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Everything In Life Happens For A Reason: Trust The Process And Keep Moving Forward


I don’t know about you, but I’ve always found comfort in planning my life. I remember the days when I was obsessed with it. I would buy 3-4 planners for every segment of my life like traveling, working, reading, etc. and I would spend hours fulfilling the empty pages. Crazy, right?

I don’t know if it was the feeling of certainty or simply the feeling of having everything under complete control (what a terrible lie), but there was something about it that made me less anxious about the future. There was a strange sense of relief in knowing what I am going to do in life. But it was just an illusion.

I was confident about having everything under control, but I really didn’t.

Because just when I started to feel good about myself and just when I thought that life couldn’t get better for me, things got out of hand. Suddenly I was forced to deal with something that I had never experienced before. My world was collapsing in front of my eyes and everything was spiraling out. It left me devastated and confused.

And so, it took me a lot of time to collect my broken pieces and accept the fact that something like that had actually happened to me. TO ME. But I did it. After a long period of pitying myself, and analyzing the situation, I realized it.

There was absolutely nothing I could do to prevent that from happening. It was meant to happen that way and it was meant to break me FOR A REASON.

And even though it seemed really difficult for me to find my way out of that situation, here I am. Today I am happier than I ever was. I am doing what I love, I am loving what I do. I am surrounded by people who light up my life. And I feel like I am finally where I was always supposed to be.

Everything because of what happened to me.

And that is why I am here. I feel that it is my duty to help you understand this.


Maybe you can’t see it right now and maybe it is too hard for you to understand it at this moment because it is just too much for you to take in, but I assure you, you are right where you were always meant to be. Even though it may not seem like you are going in the right direction, you ARE.

The truth is, we cannot control life. We cannot always prevent something from happening or not happening. No matter how much we try to do that, life doesn’t always go according to our plans. It just doesn’t work that way.

But that is fine!

It really shouldn’t. If that was the case, we wouldn’t be able to learn all these lessons. We wouldn’t be able to appreciate our struggles and the hard work that helped us become who we are today. We wouldn’t grow and we wouldn’t have the courage to fly even higher.

In all honesty, I can’t tell you why those things happened to you. I have no idea why your journey is harder than someone else’s. I cannot tell you why you suffered for so long. And I cannot tell you why it never worked out between you and the person you love. I don’t have the power to make it all work.

But I can tell you this. Everything that is happening to you, it’s happening for a reason. You are right there where you need to be, experiencing the things that you need to experience. This may be hard for you to understand right now, but someday you are going to look back and it will all make sense. I assure you.

Someday you will look back and you will smile at those bad moments because you will be much happier than you ever dreamed you could be.

So, don’t despair. Don’t give up. And don’t lose faith. Your time will come. You just need to trust the process and keep moving forward.

Everything In Life Happens For A Reason: Trust The Process And Keep Moving Forward