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8 Reasons Why Being In Love Is The Most Amazing Feeling In The World


Love. Oh, love. I could write about it for days and it wouldn’t be enough to express my feelings.

All I know is that the first time I really felt love was the moment our eyes met. That brief moment of calmness and fireworks at the same time will always stay with me to remind me that true love may be rare, but it is real.

You started a fire in me. A fire so bright that I never knew existed. You proved to me that there is someone for everyone. You changed my life from the very core. You made me rethink my choices and realize that I never ever knew what love is. You showed me how beautiful it is to care for another human being. You gave me your heart. And I gave you mine.

Because of you, my world is a garden full of blooming trees. Because of you, my sun is shining brighter than ever. Because of you, I am finally who I was always supposed to be.

Here are 8 reasons why being in love with you makes me the happiest person alive:

1. Love is my source of inspiration. It makes me feel positive. Like I can do everything that I put my mind to. It transforms me into an adventurer. A person who would roam the world till eternity, as long as you are right there beside me.

2. Love makes me feel invincible. It gives me the strength to show the world who I am without being afraid of what others would say. It gives me the energy to do whatever I feel like doing without being afraid that the world would reject me. Love makes me feel powerful and confident about myself.

3. Love opens my mind and broadens my horizons. Love transforms me into a different person. A person who is eager for more in life. A person who is not afraid of the unknown. A person who is not afraid of anything.

4. Love motivates me to become the best version of myself. It makes me aware of my flaws and imperfections. It accepts me just the way I am but helps me find the path to self-cognizance. It motivates me to work hard on myself and fulfill all my dreams.

5. Love gives me the courage to be exactly who I am. It makes me feel good about myself. It teaches me to fall in love with my flaws and accept myself just the way I am. Different, imperfect, strange and unapologetically myself.

6. Love makes me hopeful. Hopeful that this world may actually be better than we think. Hopeful that there are people who genuinely care about other human beings. Hopeful that happily ever after doesn’t exist only in fairytales.

7. Love opens my heart and makes me more compassionate. It makes me selfless in ways that I never knew existed. It makes me want to be there for other people and offer them shelter in my world. Love eliminates my fear of getting my heart broken.

8. Love makes me the richest person alive. It makes me feel blessed. Blessed to be right here sitting beside you and watching you smile. Blessed to be a part of your life. Blessed to have someone who knows the way my heart signs.