Home Lifestyle Don’t Be Afraid To Be Selfish When It Comes To Your Life...

Don’t Be Afraid To Be Selfish When It Comes To Your Life And Your Happiness


We’ve been raised to believe that ‘selfish’ is a really bad word. Our whole life, we’ve been told that selfish people only care about themselves and no one else. And, I’ll admit it, this may be true. But only up to a point.

I’ve met and unfortunately been friends with selfish people. Those were people that never ever cared about anyone else but themselves.

But thinking back, it is clear that some of those people weren’t selfish because they were cruel and wanted to harm me. They were selfish because they respected themselves and their own choices. They were selfish because they knew how important self-care is. They were selfish because they knew that they are the only ones that they can rely on. They were selfish because they needed to protect themselves.

That is the same person I need you to be.

I know it’s hard to not overthink what others would think or say about you. I’ve been through that more than many times. I’ve spent days wondering whether someone will get mad at me for making a different decision. A decision that does not include them in my plans.

I’ve spent hours beating myself up for saying NO. For cutting off people that never deserved to be a part of my life. For calling people out on their rude and inconsiderate behavior. Until one day, I snapped. I stopped tolerating bulls*it and decided to focus on myself. Regardless of how selfish that makes me in the eyes of everyone.

That is why I want you to help you become that person.

Your life is your own unique journey. No one and nothing should stand in the way of the things that make your heart smile.

You are the only person who decides whether you will call your friend for a coffee or you will go out for a coffee on your own. You are the only person who decides whether you will go out wearing baggy mom jeans and a huge sweatshirt or a cute feminine dress. You are the only one who decides whether you will settle for a man because he makes you feel comfortable or you will wait for someone who makes your soul sing.

You are the only person who decides whether you will devote your life on making yourself happy or you will keep satisfying everyone’s needs.

So, I say… Don’t be afraid. I know it takes big balls to do that, but what are you waiting for? Grow them already!

Don’t be afraid to be selfish when it comes to your own life and your own happiness.

No one will ever care enough to make you happy if you don’t do it yourself. There’s no Prince Charming, no knight on a white horse coming to save you. It’s only you. You are the one who is supposed to save yourself. So, start doing that.

Life is an amazing, adventurous ride, but it is too damn short. Make it worth your while.