Home Love & Relationships 7 Tips for Talking to a Partner About Sexual Health

7 Tips for Talking to a Partner About Sexual Health

Healthy relationship

You’ve been dating for a while and things are going well. So, you’ve decided you’re ready to move your relationship to a new level. That means it’s time for a conversation. No, not defining the relationship. Something more important. It’s time to have a conversation about your sexual health and how to boost libido with vigrx plus. 

It may not be a comfortable discussion to have, but your health can literally depend on it. While there’s no perfect way to talk about STIs and sexual health, there are a few things you need to do. Here are some tips for making an awkward conversation a little easier. 

1. Share Your ‘Why’

To start things off, tell your partner why having this conversation is important to you. Your main priority may be making sure your partner is STI-free. Or, you may want to share your own history to be transparent and make your partner more comfortable.

If you’ve recently been tested and know your results, that can be a great way to get things started. While STIs are common and nothing to be ashamed about, they can still be uncomfortable to bring up. Sharing your own experience and explaining why you need to talk about it with your partner can break the ice.

2. Keep Comfort in Mind

Once you’ve got the ball rolling, you don’t want the conversation to come to a screeching halt. Help prevent that by making sure everyone feels as supported and comfortable as possible. That means physically, emotionally, and mentally. Consider where and how you can talk so that can happen.

Ideally, you’ll be in one of your own homes or a neutral location where you feel comfortable having a serious discussion. Sit on a couch, feel free to get cozy, and settle in for a good conversation. If you notice your partner getting uncomfortable, suggest taking a break for a few minutes to reset. Or ask what they need to feel better about what’s happening. They may just need reassurance that you’re not judging them or singling them out.

3. Provide Options

Avoiding judgment is a reason that people dodge talking about STIs and sexual health in the first place. It can also be why they don’t get tested. Prepare for that possibility by being ready with suggestions on how your partner can get tested. Maybe you can go together and get your results at the same time. Perhaps you could explore online STI testing options that are more discreet.

Whatever you choose, make sure your partner knows there’s no shame in getting tested. In fact, it’s the responsible, mature thing to do if you’re sexually active. Demonstrating that you’ve prepared and are ready for this conversation is also the mature thing to do. It lets your partner know that you care about them and their health and the health of your relationship overall.

4. Talk About Your Health

With all this talk about health, don’t shy away from your own. Make sure everyone in the conversation is on equal footing. This shouldn’t be entirely focused on your partner, whether or not they’ve been tested, and their results. You’re going to need to open up. That’s the only way to make sure the conversation is genuine.

If you’ve already been tested, bring your results to the conversation and be ready to answer questions your partner may have. If you haven’t, let your partner know and tell them why. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. You may just have not gotten around to it or haven’t been sexually active before. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Also, be upfront about your sexual history and if you have or had any STIs. You’re asking for all of this from your partner, so you need to share as well.

5. Maintain Privacy

Because you’re sharing some incredibly personal information, make sure you’re talking in a private place. Not only is it just good sense when talking about medical details, but it will also help ease discomfort. Additionally, this conversation may bring up a lot of emotions. You want to be in a space that can happen naturally, without worry that someone else will see.

Knowing that no one will overhear you may make it easier to open up and be honest with one another. You’re going to be talking about personal things. Not only should you be somewhere private, but your partner should know what they say will be kept in confidence. They should also make the same promise to you. This is a conversation between you and your partner. No one else, except for maybe a doctor, needs to know the details.

6. Don’t Rush It

As you and your partner hash out the details, it’s important that neither of you feels rushed. A conversation about sexual health should not happen when you’re in a hurry or on a deadline. Don’t add pressure to a delicate situation by making it seem like you have better things to do. Give it the time it takes and deserves.

That’s not to say the conversation has to be a long one. Say what you need to say, and let your partner do the same. Ideally, the whole thing is pretty quick and painless. If it’s not, make sure you have given yourselves enough time to work through any tricky spots.

7. Be Honest

Because difficult emotions or experiences may come to light as you talk, it’s imperative to be honest with your partner. Let them know what you’re feeling, and give them space to do the same. Be upfront with why you need to know about their sexual health and what your expectations are. Set clear boundaries of what can and cannot happen sexually in your relationship. These boundaries should exist both before and after you learn each other’s sexual health history.

There may be things you need to share with your partner about your own experiences and health. Let them know about the last time you got tested if you have before. Share any history with illness or current STIs. Be open about your concerns and questions. All of this will encourage your partner to do the same.

Having an open and honest conversation about sexual health is an important step in your relationship. As uncomfortable as it may be at the moment, it’s definitely better than unknowingly exposing yourself or your partner to disease. With these tips, you’ll be better prepared to handle whatever happens next.