Home Curiosity How Super Lithium Use Affects ADHD Symptoms in Adolescents

How Super Lithium Use Affects ADHD Symptoms in Adolescents


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) continues to be a significant challenge among young people, particularly as they go through the complex stages of adolescence. Recent data from 2020–2022 reveal that 11.3% of children and adolescents aged 5–17 in the United States have been diagnosed with the disorder, with incidence rates increasing in less urbanized areas. For the youth aged 12–17, the prevalence of ADHD diagnosis jumps to between 12.1% in large metropolitan centers and 17.1% in non-metropolitan areas.

ADHD in adolescents manifests in behaviors that can significantly disrupt daily life. Common symptoms include difficulty maintaining focus, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior, which can lead to challenges in academic environments and social interactions. Beyond these, adolescents with the disorder often experience disrupted sleep patterns, which can exacerbate daytime symptoms, leading to a vicious cycle of restlessness and inattention.

Viacheslav Rastashanskiy, Founder of Normopharm Inc., Head of the Super Lithium development team, mental health expert, who created a unique solution aimed specifically at aiding people to overcome mood swings and increase cognitive activity. Today, his modern dietary supplement Normotim serves adolescents across the planet, softening the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

‘Lithium has long been used in medicine to treat various psychiatric cases, including bipolar disorder. In recent years, it has also shown promise in treating ADHD in adolescents. Lithium helps reduce the aggression level, impulsivity, and concentration problems, which are the main symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,’ Viacheslav Rastashanskiy states.

Molecular mechanisms of lithium action

Lithium affects many biochemical processes in the brain of an adolescent. One of its key mechanisms is the inhibition of the signaling protein-enzyme GSK-3β, which prevents neuronal death caused by glutamate overload. This helps balance inhibition and excitation processes, improving cognitive function and reducing stress levels. Additionally, lithium modulates the metabolism of phosphoinositols, which aids in clearing damaged proteins from cells and optimizes the activity of lysosomes.

Getting the power of lithium together with Vitamin C, Normotim regulates the child’s stress levels and mood. It blocks adrenaline and noradrenaline — those hormones that trigger stress reactions, keeping them under control and stopping the chain reaction of stress symptoms. This means no sudden rush of blood to the muscles, no heavy breathing, and no shutting down of clear thinking, allowing us to stay calm and think clearly even under pressure. Moreover, the supplement contains vitamins B1 and B6, which are vital for a healthy nervous system of an adolescent.

Viacheslav adds, ‘When a child with ADHD gets stressed, their nerve fibers can become overexcited due to a spike in sodium. Lithium works as an actual counter to sodium, so giving a nervous child lithium ascorbate can quickly calm them down by replacing the excess sodium. This helps improve their accuracy in movements and fine motor skills, like handwriting, drawing, and playing musical instruments. Lithium also supports neurons in the cerebellum and frontal cortex, improving these skills and memory.’

The real effect

As a result, Normotim’s lithium ascorbate is turning out to be a real solution for adolescents dealing with ADHD. It’s not about ‘curing’ the disorder but assisting these young people manage their symptoms more effectively. Being a teenager is tough enough without the disorder making it harder to sit still in class, keep track of homework, or stay focused during tests. The supplement aids by calming the overactive parts of the brain responsible for these challenges, reducing impulsivity, and improving attention span. It also positively impacts their sleep, helping them get the rest they need to handle daily life better.

However, when lithium is used to treat ADHD in children, both high safety and efficacy are things that must be considered. For instance, lithium ascorbate, a synthesized salt of lithium, has extremely low toxicity. This blend is twelve times safer than the most popular clinical drug, lithium carbonate, and ten times more productive in its neuroprotective effects in low dosage. With this being said, it remains a practically non-toxic compound. Also, lithium ascorbate is not only much less toxic but also significantly more successful in its neuroprotective effects compared to lithium carbonate.

Growing up is tough enough without the added challenges of disorders like ADHD. This is where Normotim’s lithium ascorbate can make a big difference. As a daily supplement, it helps young people manage their day-to-day challenges more effectively. They can sit through classes without the usual restlessness, focus on homework without constant distractions, and enjoy social activities without the anxiety and impulsivity that ADHD often brings.

For adolescents, Normotim isn’t just about managing symptoms—it’s about giving them a fair shot at a normal life, helping them discover their full potential during these critical years.

To learn more about Normotim lithium ascorbate, visit the official website.

The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Ask your doctor before taking Normotim.