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How the IELTS Speaking Test is Conducted? Know More About IELTS Speaking Test

How the IELTS Speaking Test is Conducted

Are you thinking of taking the IELTS exam? But you have some questions about the IELTS Speaking test. In this article, we’ll provide answers to IELTS Speaking test specific questions and give you key information about the IELTS speaking exam. Keep reading to know about the format, scoring of the exam, and preparation methods.

What is the purpose of the IELTS Speaking test?

The purpose of the IELTS Speaking test is to determine how effectively you can communicate in English. 

How is the IELTS Speaking test conducted?

The IELTS Speaking test is conducted face-to-face and similar for IELTS Academic and General. It is an oral interview between you and the examiner. It is divided into 3 parts and goes on for 14-15 minutes.

Test Format

IELTS Speaking part 1: This section includes introduction questions about your family, hobbies, job/college, hometown etc.

IELTS Speaking part 2: The section is called cue card, where you are given a cue card topic along with instructions. The examiner will give you 1-2 minutes to prepare. 

IELTS Speaking part 3: This section is the discussion round. In this section, the examiner asks you questions on the same topic allotted to you in section 2. Treat these questions as opportunities to elaborate your ideas and discuss the topic in detail. 

What are the total number of questions asked in IELTS Speaking part 1 and 3? 

Well, it depends on the examiner. There is no prescribed limit for it. 

Marking Criteria

  • Fluency: How fluently you can convey your thoughts and ideas. 
  • Grammar and Accuracy: How grammatically correct your answers are. 
  • Lexical Resources: How wisely you choose the right vocabulary to express your ideas.
  • Pronunciation: How well you pronounce the words. 

Note: Each marking criteria listed above contributes 25% to the overall band score. 

Some IELTS Speaking tips 

1. Don’t be too fast

It is crucial to maintain a polite and constant rhythm in the exam to convey your thoughts and ideas clearly. Speak naturally, and don’t rush. It may make the examiner feel that you are not interested. Hold discussions to practise speed. 

2.  Don’t take long pauses.

In the IELTS Speaking test, it is advised not to take long pauses. It can make the examiner feel that you are not prepared or facing difficulty speaking in English. Practise speaking the answers with your friends and family, and record them to check your mistakes and pauses. 

3. Pronounce the words correctly. 

Pronunciation plays a crucial role. So, make sure that you correctly spell the words and avoid any silly mistakes. If you pronounce the words incorrectly, then there are chances that you might score low.

4. Speak Clearly 

The best way to score high in the IELTS Speaking test is by speaking clearly to the examiner. IELTS Speaking exam tests your pronunciation, grammar, and fluency skills, so if you aren’t speaking clearly, it will affect your test scores. Therefore, speak clearly and do not digress from the topic. 

Some other useful tips to enhance your IELTS Speaking test scores

  • Do not show your nervousness to the examiner. Rather speak confidently.
  • Hold natural conversation. Do not make it sound like you have memorised the answers.
  • Ask the examiner if you are unable to understand the question but do not answer the question incorrectly.
  • Do not limit yourself to one-word answers. Instead, speak more in the exam.
  • Do not repeat your ideas and thoughts. Put some effort in learning  vocabulary and find out ways to use those words in different situations. 
  • Mentally summarise and follow a structure. It will help you convey your ideas in a logical format. 
  • Try to avoid any unnecessary and silly mistakes during the actual test. 
  • Be friendly with the examiner and do not pay much attention to the examiner’s expressions. Examiners may sometimes do that to distract you. 
  • Never start answering questions before your examiner finishes asking the questions. 
  • Lastly, make sure you don’t go late. Rather give yourself enough time to reach a few minutes ahead of the scheduled time.