Home Curiosity 8 Effective Tips to Make Your Home Virus-Free

8 Effective Tips to Make Your Home Virus-Free


Most of the countries are still placed under community quarantine as every nation tries to recover from the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, or coronavirus disease 2019. It all began in Wuhan, China but now, the virus has found hosts from everywhere in the world. Nobody knows how the COVID-19 spread will come to a complete halt. Today, each country’s administration has implemented a “stay at home” policy to prevent the further spread of the virus.

At home, citizens who are not infected will remain calm and safe. Although, there is an inevitable need to go to the grocery and drugstores or local markets to buy goods and medicines. So, people still need to go out. To counter that risk, we are all encouraged to wash our hands and disinfect with alcohol or a custom label hand sanitizer, and make our homes virus-free.

But, how do you make your home virus-free?

Look for the Landing Spots

The landing spots or the high-touch surfaces are the ones often come into contact with users. Doorknobs, tables, chairs, handles (refrigerator, cabinet, faucet, etc), remotes, and many others. These are considered as landing sites where germs and viruses can grow. So, before they can even thrive, go ahead and get rid of them first.

Get a brush to sweep off the dust, a liquid spray cleaner, and wipes to disinfect the surfaces and items. You need to do this every now and then, especially if someone’s sick in the house. Viruses spread when someone touches what a sick person has touched, sneezed, or coughed on.

You’ll get surprised after discovering what the germiest places are in your house! Kitchen sinks, countertops, dish sponges, remote controllers, and more are the germs’ and viruses’ favorite places to dwell on.

Stop Spreading of Germs

Sometimes, you have the intent to clean up a liquid mess, but you’re not aware you’re only scattering it, along with the germs. This means you’re just spreading them too. What a free ride! People tend to reuse a mop or rags that are not sanitized in wiping something on the floor, in the hopes of cleaning it. In reality, to be able to do it, you must first clean and sanitize your cleaning tools.

Sometimes, the small number of germs gives credit to lazy housekeeping. Not that you should skip the cleaning part, but always make sure your tools are clean and that you use disinfectants afterward to avoid spreading the germs.

Dispose of Waste Properly

Feet-operated trash bins are more effective in keeping germs from your hands. You will not have to touch its lid to open it. Also, do not let your bin overflow with rubbish. The proper disposal of garbage saves you from all the germs it contains. Set your mind on the day when collectors take your trash away from your home. Don’t forget to send them to garbage trucks weekly!

Wash Dishes Immediately

When the family is done eating, do not abandon the dishes. Wash them right away so that the germs won’t stick around them. For effective results, try to assign one member of the family every breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Post their names along with their dishwashing duty on the fridge so they won’t forget. 

Another policy: if you will eat alone, you will have to wash yourself the dishes that you used.

Scrub the Floors

Visible dirt can be annoying. When mopping doesn’t do anything anymore, consider scrubbing the floors with detergent and water. After that, disinfect. Grab your spray disinfectant and use it to overwhelm the germs, then eventually, die. If the floor gets messed up with pee, poo, puke, etc., use a wet disposable cloth to get rid of them, then scrub with detergent and water. Finally, disinfect. Always disinfect after cleaning.

Mop Using Two Buckets

Here’s an effective tip when mopping: use two buckets. One for detergent or liquid cleanser, the other one for rinsing with water. In this way, you will be able to conserve water and separate a solution and the water. Whenever the water gets dirty, replace it with another set of two buckets. Clean, disinfect, and dry each bucket every use.

Wash the Toilet Regularly

Household toilets contain a huge number of bacteria, especially when many people use it. Flushing or cleaning after every use won’t get rid of the microbiological hazards of a toilet that already settled on its surface. Always clean the U-bend as well as the toilet seat and bowl. Remove limescale by using a descaling agent. Use disinfectants to drive both bacteria and the viruses away.

Clean Carpets and Soft Surfaces

Probably carpets and the like are the most difficult things to clean and disinfect. Yes, you can definitely use a vacuum, but it only does surface cleaning. Have you heard about steam cleaning? The steam vacuum works by administering superheated steam onto the carpet. It takes the dirt and dust from the carpet’s base and fibers. Simply put, steam cleaning is deep cleaning. You need this especially if you have allergies and are sensitive to scent.

Making your home virus-free always involves cleaning and disinfecting. Without these two powerful methods, you’re stuck with the virus. During this home quarantine period, we hope that you are busy not being idle, but doing productive things such as keeping you and your home healthy. If you’re reckless and negligent, the coronavirus can enter your house anytime.

Apart from observing your home’s cleanliness, also work on keeping yourself and the family hygienic. Don’t forget to always wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, then disinfect them with alcohol or sanitizer.