Home Curiosity Best Healthcare Marketing Tips for 2021

Best Healthcare Marketing Tips for 2021


If you are looking for a good doctor in a certain field, or having a toothache, in need of a home health care agency or need a place to donate blood for a sugar test, you probably search for everything related to health on the internet. You know that any information is always just a click away. Even as special and delicate as health issues. If you want to get more leads and customers for your clinic or other healthcare services organization, you need to become more visible and attractive for your audience. It’s not enough just to be shown on the first page of search results for any request. You also need to prove that each visitor should contact you, not a competitor from another line of search results. That is why you need to understand how healthcare marketing works.

The first contact of a potential patient and the first impression of a medical institution will be made by your website or social media account. In this article, we will tell you what you need to do with them in order to get a steady stream of customers.

Why do you need SEO optimization of your website? The first three lines of search results account for 75% of clicks. The second page of results is viewed by less than a percentage of users. You need to go to the top of the search results in order to increase the number of visitors, from which you will find some new customers. To work on SEO optimization you need:

 – patient reviews;

 – blog articles with the answers to the most common questions;

 – informative videos and images with relevant keywords for the target audience, including photos, infographics, analyzes, and any other visual formats.

How does it work? Let’s say the user is trying to understand why he has a weakness in his left hand. In the search results, he comes across your article, where you write that it could be overexertion, arthritis, osteochondrosis, or any other of 20 diseases. You strongly advise not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist (in your organization, of course).

Or another example. The visitor has already realized that he needs a consultation with a neurologist. But he lives in a big city, where there are more than a hundred specialists in this field. He has no acquaintances with similar symptoms, so he searches for reviews of different clinics and private offices on the internet. And you have the most convincing reviews (at least of the few that he looked at in the first lines of the search results).

According to ComboApp mobile marketing agency, 60% to 80% of users conduct their mini-research from smartphones, so not only the content is important, but also its visual part and appealing design, as well as easy navigation on a small screen.

The main advantage of modern marketing is the storage and tracking of all results, as well as the ability to quickly make adjustments when needed. Thanks to analytics systems, you get a huge amount of information: data on brand awareness, interactions with social networks, blog traffic, conversion rates, etc.

Social media and SMM marketing are another excellent tool for building connections with an audience, supporting doctors and other experts. Be sure to maintain a company account in those social networks where your audience is. There you can work on the brand image and launch advertising to increase reach, and analyze all this in detail. By creating an emotional and trustworthy social media profile, you can attract clients seeking health care online.

If you use email for healthcare marketing, you should focus on educational and informative content. Start by mailing to existing customers, working to retain them. The peculiarity of your sphere increases the responsibility for everything that you send. Any inaccuracy can harm the patient and your brand.