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Creating a calorie deficit – A safe and effective way to lose 15 pounds in a month


“Weight loss” is probably a phrase that causes nightmares and depression for many of us. Endless diets, exhausting workouts, tasteless food, and finally – the desirable numbers show up on the scales, and life starts sparkling with new colors. However, the joy doesn’t seem to be long enough to enjoy it, as the results are vanishing away bringing you back to the starting point. After a few lose-gain cycles like that, you are left with excessive weight and an alarmingly high level of despair.

The biggest mistake of those who want to lose weight is to hurry. Excessive pounds aren’t just an overnight addition, it takes time to gain weight, yet, when losing it, we all feel the lack of patience and diligence, wondering how to lose 15 pounds in a month. How to really help you out, if all the diet and exercise attempts don’t seem to be working? What is the true and only way to lose weight? Let’s get into it.

healthy food

Healthy weight consists of three cornerstones: motivation, balanced nutrition, and physical activities; however, modern lifestyle makes some adjustments:

  • Motivation can only work if it is a conscious choice to change for the better and not the critical remarks of everyone around.
  • Balanced nutrition, which is only supposed to provide your body with energy, is often a source of joy and happiness to cover the emotional hunger, creating a new reason for need-a-bigger-size shopping.
  • Physical activities, the source of our strength, are replaced with active and comfortable online life.

Such an approach doesn’t create any chances for weight loss but a breeding ground for accumulating excessive fat handles, and endless attempts to find a healthy 15-pound loss plan.

Is it possible to lose 15 pounds a month?

Depends on many aspects. Those who have a higher BMI (25-30) will be able to achieve this goal in a month, as with the beginning of a weight loss routine they will lose a lot of excess water, and their body will let the first pounds away rather quickly. However, the lower the body mass, the more difficult it will be to shed 15 pounds a month, leading to despair over unrealistic goals.

Healthy and efficient weight loss, according to medical research, is 1-2 pounds a week, resulting in 4-8 pounds a month. Endocrinologists, as well, don’t recommend losing more than 5 to 7 percent of the overall weight over half a year.

With that in mind, we understand that the loss of 15 pounds a month is quite unlikely, yet possible, however,  if you want to be on the safe side, two-month periods will make a perfect starting point for changes.

How to lose weight?

The core of weight loss stems from the calorie deficit – when you consume fewer calories than your body requires for propelling all its systems and functions, in other words – less in-more out. Under the shortage of calorie intake, your body starts breaking down fat and muscles to get the energy from, leading to weight loss. However, it’s important not to get obsessed with the idea of weight loss for women, as all the extremes a dangerous for your health.

Sometimes you can hear people saying that they are active, and regularly do sport, however, the weight stays the same, with no positive shifts. Well, that’s the situation when the calorie deficit is simply ignored.

How many calories do you need a day?

In order to find out your daily calorie needs, it is important to define basal metabolic rate (BMR) and activity levels.

BMR defines the number of calories that are required to cover basic functions of the body: breathing, moving, talking, perspiration, etc.

Analytics How many calories do you need a day?

There is a simple formula to follow:

Males: 66.47 + (6.24 × weight in pounds) + (12.7 × height in inches) − (6.75 × age in years)

Females:  65.51 + (4.35 × weight in pounds) + (4.7 × height in inches) – (4.7 × age in years)

After defining a BMR for the basic body needs, we will define the daily caloric needs based on the level of activities.

Sedentary lifestyle Little to no exercise BMR x 1.2
Minimally active lifestyle 1-3 times a week BMR x 1.375
Moderately active lifestyle 3-5 times a week BMR x 1.55
Very active lifestyle 6-7times a week BMR x 1.725
Extra active lifestyle Two or three workouts a day BMR x 1.9

Let’s imagine a businesswoman. Her profile:

Age –  37 years old,

Weight – 176 lbs,

Height – 67 inches.

BMR = 972 calories – to cover the basic needs,

Minimally active lifestyle – 972 x 1.375 = 1337 calories.

A woman who fits this profile needs only 1337 calories per day, in order to have a healthy weight.

How to create a calorie deficit?

Having defined the caloric needs per day, it is possible now to work on the deficit for weight loss.

