Most concepts that kids learn in school and at home are taught visually, meaning that uncorrected vision problems may pose a bigger danger. Children are pretty vocal when they are tired or hungry, but on issues of vision problems—such as reading the writings on the whiteboard—they may be reluctant or less likely to speak about them.
Vision problems among kids usually begin between the ages of seven and nine. This age also coincides with that of a child’s academic development. It, therefore, means that poor vision can curtail the academic development of a child due to poor performance at school. Consequently, this may result in low self-esteem and a change in behavior among children.
In most cases, parents are unaware of their kids’ vision problems. Teachers spend most hours of the day with the kids and are usually at a good position to notice their vision problems. Whenever a kid has to sit in the front row so that they can see the whiteboard, then teachers confirm the kid’s vision problems. The sooner vision problems are detected and treated from the New Jersey Eye Center, the better the chances of treatment success.
Common Signs of Kids’ Vision Problems
Parents also have a chance of noticing vision problems among their children when at home. Here are common indicators that your child has vision problems:
- Sitting Too Close To the TV or PC
Sitting too close to the TV has long been associated with eye damage. However, this can be a strong indicator of a vision problem. Kids will often be drawn close to the TV or PC so that they can get a clearer view of the televised images. Parents should be keen on this one so that they can act in good time.
Parents should also be keen on the reading habits of their kids. Whenever a child leans too close to a book while reading, it could mean that they have difficulty reading from a safe distance. This is also a clear indicator that the child has a vision problem and needs the attention of an optician.
- Frequent Rubbing of the Eyes
It is not unusual for kids to rub their eyes whenever they are upset, tired or sleepy. However, some kids will persistently rub their eyes while reading or concentrating on something. Repeated rubbing of eyes among kids, especially when they are active, could mean that they have a serious vision problem.
- Sensitivity to Light
Sensitivity to indoor lighting, camera flashes, and even sunlight may also indicate a vision problem in a child. Children with extreme sensitivity to light and photo phobia often develop nausea and headaches. Light sensitivity can also lead to excessive tearing among children, indicating that they have a vision problem.
- Squinting or Repeated Blinking Of the Eyes
Teachers are in a better position to notice such signs among children with vision problems. Squinting eyes to get a clearer view of the whiteboard is an indicator of vision problems. Teachers should consider moving such kids closer to the whiteboard to avoid straining too much. An eye exam is essential for confirming vision problems among kids who depict such signs.
- Losing Place While Reading
Kids often use their hands while reading through sentences. As they grow through the grades, they can focus and read through sentences without using fingers. However, kids may not get over using a finger when reading, indicating vision problems.
- Closing One Eye to Watch TV
Kids with binocular or refractive vision problem may often close one eye while reading or watching TV. Such a vision problem makes it difficult for the eyes to coordinate while reading or watching.
Vision problems among children can be detected through signs such as sensitivity to light and frequent rubbing of the eyes. Whenever teachers and parents observe such signs, it is important to take kids for an eye exam conducted by an eye doctor.
A professional writer with over a decade of incessant writing skills. Her topics of interest and expertise range from health, nutrition and psychology.