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Being Genuinely In Love With Someone Means Being Willing To Take The Risk


Loving someone genuinely means being willing to risk getting hurt. It means being willing to risk being rejected. It means being willing to risk not being loved in return. Why?

Because love is never a smooth journey. Love is illogical. Love knows no rules. Love is full of questions and doubts.

How many times have you thought to yourself: What if he/she disappoints me? What if he/she breaks my heart? What if he/she gives up on me and leaves me? What if he/she only wants to take advantage of me?

How many times have you sabotaged a relationship before it even began to blossom into something amazing and honest with questions like these?

Perhaps you’ve had your heart broken many times or perhaps you’ve never given yourself the opportunity to love truly and unconditionally so as to protect yourself from getting hurt.

Regardless of what the right reason is, it’s easy for all of us to become conditioned to never allowing anyone to enter our hearts. Because it’s difficult to love someone and let them love you when negative thoughts and questions, like the ones mentioned above, are wrapped like chains around your heart.  

However, here’s the truth: When you close your heart to the risk of getting hurt, you deprive yourself of finding true love. You deprive yourself of finding genuine happiness. You deprive yourself of living the life you deserve to live.

Yes, heartbreak is tough, but it’s not nearly as tough as the life you create for yourself when you don’t allow anyone to enter your heart out of fear of getting your heart broken.

Therefore, remember: Being genuinely in love with someone means being willing to take the risk.

Loving someone genuinely means being willing to accept the fact that your relationship won’t be smooth and effortless. It means being willing to accept the fact that your heart will possibly be broken.

Loving someone honestly and unconditionally means accepting them exactly the way they are. It means embracing their annoying habits, whims, insecurities, and fears. It means not judging them for their weaknesses and imperfections.

Being genuinely in love with someone means being in love with the way they view the world, no matter how different it is from the way you perceive the world.

Being truly in love with someone means being willing to accept the fact that you will have to face many difficult challenges, problems, and obstacles. It means being willing to accept the fact that you’ll have to overcome many temptations and trials.

Being genuinely in love with someone means giving them your heart and soul, even when you’re afraid that you might get rejected or hurt, because love is worth the risk.

Yes, love is worth every risk. Love is worth every risk regardless of what the outcome will be.  Why?

Because when you’re genuinely in love with someone, you don’t let the fear of getting hurt or rejected make you hold back loving them. Instead, you love them with everything you’ve got. You love them deeply, madly, unconditionally, endlessly. 

Being Genuinely In Love With Someone Means Being Willing To Take The Risk