Home Health Acupuncture Therapy: A Guide to Different Types of Techniques

Acupuncture Therapy: A Guide to Different Types of Techniques


The Chinese art of acupuncture is ancient, the therapeutic practice has developed over the centuries and is still in use today. Acupuncture is most commonly associated with the use of needles. While useful, an acupuncturist is able to use more techniques than just the needles insertion to help their patients.

Alternate acupuncture techniques are able to provide recovery help and relief for different types of injuries. Most techniques use the body’s own natural ability to recover, and provide needleless method of recovery for more nervous patients. Acupuncture experts are able to provide a full range of techniques and methods to help patients recover in the way that best suits them.

Acupuncture Needle Insertions

Needle acupuncture is a well known technique that has become synonymous with the idea of acupuncture over the years. This technique primarily uses the body’s own internal processes to push for recovery. A series of small, thin needles are shallowly inserted in acupoints throughout the body. The affected acupoints act as focus areas for the brain to hone the body’s recovery processes on.

The acupoints are strategically located where they will most affect nerves and muscles. Once inserted, the brain assumes there has been an injury and acts accordingly. The brain produces new chemicals and blood flow increases to carry them to the acupoint to try and heal the imaginary injury. The results lower blood pressure, relax muscles, and bring relief throughout the body.


A more modern form type of therapy, electro-acupuncture combines new technology with the regular acupuncture styles form and techniques. The technique may still use needles, but the insertions are then accompanied by a small electrical pulse to the affected area. The electrified needles increase their effects while remaining controlled to avoid any issues.

The technique may also be needless, using only the electricity to stimulate the nerves and muscles beneath the skin. Regardless of the variation, the technique is safe, the most common feeling during use being a slight sensation in the affected area. This technique has grown in popularity overtime and the technological advancements that have made it more effective.


The practice of cupping is a misnomer, the “cups” in question are actually open spheres placed along the skin. This three thousand years old technique involves filling the spheres with a safely ignited flammable substance to burn after the sphere is place on the skin. The substance ignites with no injury to the patient and in the process burns away the oxygen inside. The spheres then undergo a suction effect, clamping down onto the skin and loosening the muscles underneath. Studies show that cupping is able to relieve:

  • Pains
  • Stiffness
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Migraines
  • Rheumatism
  • Cellulite

Moxibustion (Mugwort Root)

The moxibustion acupuncture technique makes use of the moxa’s, or mugwort root, unique properties when burnt. The soft, wooly herb is able to increase blood flow and warm the body when burnt on skin or directly over it. The acupuncturist places the moxa and lights it, letting it smolder safely and slowly while affecting the body underneath. The technique has its uses in alleviating issues with the abdominal area and feet. Moxibustion also has a recorded medical history of alleviating menstrual cramps.

Gua Sha

Gua Sha is a technique where the acupuncturist slowly, gently, and strategically scrapes the skin with tools. Skin scraping increases blood circulation underneath and stimulates the soft tissue. The technique is particularly useful for case of inflammation, and easing issues like chronic pains win the muscles or joints. Any toxins or obstructions underneath the skin will loosen and release using the Gua Sha technique.

Tui Na Massage

The Tui Na Massage uses acupuncture principles to guide the acupuncturist to different pressure points throughout the body. The practitioner uses their hands, feet, and elbows to knead and pressure the skin to encourage blood flow and recovery.

The Tui Na Massage is usable alongside needle acupuncture, the two techniques able to benefit from one another. When done correctly, the massage alleviates stress, lowers physical pains, relieves mental health, and increases emotional stability.