Home Health How coffee impact on your liver and kidneys

How coffee impact on your liver and kidneys


Coffee and its associated effects on liver and kidney comprise an important topic of discussion in order to enable users regulate their rate of coffee consumption in regard to their own safety.

It is generally estimated that liver diseases affect approximately 6% of EU’s total population. There are different types of liver diseases such as hepatitis, alcohol-related infection, fatty liver diseases and cancer diseases.

Among all these diseases and conditions, liver cancer is third cancer-related prevalent killer across the globe. 

Kidneys are known to filter around 50 gallons of blood daily, thus removing about water gallons and wastes from the bloodstream.

Chronic or acute kidney conditions arise when the kidneys fail to eliminate these excesses. This increases heart attack risks, exposure to diseases and sometimes death. Kidneys are also key in regulation of blood pressure and production of red blood cells.

Nowadays coffee processed using the best espresso machine is known to play an imperative role in determining the state and functioning of these organs. It is important to find out whether consumption of coffee can improve or undermine their functioning, so that necessary remedial action can be taken in order to enable liver and kidney function better in carrying out their core functions in the body as mentioned above.

The following are ways in which consumption of coffee can affect kidney and liver functioning:

Decreased risk of Liver Cancer:

Increased coffee consumption reduces the risks of developing liver cancer. It has been confirmed through research that even persons suffering from liver cancer were able to improve their condition after adopting regular consumption of coffee.

The most important consideration if coffee consumption has to impact positively on reduction of liver cancer instances is consistency in coffee consumption. It should be taken on regular basis both by individuals suffering from liver and those not suffering from this disease in order to curb incidences of liver cancer. 

Generally, increasing coffee consumption up to two cups every day, individuals who usually consume from one cup to five cups a day, results in 43% reduced risk of suffering from liver cancer.

Consumption of coffee decreases the rate of fibrosis progress 
Drinking of coffee is directly related to minimal risks of other liver diseases. This implies a continuum of positive effects of coffee on the functioning of the liver.

One review found out that patients with high rates of coffee consumption demonstrated slower rate of fibrosis progression, especially those affected with alcoholic liver diseases. Slowing down in the rate of fibrosis development leads to prolonged functioning of the liver and delays progression to liver cirrhosis complications and irreparable damage to the liver.

Reduction of Type 2 Diabetes:

Type two Diabetes and insulin resistance have been documented to cause liver fatty liver disease. Harvard researchers concluded that out of the total 126,000 people, those who did not take part in the America’s favorite morning drink, consumers of one to three cups of caffeinated coffee ever day reduced risks of diabetes by up to 10%.

Taking more than six cups daily reduced men’s risk to diabetes by 5% and women’s risk was reduced by 30%. This confirms that regulation of insulin hormone which is a function of the liver is enhanced greatly by consumption of coffee.  

Diuretic Effect of Coffee:

In addition to the stimulant effects of caffeine, it is also known to contain diuretic. A diuretic affects the kidney by increasing the rate at which water is removed from the bloodstream which leads to increased removal of urine.

According to the research done by The Center of Science in the Public Interest in the US, averagely 12 oz cup full of caffeinated coffee contains 260 mg caffeine. Taking three cups per day will therefore mean taking 780 mg of caffeine every day. With its positive diuretic impact, it will enhance the functioning of liver by promoting more waste removal.

Reduction and Formation of Kidney Stones:

According to NKUDIC, the most prevalent type of kidney stone is called Calcium Oxalate. Kidney stones are formed when solid masses of urine accumulate and precipitate.

Caffeine has a direct effect on kidney stones in two distinct ways; it can be an irritant to those with kidney stones due to its diuretic effect or it can lead to their formation due to the oxalate found in coffee. Limiting the intake of coffee is also limiting the these effects on the kidney stones

Worsens Kidney Infections:

Kidney infections arise from bacterial infection which comes from urethra, ureters and bladder. They spread to the kidney. According to the Medical News Today, Kidney infections are serious medical conditions and should be treated quickly or else they can cause kidney dysfunction or death.

These infections are very painful. Drinking a lot of water helps to relieve this pain. But all forms of beverages should be avoided, coffee included, because they irritate these infections and reduce their recovery time.


In a nutshell, existing evidence has suggested in general that moderate consumption of coffee is associated with reduction in the instances of liver cancer and reduced rate of disease progression in the liver fibrosis and also in alcoholic cirrhosis.

Evidence also affirms that drinking moderate coffee can help to slow down the rate of viral infections to the liver. On the other hand, consumption of coffee has both positive and negative effects to the kidney functioning.

To be effective therefore, one must consume coffee in consideration of the condition in which they are or their needs in relation to coffee benefits. Otherwise, studies are still underway to establish the overall health effects of coffee consumption on the body functioning and wellbeing.