Before you decide to sign on to a drug detox Las Vegas withdrawal program, it is important to know one important thing: detox programs help you heal your body after long-term drug addiction. These programs rid your body of the drug and help you stabilize so you can transition to long-term treatment.
Detox programs can take place in inpatient or outpatient facilities, depending on how serious the addition and presence of any medical or mental illness is. Normally, the more severe your addiction is means that an inpatient detox program is recommended.
Detox from drugs or alcohol can be a somewhat dangerous procedure, and thus requires medical supervision to ensure the patient’s safe withdrawal.
Some people wonder if it’s possible to detox privately at home. Technically it is possible, but there are a number of reasons why this is not the best choice, because:
- It is not safe
- It’s not always effective
- Professional detox, is safer, more comfortable and effective
At-home drug detox kits exist and they claim to help you through the process on your own. But experts advise against them for many reasons, such as they are often ineffective and leave a person unsupervised in case something goes wrong.
When it comes to drug detox Las Vegas withdrawal programs, the best choice is to talk to a medical and mental health professional about it.
Drug detoxification, or detox, is the first step to recovery for those who suffer from drug addiction. Drug detox can prevent unpleasant or fatal consequences resulting from drug use withdrawal. Detox can also help a patient in being completely drug-free long-term.
The goal of any drug detox Las Vegas withdrawal program is physiological healing after long-term drug addiction—first by helping a patient stabilize, and then guide the patient through a period of detoxification.
According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), the process of detoxification shifts to the monitoring and support of the different processes of the body as it relieves itself of the drug. In addition, patients’ also receive help in managing resulting unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.
Extensive Detox Treatment
It is important to understand that detox does not completely treat drug addiction, regardless of the drug of choice. As drug addiction affects both a person psychological and physical health, patients who undergo detox programs benefit from psychotherapeutic treatment to address issues of cravings and changes occurring in the brain due to the long-standing drug abuse. Detox on its own can help a patient to stop short-term drug and alcohol abuse, but without therapy and follow-up care, the risk of relapse into problematic use greatly increases.
Drug Detox: Phase 1
The first phase of detoxification can prove to be extreme for many patients, and medical and psychiatric staff members are usually required to be on standby to constantly provide support to the patients. For instance, within hours after the last dose of heroin, persons suffering from opioid addiction will often experience withdrawal symptoms such as:
- Sweating
- Anxiety
- Muscle aches
- Excessive yawning
- Runny nose
- Increasing watering of the eyes
- Insomnia
- Agitation
While the abovementioned symptoms are not life-threatening, they can be quite inconvenient, which is why it is better for patients to receive medical and psychiatric care while they undergo detoxification from drugs. Several issues can arise for patients within the first couple of hours of detox. The most important needs are addressed first, and then then next ones until a patient is fully stabilized.
Some medical and psychiatric issues that can possibly arise include:
Violence –some drugs can make users more prone to violence. For example those who abuse synthetic cathinones or commonly known as “bath salts,” might be at high risk of harming themselves or other people. Individuals who pose a danger to others might need to be restrained or sedated to protect them and the medical providers as well. Such measures are only done once the patient becomes physically aggressive and threatens to harm staff members.
Psychosis symptoms –one of the most dangerous complications brought on by drugs like cocaine, is psychosis. If someone uses large amounts of cocaine, they can become paranoid and experience full-blown psychosis as well. Symptoms include hallucinations (auditory and visual) and delusional thinking. A co-occurring mental health disorder, like schizophrenia, or a lack of sleep due to the use of a stimulant, can also cause psychosis. Individuals that suffer from psychosis can behave erratically and become unpredictable. It’s important to face this issue and treat the patient before moving on with other interventions.
Injury –in some cases patients end up hurting themselves under the influence of drugs. In some cases patients report about being physically or sexually assaulted before undergoing detox. Phencyclidine (PCP), for example, is a powerful dissociative drug that can make users believe they are strong or invulnerable. Because of this, PCP users often end up putting themselves in harm’s way because they believe they won’t get hurt. PCP users are also at risk of suicidal behaviors, often leading to injury in case the suicide does not succeed. Physical injuries must be treated before patients join a drug detox Las Vegas withdrawal program.
Medical Illness –individuals that suffer from chronic, crippling pain are often prescribed opioid painkillers. Unfortunately, people can end up growing a dependence and addiction to the said medications. Once a patient starts to detox from the prescription opioid, the intense pain they feel will return on top of uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. It’s important to know a person’s medical history and treat the symptoms of pain before they can start the detox program.
Going through detox for drug addiction is not going to be easy. Some people may decide to try to detox on their own, but this is usually not a good idea. In fact, experts recommend patients trying to break off their drug habits ought to get the help of trained medical professionals. No matter the drug, detox at a drug detox Las Vegas facility is always the safest and most effective choice, especially when there are co-occurring mental health disorders as well. In some cases withdrawal symptoms can bring forth complications and serious health issues that need medical attention.
A professional writer with over a decade of incessant writing skills. Her topics of interest and expertise range from health, nutrition and psychology.