Home Curiosity Are Tenant Background Search Scam?

Are Tenant Background Search Scam?

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When it comes to renting out a property, landlords and property managers want to ensure that they are making a smart decision by selecting a tenant who is trustworthy, reliable, and responsible. As such, tenant background checks have become a common practice in the real estate industry. A tenant background check is a process where landlords or property managers investigate a potential tenant’s criminal history, credit score, rental history, and other personal information to determine if they are a suitable candidate for renting out a property.

In today’s competitive rental market, landlords and property managers use tenant background checks to help them make informed decisions about potential renters. However, with the growing popularity of online background check providers like USBackgroundCheck, some tenants have raised concerns about the legitimacy and potential for scams in the tenant background check process. In this article, we will explore the question of whether tenant background searches are scams, and provide tips on how tenants can protect themselves from fraudulent background checks when using services like USBackgroundCheck.

In this article, we will discuss the legitimacy of tenant background searches and how you can protect yourself from scams.

What is a Tenant Background Search?

Tenant background search refers to the process of evaluating a potential tenant’s rental history, creditworthiness, employment status, and criminal history to determine their suitability for renting a property. Landlords and property managers conduct these checks to assess the risk of renting to a particular tenant and make informed decisions about who to rent to. Tenant background searches are critical for landlords as they help them avoid potential problems such as late payments, property damage, or other tenant issues.

The process of conducting a tenant background search typically involves the use of third-party services that specialize in collecting and analyzing the relevant information. These services may use a variety of sources, including public records, credit reports, and other databases to compile a comprehensive report on the prospective tenant.

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Types of Tenant Background Search

A tenant background search typically includes checking the tenant’s credit score, criminal record, employment history, rental history, and personal references. Landlords and property managers may also check for bankruptcies, foreclosures, and other financial issues that may indicate the tenant is not financially responsible.

  • The credit score is one of the most important factors in a tenant background search. A high credit score indicates that the tenant is financially responsible and is likely to pay rent on time. On the other hand, a low credit score may indicate that the tenant has a history of not paying bills on time or has a lot of debt.
  • A criminal record check is also an essential part of a tenant background search. A criminal record check can reveal if the tenant has a history of violent crimes, drug-related offenses, or other criminal activities that may pose a threat to other tenants.
  • The rental history check involves contacting previous landlords to verify that the tenant has a history of paying rent on time, taking care of the property, and not causing problems for other tenants. Personal references are also checked to get an idea of the tenant’s character and behavior.
  • An employment and income verification involves checking the tenant’s employment and income information to ensure that they have a steady source of income and can afford to pay rent. This search may involve contacting the tenant’s employer or reviewing their pay stubs.
  • A sex offender registry search involves checking the tenant’s name against a database of registered sex offenders. This search can provide valuable information on the tenant’s past criminal history and can help landlords to protect their other tenants.
  • An eviction history check involves checking the tenant’s eviction history to see if they have been evicted from a rental property in the past. This search can provide valuable information on the tenant’s behavior and reliability as a renter.
  • Social media check: A social media check involves reviewing the tenant’s social media profiles to see if they have any red flags or potential warning signs. This search can provide information on the tenant’s behavior, interests, and connections.

Overall, a tenant background search is an essential tool for landlords and property managers to ensure that they are selecting a trustworthy and reliable tenant. By conducting a thorough background search, landlords and property managers can reduce the risk of renting to a tenant who may not be a good fit for their property.

The arguments against tenant background searches

One argument against tenant background searches is that they can be discriminatory. For example, if a landlord denies a prospective tenant based on their criminal history, it could be considered discrimination against individuals with criminal records. This can disproportionately affect communities of color, who are often targeted by the criminal justice system. Another argument against tenant background searches is that they may not provide accurate information about a person’s character or suitability as a tenant. Background checks can sometimes include outdated or incorrect information, and they may not take into account a person’s current circumstances or efforts to improve their situation.

Lastly, some people argue that tenant background searches can be invasive and violate a person’s privacy rights. Conducting a background check may involve accessing a person’s criminal record, credit history, and other personal information, which some individuals may feel uncomfortable sharing with a potential landlord. Overall, while tenant background checks can be helpful in some situations, they should be conducted carefully and with consideration for the potential negative impacts on individuals and communities.


