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Effective methods of education

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Distributed learning method

This method of studying involves drawing up a plan for the gradual development of new material.  When creating a training schedule, it is necessary to take into account the mode of work and rest during the entire training period.  After learning a new topic, you need to take a break, and the more material you need to learn, the bigger this break should be. Do everything to make education easier. For example use online services like paper checker.

 Practical exercises

Well, Where Are We without practice! By performing practical exercises, we understand that we are not learning for nothing, and we see that we will need this new material in the future. In addition, now we know what to do with it in practice. Usually, practical exercises are often used when learning languages. But not everyone understands that practice is necessary for every academic discipline.

This is the opinion of scientists based on the results of scientific research. We advise you to listen to their opinion, but make your own conclusion. For example, if you can’t remember anything without creating a synopsis, do it!

Rational time planning

Are you overwhelmed with business and don’t have time for anything? Analyze why. Perhaps you have a habit of procrastinating until the last moment or grabbing everything at the same time? If you want to reduce your stress levels and have time to do more, learn to set priorities.

The Eisenhower Matrix will help you organize your life. It has two parameters: “important” and “urgent”.

Important-things that help you achieve your goals and complete your mission. According to the Pareto principle, only 20% of cases give 80% of the result. Therefore, we can get rid of up to 80% of unnecessary work.

Urgent-something that cannot be postponed for later, which requires immediate solutions.


 A teaching method that involves questions and answers

According to the purpose in the educational process, there is an introductory conversation, a message conversation, a repetition conversation, and a control conversation. An introductory conversation is conducted with students as preparation for laboratory classes, excursions, and learning new material. The conversation-message is based mainly on observations organized by the teacher in the classroom with the help of visual aids, blackboard entries, tables, drawings, as well as on the material of texts of literary works and documents. Conversation-repetition is used to consolidate the educational material. Control conversation-to test the acquired knowledge.

To improve the effectiveness of training, the following recommendations can be useful:

1) Provide educational material in different types: audially, visually, kinesthetically (using movements), taking into account different types of intelligence.

2) Encourage students to present the results of their activities in various ways: oral narration, drawing/diagram/diagram, poem, play, pantomime, model, sculpture, etc.

3) Provide various types of individual independent work.

4) Use different types of Group + pair work, project method.

5) Provide exercises and tasks that are close to the student’s daily environment.

6) Involve students in the formation and formulation of their own learning goals/expected results and assessment (familiarization and explanation – discussion – coordination; providing examples or unfinished sentences with adjustment goals; independent formulation).

7) Use ICT in teaching and in individual/ pair / group activities of students.

8) In addition to useful information and tasks that contribute to achieving goals, exercises and tasks should be attractive, inspiring and stimulating, with a charge of cheerfulness, energy and good mood.