One pound is 3500 calories, approximately. One pound a week will require a 3500 weekly calorie deficit, which is 500 calories a day. Two pounds a week will make 700 calorie deficit.

Now, let’s get back to a dream number – 15 pounds a month.

15 pounds lost in a month will make 3 – 4 pounds lost in a week – 1400-2100 calories for a deficit.

In a nutshell, it will take nothing but water for eating and drinking, and exhausting marathons every single day during the month. Does it still look like a viable option, a quick and safe weight loss?

How to lose 15 pounds a month?

1.   Self-control

If you don’t control your eating habits, you will not be able to fight the fat depots. It is important to learn to eat, being aware of every piece of food you put in your mouth. Oftentimes, when undergoing stress, we start eating, as it is the closest source of antidepressants. It certainly brings joy to life, yet the outcome is quite the opposite – extra pounds being stored one after another, leading to another stress related to excess weight.

The only way to avoid such chaotic eating is to be reasonable and listen to your body. Eat only when you feel physical hunger, stop eating when your stomach is full. With such a simple rule, yet a challenging one to follow, you will be able to control your food intake.

2.   Count the calories

Calorie counting is essential at an initial stage of weight loss, while you learn to tame your emotional and visual hunger. It is recommended to make notes of everything you consume during the day, every cookie, or “it-just-a-piece-of-donat,” fizzy drinks, spoons of sugar – everything matters.

After the observation, you may be surprised by how many calories go in without even being noticed.

Fit girl

3.   Quality of food

Food provides us with the essential macroelements required for our proper functioning – fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, which are equally important for our bodies.

While the individual needs should be counted with the personal trainer or a doctor, the general guidelines to follow are:

  • For maintaining weight level – 45-65% Carbohydrates, 10-35% Protein, and 20-35% Fat.
  • For diet changes for weight loss – 10-30% Carbohydrates, 40-50% Protein, and 30-40% Fat.

Excluding any of these elements from the diet for the sake of weight loss will just worsen the functioning of one of the systems.

4.   Carbohydrates

Unlike proteins and fats, carbohydrates are often blamed for extra pounds, however, that’s a far cry from reality. Our body breaks down the carbs into glucose, which is the main source of energy for every cell in our body. When you eat carbs, you feel a burst of energy, which helps you function during the day.

Instead of consuming simple carbs (sugary things, pastries, fizzy drinks, candies, desserts, and processed food), opt for complex ones (grains, legumes, dairies, whole-grain cereals, etc), as they take more time to be digested and thus, release the energy slowly, keeping you active for a longer period.

However, it is important to remember – sudden restrictions on sugary things will make you break loose in the middle of a diet, thus it’s better to treat yourself to a small portion of a favorite dessert occasionally.

5.   Physical activities

By being physically active, you get a double benefit – a healthy body and a calorie deficit. Major health organizations recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate activities such as walking, cycling, and jogging, or 75 minutes of vigorous training, such as running, HIIT, strength training, and other effective weight loss exercises.

If there is no way to go to the gym or dedicate time to workouts – walk more, avoid the lifts, climb the stairs, etc. Such activities are always accessible, yet don’t cost you time and money.

6.   A medical check-up

If you really don’t over-limit your calorie intake and the level of activity is at a moderate level, it is worth seeing a doctor to check if the hormonal systems are under control, as they can often be the reason for fat gains and water retention. Besides, the doctors will help to define the supplements for fast loss that can fit your medical indicators.

7.   Avoid caloric drinks

Alcohol and fizzy drinks are the ones to be avoided, as they bring a big amount of calories with just one gulp. One bottle of soda water can be approximately 450-600 calories, which is the third part of the daily intake.

Alcohol is one of the ways to relax and have fun, yet it is important to know your limit, as apart from being intoxicating, it brings hundreds of extra calories, along with the snacks.

Weight loss is a tricky thing and requires a consistent approach. We gain extra fat cells for a long time, storing them carefully for years, however, when it comes down to weight loss, we want rapid weight loss tips with the result in a week, or in a month. It is an unreasonable and insensible approach that will only harm your health. In order to lose 15 pounds, it is important to realize the necessity of changes, select a proper many and start being an active participant in your life. Good luck!