Children are known to have weaker immune systems that are still developing, which often makes them more susceptible to certain illnesses. By taking your child to an educated paediatrician, any illnesses that are present can be treated so that your little one can get back to the joy of being a kid. Here are some of the most common types of illnesses that could affect your child and how they can be treated. (1)
Coughing is a natural part of life, but if A cough little one develops a nagging cough and experiences any breathing difficulties, it’s time to see a paediatrician. According to Newport Pediatricians, if coughing persists for several days, chronic cough in children could be pneumonia. But it’s usually far less severe than that. Bacterial chronic bronchitis is the leading cause of chronic cough in children. Coughs often develop ba because of a bacterial infection, which can often be treated with antibiotics. A cough that’s caused by a virus can’t be treated with antibiotics, but your paediatrician may be able to suggest other medicines to alleviate symptoms.
Common Cold
Almost every person is bound to come down with a common cold at least once in a lifetime, and children are particularly prone to this illness. Fortunately, colds usually resolve themselves after a few days. Unfortunately, your child’s paediatrician won’t be able to prescribe antibiotics because the upper respiratory tract infection is caused by a virus. However, the doctor can recommend certain over-the-counter medicines and may prescribe other medications to treat any severe symptoms.
Sinus Infection
When bacteria gets trapped inside the sinuses and multiply, a sinus infection can occur. You may initially mistake a sinus infection for a common cold, but yellow mucus or a foul taste in your child’s mouth could indicate that your little one does in fact have a sinus infection. Although rarely fatal, sinus infections can cause a lot of discomfort and difficulties with normal breathing, and a paediatrician can prescribe antibiotics to treat the condition. (2)
Ear Infection
One of the most common types of pediatric treatments and services is for an ear infection. If your child swims a lot, he or she is especially more prone to ear infections. If your child doesn’t have an allergy to penicillin, your paediatrician will likely prescribe amoxicillin to eliminate the bacteria causing the infection. The ear pain that you think is the result of an ear infection may in fact be related to a cold or sinus infection or even a dental problem.
From diaper rashes to viral infections, there are many health conditions that can leave your child’s skin sore and red. Your paediatrician may suggest using something as simple as a different rash cream if your child has a diaper rash or prescribe a topical ointment to apply. Children who often play outdoors are also likely to be affected by poison oak or other allergic reactions that require treatment. To prevent rashes caused by measles, rubella or other viruses, your child’s paediatrician may recommend immunizations.
As its name implies, pinkeye is noticeable when the whites of the eyes are pink or red in colour because of a viral infection. Often referred to as conjunctivitis by doctors, pinkeye can include other symptoms such as stickiness around the eye, crusty eyelashes and the inability to open the eye completely. The virus that causes pinkeye is often prevalent in schools and daycare centres. If your child’s pinkeye hasn’t cleared on its own after a few days, you should visit the paediatrician to make sure that a more serious eye infection isn’t present. (3)
Taking your child to a paediatrician when you suspect a health problem is the best way to get your little one feeling strong and healthy again. This doctor can recommend and prescribe medications to treat these illnesses the most effectively.
Ana Miller is a creative writer. Her topics of interest and expertise range from psychology to all sorts of disciplines such as science and news.