the 911 services cannot respond quickly enough to save you from such scenario, and you need to take things into your hands and save yourself and your children as quickly as possible.

To get out of such situation, you need around 30 seconds, in which you need to react quickly and efficiently. 911’s training service PowerPhone has set out a protocol which every person in such situation should follow:

Seatbelt – Children – Window – OUT

1. Seatbelt

The first moment your car hits the water, unbuckle your seatbelt as quickly as possible.

2. Children

While you unbuckle your seatbelt, tell your older children to do the same. After you have unstrapped, undo your younger children’s seatbelts as quickly as possible.

3. Window

Open the window of the car. If you cannot open it, it is best to have a window-break tool at your side at all times and use it in such situations.

4. OUT

Once your window is open, you have very little time to get out, as water will start rushing in. Get your older children out through the window first, then take your younger ones and evacuate the car last.

All this should be done in under 30 seconds, as usually, the car needs around 30 seconds to sink. Do not go for any other alternative than getting out of the window as soon as possible.

Do not become another of the victims because you did not know what to do. Keep this knowledge in your head, and it may save your life once the inevitable happens.
