Home Stories Dear God, Thank You For Guiding Me Each Step Of My Life

Dear God, Thank You For Guiding Me Each Step Of My Life

Thank You For Guiding Me

Dear God,

I may not have everything that I want, but I really want to express my gratitude to You for all the gifts You’ve given me in my life.

First of all, thank You for always guiding me in the right direction. Thank You for guiding my decisions and heart. Thank You for helping me stay focused on what’s right and pure.

Then thank You for the wisdom and strength You give me each day.

Thank You for sending into my life people who make me feel happy and fulfilled. People that make my life more meaningful and more exciting.

Thank You for all your lessons. Thank You for teaching me to be grateful for everything I have in life, even when I feel sad, disappointed, and hurt. Thank You for teaching me how important it is to respect and appreciate my family, my friends, and all those who are close to me.

Thank You for the lessons I had to learn the hard way as well.

Thank You for forgiving me for the times I made a mistake and hurt someone’s feelings unintentionally or deliberately.

Thank You for forgiving me for the times I let my worries and fears control my mind and I allowed pride to wreak havoc over my life.

Thank You for not hating me when I was rude, selfish, cruel, and ungrateful. Thank You for not giving up on me when my faith was shaken.

Thank You for giving me second chances to get things right and repent.

Thank You for sending people into my life that I look up to.

Thank You for the times You’ve inspired me to learn new things about the world around me and gain new perspectives on life.

Thank You for all the problems and pains You’ve sent my way because each and every one of them have made me wiser and stronger.

Thank You for giving me the strength and courage I needed to face every challenge and hardship in my life.

Thank You for keeping me far from the traps of temptations.

Thank You for never allowing me to lose faith in myself.

Thank You for giving me the faith I need when I see no hope.

Thank You for mending my heart every time someone broke it. Thank You for healing my wounds.

Thank You for always protecting me and my family. Thank You for protecting us from the evil intentions of the enemy.

Thank You for all your patience. Your kindness. Your generosity. Your love.

Thank You for guiding me each step of my life.

Thank You for everything.

Dear God, Thank You For Guiding Me Each Step Of My Life