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How is it best to educate your teenager?


Your teen requirements you. An IGCSE might help you with that teens often act like they don’t need or want to be seen with you, but many surveys show that teens do want their parents to be involved in their lives—to go to their sports events, find out about their friends, spend time with them, hold them accountable, and talk about their hopes and dreams.

Physically, emotionally, and mentally, adolescents are still growing. They need your help and support as they mature. They still require your protection from the perils of our society, just as you did when your children were just two by preventing them from crossing the street alone.

You will find some general guidelines for parenting teens that you might find useful down below. Please inquire about additional resources from your child’s pediatrician if you have additional questions Learn Now.

Teens, like everyone else, want to be respected.

  • Encourage and congratulate your teens for making wise choices.
  • When you are praising your teens in front of your friends, let them hear you.
  • Plan for your teen to achieve their short- and long-term goals and encourage them to set them. The best way to boost one’s self-esteem is to do this.

Teens need to stay in touch with their families.

 When teens are close to their families, they are less likely to engage in high-risk behaviors like smoking, drinking, using drugs, or having a sexual relationship. Some ways to keep in touch are:

  • Eating meals together and making use of the time to talk to each other. While you eat, turn off the television and other electronic devices.
  • Doing things together, like biking, hiking, or going camping.
  • Taking part in local area administration, for example, chipping in together at your #1 foundation.
  • Limiting everyone’s media use so that more activities can be shared. (1)

Teens do better in homes where parents are involved.

“Hands-on parenting” means that parents limit their teens’ activities and participate in most aspects of their teens’ lives. It could include:

Limiting your teen’s access to music, movies, and video games, enforcing a curfew, knowing where they are after school and on weekends, and assigning them routine chores are all ways to keep an eye on what they watch and do online.

Teens need to hear what you stand for.

  • Teach your adolescent values in all areas of life—finances, including the use or misuse of credit, work ethic, responsibility, and responsibilities in the social and community.
  • If you don’t like your teen smoking, using alcohol and drugs, or engaging in sexual activity, let them know. Your adolescents are observing!

Teens need to understand the connection between privilege and responsibility. Teens should not be granted privileges that are out of proportion to their age, maturity, or level of responsibility. Your teen is unlikely to be ready to pay attention while driving if she does not pay attention to her homework.

Teens must be aware of your boundaries and rules, as well as the consequences for breaking them.

Teens need to be aware that you will be adaptable in circumstances that do not conflict with your morals or values.

Always offer teens a way out of potentially dangerous situations. Tell your high schooler that you can constantly be called to safeguard the person in question from a perilous circumstance — no inquiries posed. Your objective is to guarantee your teen’s safety.

Teens must remain engaged.

Teens who engage in extracurricular activities like sports, drama, music, art, or religious activities are significantly less likely to engage in criminal activity. Teens, on the other hand, struggle academically when they put in more than 20 hours per week at a paid job.

Teens must learn new skills.

Help your teens acquire the skills they will need in the future. Your teen needs to learn how to balance their checkbook, budget, cook, and do their laundry. (2)