Home Curiosity Skylum – The best Luminar AI-power for You

Skylum – The best Luminar AI-power for You

digital photography editor

Skylum is a renowned name in digital photography, offering a suite of innovative tools designed to enhance and transform your visual content. The company’s flagship product, Luminar Neo, is a testament to its commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in photo editing.

What IS Luminar Neo Platform?

Luminar Neo is the latest iteration of Skylum’s AI-driven photo editing software. It is designed to harness the power of artificial intelligence to ovedrcome the tedious manual sliders and dialog points s of available photo editors, helping you create the image as you envisioned. The present version of software has had a long gestation period, promising, previewing, and pre-selling for months alongside Luminar AI. It’s finally here, but it still seems to be a work in progress, with updates and new features regularly added.

Useful Features for Everybody

One of the standout features of Luminar Neo is the Sky Replacement artificial intelligence. This tool is so addictive that every outside shot you improve the new sky. The software also includes an impressive set of portrait improvement tools that automatically recognize and hide facial features. These tools are sympathetic to your subject and as subtle as you like.

The software also includes a new “lightning fast” engine, a Relight AI tool that uses three-dimensional depth mapping to manipulate with ground lighting. Refurbished Erase tool options use the neuro-network power to identify and remove artifacts and dust, layers and layering tools re-instated after their dropping from Luminar AI, and a new Presets panel.

You can learn more about Skylum and its offerings on https://skylum.com/luminar/upscale-ai

You must understand it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Some users have reported operational glitches, heavy RAM usage, lacklustre defaults, and features solely available via future updates. The software’s AI tools are quite remarkable, diluted somewhat by the borderless Structure AI tool or Relight AI tool – pointless because they use AI to do something you could do yourself and almost certainly better.

The way the presets are now closed off and have to be applied immediately at the start of the workflow does not feel like a step forward in any way, except as a route to monetization, and while Luminar Neo does support layers, it’s no Photoshop.

Despite these drawbacks, Luminar Neo is still a powerful tool that offers much value, especially for its price point. However, potential users might want to see how it runs on their computer before purchasing. There’s no trial version, only a “money-back guarantee.”


In conclusion, Skylum’s Luminar Neo mixes the good, the disappointing, and the plain glitchy. Its AI tools – the good ones – are truly spectacular, but they are diluted somewhat by the borderline pointless Structure AI tool or Relight AI tool. The way the presets are now closed off and have to be applied right at the start of the workflow does not feel like a step forward in any way, except maybe as a route to monetization, and while Luminar Neo does support layers, it’s no Photoshop. Skylum has always wanted to produce a simple, effective photo editor that skips tedious technicalities. Luminar Neo succeeds partly, but Skylum has brought another kind of confusion with its constant re-invention and re-marketing of Luminar itself.