The potential for scams in tenant background searches

One common scam is where an individual or company claims to offer tenant background checks but is actually a fraudulent operation. They may ask for payment upfront and then provide false or incomplete information, or they may steal personal information from the landlord or tenant to use for identity theft or other illegal activities. Another potential scam is when a tenant provides fake or fraudulent information in their rental application, such as a false name, employment history, or rental history. This can make it difficult for the landlord to make an informed decision about the tenant’s suitability and can lead to problems down the line. (1)

How to avoid tenant background search scams

To avoid tenant background search scams, landlords can take the following steps:

  1. Research the tenant screening company: Before using a tenant screening service, landlords should do their research to ensure that the company is reputable and has a good track record. They can check online reviews and ratings, and ask for recommendations from other landlords or real estate professionals.
  2. Check for accreditation: Look for a tenant screening service that is accredited by a professional organization, such as the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS).
  3. Review the company’s policies: Check the tenant screening company’s policies and procedures to ensure that they are in compliance with federal and state laws, such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
  4. Verify the information provided by the tenant: Landlords should verify the information provided by the tenant through independent sources, such as contacting previous landlords or employers. This can help to confirm that the tenant is who they say they are and that the information provided is accurate.
  5. Be cautious with payment: Landlords should be cautious when providing payment to a tenant screening service. They should avoid providing payment upfront and should only pay for services once they have been provided.
  6. Research the Service Provider: As mentioned earlier, research is key. Make sure you research the service provider thoroughly before hiring them. Check for customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials.
  7. Be Cautious of Low-Cost Providers: If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be cautious of companies that offer background checks at an unusually low cost. These companies may not provide accurate results or may use false information.
  8. Verify the Information: Ensure you verify the information provided by the service provider. Check for accuracy by cross-referencing the results with public records and other sources.
  9. Watch Out for Red Flags: If a service provider is pressuring you to make a quick decision or is using scare tactics, it’s probably a scam. Be cautious of service providers who do not provide a clear explanation of their services or have a vague website

By following these steps, landlords can help to protect themselves and their tenants from tenant background search scams.

Are Tenant Background Searches Legitimate?

Yes, tenant background searches are legitimate and widely used by landlords and property managers to screen potential tenants. Conducting a background search on a potential tenant is an important step in the rental process to ensure that the tenant is financially stable, has a good rental history, and does not have a criminal record that could pose a threat to other tenants or the property. Landlords and property managers have a legal obligation to provide a safe living environment for their tenants. Conducting a background search is a way for landlords and property managers to fulfill this obligation by identifying potential red flags before allowing a tenant to rent a property.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) outlines the requirements for background checks, including tenant background searches. Under the FCRA, landlords and property managers must obtain written consent from the tenant before conducting a background search, provide the tenant with a copy of the report if requested, and follow specific procedures if they decide not to rent to a tenant based on the results of the background check. It’s important to note that while tenant background searches are a legitimate tool for landlords and property managers, they must be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Landlords and property managers must ensure that they are not using discriminatory practices in their screening process, such as denying a tenant based on their race, religion, or other protected characteristics.

Overall, tenant background searches are a legitimate and important tool for landlords and property managers to ensure that they are selecting a trustworthy and reliable tenant while also fulfilling their legal obligations to provide a safe living environment. (2)


In conclusion, the issue of tenant background checks being a scam is not a simple one. While there are certainly some unscrupulous companies and individuals out there looking to take advantage of landlords and tenants alike, the vast majority of background checks are legitimate and necessary. It is important for landlords to conduct thorough background checks on potential tenants to ensure that they are reliable and trustworthy. This includes checking for criminal history, employment verification, and creditworthiness. Without this information, landlords run the risk of renting to tenants who may not pay their rent on time, damage the property, or cause other problems. At the same time, tenants have the right to expect that any background checks conducted on them are done fairly and accurately. Landlords should only use reputable companies to conduct these checks and should be transparent with tenants about what information they are collecting and why. There are also a number of laws and regulations in place to protect tenants from unfair or discriminatory practices when it comes to background checks. Landlords must follow these guidelines to ensure that they are not violating the rights of their tenants. Ultimately, while there are certainly some scams out there related to tenant background checks, the vast majority of these checks are legitimate and necessary. Landlords and tenants alike should be aware of their rights and responsibilities when it comes to background checks and should take steps to ensure that they are conducted fairly and accurately. By doing so, both parties can work together to create a safe and reliable rental environment.