Balance beams are great fun for kids. Children of all ages and even adults find it exciting to play on it. They help in improving the stability of the body and create awareness on how to manage it. The best part about balance beams is the fact that it is available everywhere in nature. You need to look at the right place to find a balance beam. (1)
If you are planning to go on a trekking trip with your kids, you must try out various ways to play on a balance beam. To enjoy the game well, you need to find the right balance beam first. We have listed down below some of the points that will help you to select the proper wooden log to play-
- The Beam should not be that thin that it becomes almost impossible for the kids to balance themselves on it. At the same time, if the balance beam is very thick, it will take away a lot of fun that comes with the thrill involved from falling off a balance beam.
- Naturally available wooden logs play-act as one of the best balance beams, but it is essential to ensure that you select one that is not placed at a dangerous height.
- The wood log should also not have any spikes that can harm your child’s leg when they are playing on it.
- Make sure that you check the durability of the log before you decide to use it. If the log is kept at a height and if it breaks, it could turn out to be a harrowing experience.
Just walking on a balance beam may not be an exciting play for a long time. However, there are various ways by which you can make this activity a lot of fun. Based on the experience of many people we have listed down below nine ways in which you can play on a balance beam with kids.
- First, try the most common game that is to walk on the balance beam without falling off
- Another exciting game is to step backwards on the Beam but to play the game; the wood should not be very disproportionate
- Try to run as fast on the beam as possible without falling off from it.
- You can also try to finish the walk by hopping at regular intervals.
- It is also an exciting game to jump from the beam to as much distance as possible
- You should even count the number of steps that it take you to finish the length of the shaft and see if every time you make the same amount of steps
- A lot of kids like to walk take heel to toe steps on the beam and see how well they can finish it.
- If you have a group of friends and the log is strong enough you should play Follow the Leader game
- Another exciting game is to go to the middle of the beam and then stand on one leg as a Flamingo Bird.
Ana Miller is a creative writer. Her topics of interest and expertise range from psychology to all sorts of disciplines such as science and news.