Home Curiosity Finally Mystery Solved! This Is How The Pyramids Of Egypt Were Built

Finally Mystery Solved! This Is How The Pyramids Of Egypt Were Built


One of the greatest puzzles in history are the pyramids in Egypt. Actually, the mystery is centered around the way they were built. Even in the ancient times, people have been amazed of their size and construction.

There have been many conspiracies and theories about the way they were actually built. And it is interesting how scientists get more confused the deeper they investigate.

Giza represents the place with the most developed ancient constructions on Earth. That’s the only place in the world were pyramids with eight sides have been found. Regarding the construction process itself, it is an enigma because one piece of block weights 2-30 tones.

When you consider that one pyramid is made of 2,300,000 blocks, the mystery further increases. There are many questions surrounding the pyramids:  Did the ancient man had the tools and technology to craft the block?

Where did they craft them? Most of all, how did they transport them? Lifting such heavy weight and placing it so precisely is a difficult operation even today with all the modern technologies and advancements made in the field.

Not puzzled yet? Researchers have calculated that the pyramids in Giza are located precisely in the center of the land mass of the Earth. This might indicate that the accident Egyptians knew or were able to calculate this position so many years ahead.

But how? Even today, calculating this would require help by computer software and technology.

So far, there were no scientists that could explain all of this. But now, they have started to put the puzzles together in an attempt to reconstruct the construction of the pyramids. Of course this is only a theory, there is no proof of this yet.

According to this theory, the journey started in the harbor positioned near the great pyramid. Each block was prepared for transport to the construction site by attaching platform on top of them. These platform were probably made out of animal skin and were securely tied with ropes.

When water season arrived, the water in the harbor would rise until the block would start to float. The rise of the Nile made this possible.

From here, the groups of three or four blocks were guided through a canal towards the construction site harbor pulled by cattle. From here, the unique system of lifting heavy weights comes into play.

There was a pipeline leading from the harbor to the pyramid construction site. The water was kept in the pipeline using two latches – one located in the harbor and the other somewhere in the middle of the pipeline.

After the block went into the canal, the first gate closed behind it. As it floated through the gate located at the midpoint of the canal, the second gate closed. This way the block arrived at the pyramid construction site.

Then people guided the blocks into water shafts on each side of the pyramid and then up to the working area. Take into consideration that the blocks were floating in the water.

When they entered the shaft the outer door was closed and the inner door was opened. Slowly, the blocks were floating upwards towards the top of the pyramid. Water canals on the top of the pyramid were used to transport the block to their resting place. Waterproof latches were used to drain these canals when needed.

After the blocks were placed to their approximate position these waterproof latches were closed and the water was drained, and the blocks would just sink to their resting position.

Using mud as a lubricant these block positions was corrected by workers if needed. Then, the canal would be filled with water again and the next set of block would be placed in the same way.

One big mystery this theory solves is the navigation of the block in the corners. The floating block could be easily manipulated in the water and placed precisely.

The floating devices made by animal skin were removed one by one enabling slow sinking of the block. Therefore, workers were able to place the block with great control and precision. This process was repeated around the pyramid and at each level.

If the theory proves to be right, we can be sure that the Egyptians managed to build these massive structures without the need of vast work force using this technique. They used something they had in abundance – water.

Another mystery remains, though. It is a fact that pyramids were built across the world with a similar architecture in a time where there was no long distance communication. Were they all built with the same technique? This question remains to be answered.
