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Elderly Behavior Problems and How to Handle Them


Growing old is something that we all must experience and have no control over it. Behavioral changes in seniors are pretty normal. Repeating demands, the outburst of anger, dysfunctional sleep patterns, and aggressiveness are some of the common symptoms that you may experience in your loved ones with Alzheimer’s. Dealing with the troubling behaviors of your loved ones can be sometimes daunting and you will find it tricky to cope with them as a caregiver. However, you should always remember that their behavioral issues will get worst if they don’t get a favorable environment and their inability to deal with stress and frustration can make Alzheimer’s prevention tricky for you and them as well.

Well, it is not something that you can’t deal with. You can prevent their cases from getting worst by making some simple changes. You can easily manage their symptoms and improve their well-being easily. Before you make a strategy to deal with their behavioral change, let’s have a look at some elderly behavior problems that need to be dealt with.

Anger and Aggression

The outburst of anger is pretty normal in people in old age. Managing stress is extremely important because it triggers aggressive behavior in them. Elderly people generally find it tough to deal with the situations that trigger their anger and drive them crazy. They don’t even have an idea what can spoil their mood. This is exactly where your role as a caregiver comes up. In fact, there are certain things that you can try to deal with their anger and aggression, such as:

  • Give them space to express their anger
  • Distract them with pleasurable activities
  • Do not take their aggressive behavior personally
  • Try to discuss their angry behavior
  • Get help from others

Eating Problems

Feeding people with elderly behavior problems is indeed a real challenge. You have to make a lot of effort to deal with their eating problems. For you as a caregiver, eating problems can be huge trouble. You have to be sure that someone with Alzheimer’s eats and drinks enough to stay fit. You can try some tips such as:

  • Make feeding playful and fun
  • Monitor medications
  • Make mealtimes pleasing to your loved ones

Sleep Problem

Sleep problems and nighttime restlessness will be another common elderly behavioral problem that you will see in people with Alzheimer. They may have confusion that begins at dusk and continues till the night. They may feel restless at the night or develop a fear of the dark. The reason behind this could be the lack of daytime activities. The patient will require safety and protection to deal with discomfort at night. Even if this issue is pretty common, you can deal with the problem with relative ease. Here are some tips to deal with nighttime restlessness in people with Alzheimer:

  • Keep a schedule for a regular sleep
  • Keep night light on
  • Monitor napping
  • Improve sleep hygiene
  • Limit their caffeine intake during the day

Offensive Language and Inappropriate Behavior

People generally start using offensive language and say a lot that may hurt you. This is a serious concern that caregivers should take care of. Their aggression through verbal outbursts can be hurtful and complicated to deal with. In fact, they can misbehave with anyone in public and this is quite embarrassing. This is exactly where seeking help from professionals will make sense. Make sure you never leave your loved one with this symptom alone and understand their situation. A few simple things that you can do to deal with it are:

  • Understand their condition
  • Monitor their moves
  • Seek professional’s help
  • Give them space
  • Avoid things that may irritate them

Refuse to Shower or Bathe

Maintaining good personal hygiene is indeed important for all. However, you may face situations where people with Alzheimer’s will refuse to take shower, and working on their personal hygiene will become next to impossible. However, you should never be afraid of it. They are not in the senses and this is why they feel discomfort and refuse to take bathe. Maybe they feel embarrassed to ask for help when taking a shower and that’s why they say no. There could be any reason behind it. However, you can simply help them with the following tips:

  • Make bathe fun for them
  • Don’t force
  • Encourage them to take a bath

Handing people with Alzheimer’s can be complicated. This is why seeking professional help will make a world of difference. You can make the best possible efforts to assist people with Alzheimer’s prevention. Keeping certain things in mind can be a good start and you should treat people with elderly behavioral problems politely. Don’t be rude to them and take proper care of your loved ones. Seeking professional’s help will definitely make the job easier for you.