Home Stories Dear God, I Don’t Know What Your Future Plans Are For Me,...

Dear God, I Don’t Know What Your Future Plans Are For Me, But I Have Faith That You’ll Be There To Guide Me


Dear God, I don’t know what your future plans are for me, but I have faith that You’ll always be there to guide me.

I don’t know what the future has in store for me, but I firmly believe that You’ll always stand by me.

I don’t know what worries, temptations, challenges, and pains You’ll throw my way, but I have faith that You’ll guide me to find the right way to overcome them.

I’ve been trying to overcome every problem and difficulty in my life the wisest and safest way possible. I’ve been trying hard to recognize and follow all the signs You have been sending my way and understand my place and purpose in this world. I’ve been trying to embrace and learn every lesson You’ve been trying to teach me.

But … I can no longer do this. I am tired. I am tired of searching for signs. I am tired of learning the same lessons time and time again. I am tired of looking for answers.

But, I also want You to know that I’ve always counted on You and I always will.

You’ve given me patience, wisdom, strength, and courage so many times and I’m immensely grateful to You for it. If it hadn’t been for these, I wouldn’t have managed to endure and overcome the difficult and painful situations in my life. And I’ve had plenty of them.

Therefore, God, know that I have faith that no matter what situation I may be in in the future, You’ll always be there to guide me.

I am counting on You. I am counting on your mercy. I am counting on your forgiveness. I am counting on your valuable lessons. I am counting on your help.

Because I know that You’ll never send problems and pains my way that I’m not able to endure.

I know You’ll never make me face any kind of hardship that I am not able to overcome and that will prevent me from making it on the other side stronger and wiser.

Dear God, I Don’t Know What Your Future Plans Are For Me, But I Have Faith That You’ll Be There To Guide Me