Home Health 5 Signs You May Need To See a Cosmetic Dentist

5 Signs You May Need To See a Cosmetic Dentist

5 Signs You May Need To See a Cosmetic Dentist

Do you always hide your smile in photos? Or are you concerned about how people will judge you if they see your teeth?

You aren’t alone! As many as 7 in 10 people feel worried when it comes to smiling, due to cosmetic dental issues such as yellow teeth, or teeth that are not correctly aligned. The good news is that as more dental surgeries can offer cosmetic dental options, it is now more accessible and affordable to get cosmetic dental treatment at the same surgery where you get your check-ups!

So, what are some of the signs that you need to book a visit to see a dentist who specializes in cosmetic options? Read on to find out!

1. Yellow Teeth

This is one of the most common complaints that a person will have about their teeth, no doubt highlighted and exacerbated by Hollywood celebrities with gleaming white smiles.

It’s important to note that teeth naturally are a creamy white/yellow colour, especially as a person ages and the enamel wears down. This is because the dentin in the teeth is yellow, and, as the enamel becomes thinner, the yellow shines through.

Cosmetic dental teams, like Direct Dental private dentist in Balham will be able to offer you and array of options to help you whiten your teeth. In-house whitening is one option, where you will usually have two sessions spaced two weeks apart. The first will involve the dentist applying whitening gel to your teeth and then using a UV light to oxidate it, thereby removing surface staining. In the 2-week gap, they will usually give you a device that looks like a retainer to wear for a set number of hours, which has a milder version of the whitening gel.

At the second appointment, the first session is repeated, and you walk away with your white smile. Remember, by opting for whiter teeth with your dentist, you can choose the shade you want, and they can whiten your smile up to 18 shades.

2. Misaligned Teeth

Next, it may be the case that you have misaligned teeth.

This can range from a more serious misalignment, where your teeth are crowded or spaced (as well as having an overbite or underbite) all the way to a slight misalignment, which is not noticeable.

Your cosmetic dentist will be able to offer you an invisible aligner, like Invisalign, if you have a mild to moderate misalignment, which you will be able to remove when you eat and brush your teeth. If you have a more extreme misalignment, they will be able to offer you a fitted brace, which may be lingual (placed on the back of the teeth) or even fitted on the front, but made with clear or enamel-colored brackets and wires. That is, of course, only if you are fussed about how the brace will look; many adults opt for traditional braces, as they are cheaper and, honestly, don’t look that bad at all!

3. Cracked or Worn Teeth

Teeth become cracked and worn, especially as you get older, and, if you notice that the enamel on your teeth is cracked or you have teeth that are worn down, a cosmetic dentist can help.

For cracked teeth, there is the option of veneers, dental bonding and even the placement of crowns. All of these will conceal the crack, strengthen the tooth, and can be used to make the tooth or teeth whiter in color. In the case of teeth that are worn down, usually due to dental grinding, your cosmetic dental team will usually advise a porcelain or composite crown, to help create symmetry in the mouth and to prevent further grinding of the enamel.

4. Asymmetrical Teeth

Do you notice that one of your teeth is longer than the same tooth on the opposite side?

This can cause your smile to look unbalanced and crooked. Luckily, this is an easy fix for most cosmetic dental teams, who will usually place a porcelain veneer, composite bonding, or, you guessed it, a crown to help even out your smile. That is, of course, if it only applies to one tooth; if you have many asymmetrical teeth, you may want to have a brace fitted.

5. You Are Embarrassed!

Focusing on you for a moment; the main sign that you need to see a cosmetic dental team is that you are embarrassed by how your teeth look in photos. This can have an enormous impact on your self-esteem and can also negatively impact on how you interact socially. So, if you are fed up with not showing your teeth when you smile, it may be time to start looking for a cosmetic dentist to help you out!