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Everything You Need to Know About Blue Light Glasses


This digital age has got us so much hooked on our computers and mobile screens. On that note, eye health experts have been consistent in their plead; that is that we should regulate our screen time at all times or otherwise, we will be facing eye health risks. Truth be told, staring at a gadget screen for a long time can make exhaust and dry the eyes out and that is because of the blue light that digital screens emit.

Blue light which can be found not just in computers, tablets, and mobile phones, but also in the sunshine and some light bulbs can potentially impact the eyes by damaging the retina and the consequences of unregulated exposure can range from dry, strained eyes, to irritated and water one and it can get as worse as vision impairment. Moreover, blue light is believed to be a great sleep disruptor as it can mess with a person’s circadian rhythm or the internal clock that alerts a person about the right time to sleep or be awake.

While these warnings have been circulating, the reality is, not all people have the choice to tame their screen time, especially if using computers, phones, or tablets are inevitable in a person’s line of work. Here is where blue light glasses come in handy.

So what are blue light glasses?

Blue light glasses, or blue screen glasses as others would call them, are a type of eyewear whose lenses regulate blue light exposure to the eyes. Moreover, they work as protective gear against glares and can help rid of computer vision syndrome (digital eye strain) symptoms. Fortunately, blue light glasses are now widely available in the market and they can be bought without a prescription.

What are the advantages or benefits of wearing one?

  1. Relieved Eye Discomfort

People who are excessively exposed to screen devices are more prone to acquire digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome. This is exactly one of the reasons why blue light glasses became a highly recommended eyewear; because their filtering technology can help improve a person’s eye focus and the likelihood of that person acquiring eye strains. Of course, though, nothing is as effective as taking regular screen breaks but in cases where breaks are less likely to happen, blue light glasses can definitely come to the rescue.

  1. Enhanced Quality of Sleep

You may have not been aware but did you know that your excessive screen exposure can also negatively affect your sleep patterns? Surprisingly, researches show that people who spend too much time on screen usually suffer from insomnia or poor quality of sleep. This is because the blue light entails a high energy frequency that can cause a spike in alertness and delay the body’s melatonin release; melatonin is a hormone that is responsible for inducing sleep.

While the abovementioned downside should be a sufficient reason to avoid blue light devices, people find it hard to let go of their phones even at bedtime. Fortunately, with the help of blue light glasses, using phones at bedtime will become less of a problem and will not affect the person’s quality of sleep.

  1. Reduced Chances of Acquiring AMD or Age-Related Macular Degeneration

As per history, Age-related Macular Degeneration is one of the top causes of blindness. To date, eye experts concede that they still need more research to gauge how much man-made and natural blue light can be considered as “too much blue light” for the eyes and with this, a lot of care providers are showing concerns that digital screen exposure can increase one’s risk of acquiring AMD. Nonetheless, the same people have found relief that blue light glasses exist. This pair of eyewear can amazingly block the blue light’s impact in the eyes, thus is believed to be great at aiding in delaying or avoiding AMD.

When are blue light glasses more worth investing?

  • When you just had cataract surgery.

The adult human eye’s lens can block almost 100% of the UV rays of the sun and as we age, our eyes also learn to block short-wavelength blue light. This is the particular type of blue light that can cause the worst retina damage and contribute to AMD or vision loss. Now, having cataract surgery technically destroys this natural capacity of the eyes. That means your protection against such risks can be significantly reduced.

This is why eye surgeons always prescribe the use of blue light glasses whose lenses have a dedicated blue light filter to those who just had their eyes operated on as a form of blue light protection.

On a lighter note, just because it is blue light, does not automatically mean it is bad.

In fact, according to studies, a bit of exposure to blue light is actually beneficial to health as it helps enhance alertness and aids in cognitive and memory functions. It can even help enhance the mood.

Light therapies, for instance, that make use of white light emissions that contain HEV blue light rays, are done to address seasonal affective disorder. Also known as SAD, it is a kind of depression that is triggered by seasonal changes and the symptoms usually appear when fall starts and persist through the winter season.

Moreover, blue light is believed to be a great circadian rhythm regulator. People who are exposed to blue light in the daytime will usually get a boost in their circadian rhythm health. However, when exposed during late hours of the day, the sleep cycle can get disrupted.

Bear This in Mind When Looking for the Right Blue Light Glasses…

  1. Only invest in blue light glasses that are developed by real scientific experts. These people very well know that blue light commonly affects a person’s quality of sleep. They have spent a lot of time in the lab crafting the right formulations. And these people know that one simple mistake can put their market at risk.
  1. The blue light glasses should also be able to block UV-A and UV-B lights. Aside from blue lights, UV rays can also harm the eyes and affect vision. If you are looking for eye protection, might as well go for the most extensive one.
  1. They should be anti-reflective and anti-glare. This will help reduce potential eye strain.