Home Curiosity 63-Years-Old Jermaine Jackson Announces His Plan To Marry His 40 Years Younger...

63-Years-Old Jermaine Jackson Announces His Plan To Marry His 40 Years Younger Girlfriend


Jermaine Jackson, 63, brother of Michael Jackson and a member of the Jackson Five band, announced his plans to marry his 23-year-old girlfriend Maday Velazquez. And yes, there is a 40-year age difference between them.

But it seems that to them, age is nothing but a number.

The Jackson Five singer announced this shocking news while overseas in Spain. He and his brothers Jackie, 67, Tito, 64, and Marlon, 61 have been touring in honor of their 5oth anniversary. So, right after a performance in Mallorca, Jermaine felt that he wanted to share his big plans with everyone. And so, he did.

“We are going to get married soon,” Jermaine explained to the European publication. The Dutch newspaper, De Telegraaf, was among the first ones to report the news.

According to them, Velazquez joined the family on their tour and enjoyed their trip to Spain.

According to news, he began dating Maday shortly after his nasty divorce from his ex-wife Halima Rashid in 2016. To be honest, age difference aside, it seems that Jermaine has finally found the woman of his dreams.

We only wonder how his niece, Paris Jackson, 20, feels about all this.

Anyhow, congrats to the lucky couple! We wish them a lifetime of love and happiness.