Home Psychology This Is How Complaining And Negative Thoughts Affect Your Brain

This Is How Complaining And Negative Thoughts Affect Your Brain


With every thought that we have, our brain produces chemicals. When we think about good, happy things, our brain produces chemicals that make us feel happy and fulfilled.

On the other hand, if we have bad, negative, or insecure thoughts, our brain will produce chemicals that will make us feel exactly like our thoughts – bad, negative, and insecure.

So, every chemical that our brain produces is, in fact, a message that affects our physical body and well-being. Our body literally feels the way we are thinking.

It only takes one look at consumer’s review sites to see how people only tend to notice the bad reviews rather than the good ones. Plus, a customer who had a negative experience at some restaurant is more likely to write a bad review than a customer who was satisfied with the service.

And this is true in our personal lives as well. We tend to focus on the one or two things that are not going well in our life, instead of focusing on the many things that are going right.

Why does this happen? And, most importantly, how does this negative thinking affect our brains and bodies over time? Can we re-wire our brain to focus only on the positive things?

Neuroscientist Rick Hanson, in his book “Buddha Brain – The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom,’ says that our brain generates unpleasant feelings of anxiety that can be too intense for some people.

Moreover, anxiety makes it hard for us to focus inwardly and be self-aware of what’s really happening because the brain keeps searching to be sure that there is really no problem. This brain search is so subtle that we are not even aware that it is happening.

Our subconscious mind reviews every new person, thing, or place for potential harms. Our conscious mind manifests this activity of the subconscious mind as a restriction for us not to get too excited about the new things and start preparing ourselves for the worst that might happen.  

Things like losing money, being criticized, getting our hearts broken, or losing someone we love, are things that we mentally prepare for before they occur.  

So, what can we do to stop this process?

Taking deep breaths, meditating, or exercising our conscious level to be more connected to what really happens in our life, can help us gain more insight into what’s real and what’s only a product of our negative thoughts.

If we want to re-wire our brain’s way of thinking, we must pay special attention to what kind of thoughts trigger our ‘fight or flight’ response.

Re-wiring the brain for thinking positive thoughts

Our brain creates a network of neurons out of every experience, thought, or feeling that we have. This means that the thoughts and experiences we repeat the most will have the most impact on how our brain is wired.

For example, if we start every day with negative thoughts and complaints about having to go to work, we’ll become stressed, and this will lead to even more negative thinking. Because experiencing the same emotions every day forms a neural network in our brain over time.

Or in other words, one small negative thought can lead to an endless stream of negative thought patterns happening in our brain throughout the whole day.

So, it is essential for us to be mindful and self-aware enough to be able to stop these negative thoughts. We have to have something that is much powerful than them. A vibration that goes higher than our thoughts.

On an energetic level, our most powerful weapon for fighting these negative thoughts are the feelings of love and gratitude. These emotions have more vibration and are both at a higher frequency than fear and worry.

However, we must really feel and really believe in love and gratitude to be able to use these emotions. Because if we don’t feel them, they lose their power.

You can help yourself by imagining fear as a kid who was constantly told to shut up, anger as a kid who was always told that their opinions were wrong, and sadness as a kid that was always left out and no one paid attention to them.  

So, embrace this child in you and offer them your love and support. You will soon learn how to turn your painful emotions into something you’ll embrace rather than fear.

