To write coursework successfully, a student has to study hard throughout the entire semester. This path stipulates attending all classes and consultations, asking questions, and delving into the subject of the assignment. Preparing in this kind of style, one can get in the teacher’s good graces and receive high grades.
Yet, not all modern students share such optimistic sentiments. Some of them prefer an easier way to solve the problem. Many students delegate this task to coursework writing service and their professional writers. It is an easy way to get high grades without sleepless nights and bookworm-style weekends.
The would-be coursework could go down the tubes once the student picks the wrong topic. Phrasing the thesis statement is the key stage in writing essays, presentations, term papers, etc. Should a student choose the wrong topic for the term paper, the subsequent work could become unbearable.
Consider the typical signs you are studying the wrong course
1. The topic does not correspond to the discipline
This often happens when the assignment allows the students to select any ideas they fancy as the basis for the thesis. Sometimes, students get carried away by the free spirit and pick a thesis unrelated to the actual subject of studies. The same transpires when people misunderstand the assignment. Thus, be careful when restrictions are scarce. Better get advice from the tutor and ask him or her to approve of the chosen theme.
2. The topic is not relevant
Sometimes, students decide to focus on problems that would make their coursework stand out against the background of seemingly mediocre theses. Yet, the subject may already be well-studied or cover the problems currently irrelevant to the field. It could still work out but the high grade will be off the agenda. It is more beneficial to consider the subjects currently researched by the hard-liner on the discipline.
3. The topic is based solely on your interests
The idea underlying the paper should be engaging. Yet, defining it as interesting does not necessarily entail it being relevant or fact-based. For example, a student wants to write a thesis on one particular computer game they know like the back of their hand, assuming the curriculum allows for this type of research. It might be better to consider the computer games market as a whole as it makes the thesis more extensive and gives space for comparison-based research.
4. The topic is not compelling
The flip side of the coin is picking the topic that does not engage you and spikes no excitement. In this case, working on the paper may turn into an ordeal. Curiosity and enthusiasm are the main drivers of creative work, research, and study. Take these aspects out of the equation, and any assignment would turn into torture. So, stick to the ideas you would like to discover and consult the supervisor if necessary. (1)
5. Topic is too broad
If the wording of the thesis lacks specifics, the coursework will turn out to be milk-and-water. An example of a wrong thesis statement is Advertising History. This title would do nicely on the cover of a book. For a term paper, take a narrower phrasing, for example – The development of advertising in the United States (from the 1980s to the present times). Rephrasing and adding details will make it easier to avoid getting carried away.
6. Topic is too narrow
Again, every extreme has its antithesis. Choosing a very narrow topic is the opposite extreme to the previous point. When the thesis statement is too narrow, one has little to write about. Advertising development in the city of N from 2015 to 2020 is a bad idea for a thesis. It is better to narrow it down if nothing extraordinarily significant has happened within the selected phase. The narrower the thesis wording is, the more effort it takes to do the analysis, and the less information one can find. If you want to write about something very specific and local – write an article.
7. Topic is chosen without preliminary resources’ review
Relevance of the sources is one of the key aspects. It often remains undervalued on the stage of choosing the idea to research for a term paper. Only upon writing the abstract, the students start to smell a rat. A complete lack of sources is a rare occasion. Yet, the books and articles on the chosen problem may be absent in the library, expensive, or completely outdated.
If nothing has been written on the chosen topic in the past few years, then, most likely, the topic is not relevant as well. Knowledge of foreign languages opens access to foreign literature, but writing a term paper will take much more time and effort.
Choosing a problem that no one has written about before, is bad for the coursework since it turns it into proper deep research with an original thesis. Leave such theses to those getting their PhDs. Ignoring the need for a preliminary study of sources can lead to the incorrect formulation of the underlying idea. Incorrect wording then leads to setting wrong goals and objectives. As a result, all the effort may turn out to be wrong, and the student will have to start over. (2)
Mistakes arise even when selecting from the list of proposed ideas. If all suggested issues seem unfamiliar, do not choose intuitively or find familiar words. Always analyze the sources before making a choice. Even a supervisor can sometimes suggest dubious ideas.
The main thing to remember is that the title of the paper should reflect a certain significant problem and ignite curiosity in the student. Choose the topic wisely, and keep in mind such parameters as relevance.
A professional writer with over a decade of incessant writing skills. Her topics of interest and expertise range from health, nutrition and psychology.