Home Health 9 Tips to Stay Energized and Fit During Menopause

9 Tips to Stay Energized and Fit During Menopause

9 Tips to Stay Energized and Fit During Menopause

Most women often prioritize care for others and neglect their self-health. But today, due to social or digital awareness, women are learning to cope with situations, such as internal or societal challenges.

This post will help you understand menopause, the internal changes women undergo, and their symptoms. You will also learn practical tips and lifestyle changes to keep you energized and fit during menopause.  

Menopause and Its Symptoms

Menopause is the natural phase women in their mid-life have to go through. In this situation, apart from physical, there are emotional barriers they need to handle. The loss of energy and body composition are common problems during the transitional period. 

On that note, let’s view the common symptoms of menopause.

  • Hot Flashes
  • Night Sweats
  • Mood Swings
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Weak Bones
  • Sleep problems
  • Weight Gains
  • Low Metabolism
  • Dry Skin
  • Fatigue

The above symptoms are not limited; there may be other symptoms as well since every woman experiences menopause differently due to changes in hormonal levels.

Tips to Stay Energized and Fit During Menopause

Menopause is challenging, with undesirable health symptoms. Regardless of the adverse effects, this section has some tips for staying energized and fit during these times. Please note them!

1.   A Well-Balanced Diet

A well-balanced diet helps maintain weight, which is crucial for menopausal wellness. It is best to have a nutrient-rich diet, improving the energy levels. It would be best to focus on a balanced diet containing whole grains, lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits. Consider vitamin D and Calcium in your diet to improve bone thickness. Also, consider phytoestrogen food, such as legumes, flax seeds, soy, etc., that increase estrogen and manage hormonal fluctuations.

2.   Take Natural Supplements

You may include healthy supplements to manage menopause. Supplements such as vitamin B and magnesium do help in increasing estrogen. As mentioned earlier, every woman’s menopausal story is dissimilar, so it is advisable to always take doctors’ advice before taking any supplements.

3.   Listen to Your Body

Take keen note of the body’s cues. Pay close attention if your body shows discomfort; it’s time for your body to rest. Seek a doctor’s advice immediately if the level of discomfort increases.

4.   Herbal Drinks

One of the best ways to overcome menopausal symptoms is to explore natural remedies that are effective and affordable. You can try herbal drinks, such as black cohosh root, red raspberry leaves, red clover, licorice, and green tea. Before consuming, please read the package instructions carefully.

5.   Staying Hydrated

It is essential to stay hydrated, especially in the menopausal journey. Always aim to drink 8 to 12 glasses of water every day. Water aids in flushing out the toxins in the body. Further, drinking plenty of water will keep the body healthy, remove dryness, and maintain balance.

6.   Regular Exercise

Exercise has a lot of health benefits. Women’s health in midlife goes through loss of bone density and muscle mass. Keeping up with regular activities will have a positive effect on the body. It will increase your metabolism and strength. You can consider cardiovascular and strength training exercises.

●     Cardiovascular

Activities such as brisk walking, cycling, squats, jumping jacks, swimming, etc., are a few cardiovascular exercises that help improve your heart health. Moreover, it positively impacts your heart health, boosting your energy levels.

●     Strength Training

Exercises such as weight lifting, bent-over rows, push-ups, glute bridges, etc., are strength training exercises. Include these exercises to maintain muscle mass and bone density further, improving strength.  

7.   Sleep Priority

Getting good sleep is important for overall well-being. Prioritizing sleep during menopause can contribute to resolving sleep disorders and managing night sweats. Let’s take a look at these points further.

●     Establish A Bedtime Routine

Before going to bed, you may start practicing a sleeping routine. This includes having light food, a warm bath, and a calm, relaxed environment that makes you sleep fast. Also, keep electronic devices away from your bed to avoid sleep disturbances.

●     Manage Night Sweats

A common problem for women in menopause is having night sweats. These are responsible for poor sleep. To overcome this situation, you may wear breathable fabrics to make yourself comfortable managing sweats at night.

8.   Manage Stress

Stress or mental tension is a part of life. One needs to manage it by practicing stress reduction techniques and seeking support from family and friends.

●     Practice Stress Reduction Techniques

To manage stress, you should try meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga to manage the overall well-being of women in menopause.

●     Seek Support

You should participate in self-caring activities as they help you manage stress. Besides activities, feel free to share your thoughts with your family and friends. This enables you to build inner strength and motivation throughout the menopausal journey.

9.   Get Hormonal Therapy

Another way to stay healthy during menopausal discomfort is getting hormonal therapy. In this connection, here are the ways to seek support.

●     Consult A Healthcare Professional

You should always seek aid from a healthcare professional who will help you overcome menopausal challenges. If you’re experiencing severe menopausal symptoms, you may get advice from your health provider about hormone replacement therapy. Yet, understand HRT’s potential benefits and risks and make an informed decision.

●     Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies also work best to keep you fit and energized during menopause. Therapies like aromatherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, acupuncture, etc., help manage your hormonal fluctuations.

Things to Avoid During Menopause

You can do a few things to avoid alleviating menopausal problems. Here are a few things to consider.

1.   Avoid Spicy, Processed, and Junk Food

Research has shown that certain foods may trigger menopausal symptoms like excessive sweating and hot flashes. Avoiding spicy, processed, and junk food during these challenging times is suggested.

2.   Avoid Smoking

Another problem that has been found that can aggravate health disturbances during menopause. Women should avoid smoking during crucial times to limit symptoms like hot flashes and sleep disorders.

3.   Avoid or Limit The Intake of Alcohol and Caffeine

When undergoing numerous bodily changes during menopause, women should avoid specific intakes. Women should avoid or limit their intake of alcohol and caffeine. As this increases, hot flashes and night sweats cause poor sleep.

For more details, check SimplyMenopause.net, a trustworthy guide for women who confidently navigate this transformative journey and make life easier.


Menopause is a significant transition for every woman in their midlife. Yet, it doesn’t have to disrupt your energy and fitness levels. You can overcome this phase with vitality and well-being by maintaining a balanced diet, staying active, prioritizing sleep, managing stress, and considering appropriate medical interventions. As everyone’s menopause experience is unique, consulting your healthcare professional to have a personalized plan that works best for you is better.