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Retirement: How to manage yours and stay happy


It’s a funny old period. At one stage of our lives, we think that it will never happen to us. Then, we’re counting down to the day. As you have probably gathered, today’s post is all about retirement. It’s an age that a lot of people simply can’t wait to get to but don’t for a minute think that it’s going to be a walk in the park.

On the contrary, a lot of retirees are shocked at the change in lifestyle as soon as they leave the world of work. Everything turns on its head, and it even causes bouts of depression amongst some. To help you ease into this period, we have put together today’s guide. Let’s now take a look at just what you can do to make the retirement process a little easier, and make yourself happier as well.

Expect turbulent emotions

First and foremost, this is a turbulent period of your life. If you have retired at the standard age, you will have probably been working for decades. In other words, work is pretty much all you know.

Suddenly, you have been thrust out of something which has almost become a comfort zone. You will be asking yourself what you will do through the days but fear not, over time this rollercoaster of emotions will slow down, and retirement will eventually feel “normal”.

Get your finances into shape

As you try and comprehend your new situation, the last thing you need is for your finances to be all over the place. Now is the time to establish your financial position and calculate your true income and expenses.

This might mean factoring in new costs, like how much it costs to pay for your funeral, future care or anything else you haven’t had to have considered in the past. Once you have established this, your mind can at least function a little more calmly. You can compare funeral plan quotes for free at Reassured.

Start with a structure

One of the biggest reasons why so many people struggle to adapt to retirement is because of the lack of structure. Let’s not forget that for the last few years, your job has forced you into a regular routine. Now that you are retired, you are left to your own devices.

Bearing this in mind, one of the easiest ways to cope with this phase is to create a new structure. It might be setting an alarm clock each and every day, having specific times to visit the shops or the gym, and so on. By subscribing to this model, you’ll find things a lot easier to adapt to.

You’re not too old to make friends (or keep existing ones)

Another potential pitfall of retirement is that you can start to lose friends. This is where you have to make an extra effort to either make them or keep them. You can no longer rely on colleagues that you have been used to seeing every day – you need additional stimulation.

This is another method that can fill up your days, and add that elusive structure that we have just been referring to.