Home Curiosity How to Catch a Cheating Spouse Online: 5 Tricky Ways

How to Catch a Cheating Spouse Online: 5 Tricky Ways


Have a minute?

Good. Because that may be all it takes to know where you stand in your relationship with your significant other. Last year, Trustify released shocking infidelity statistics, some of which are as follows:

  • In over one-third of marriages, one or both partners admit to cheating.
  • As many as 36 percent of men and women say that they’ve had an affair with someone they work with.
  • Seventeen percent of men and women admit to having an affair with a sister-in-law or brother-in-law.
  • Twenty-two percent of men say that they’ve cheated on their significant other.
  • Fourteen percent of women admit to cheating on their significant other.

While technology has provided a cheating spouse with all the tools needed to keep his or her illicit behavior secret, whether on the computer or on a mobile phone, there are some tricks and hacks—with the help of the same technology—to uncover the secrets of your cheating partner.

Here are five tricky ways to successfully catch your spouse cheating online.

Observe your spouse’s body language. 

This is the starting point.

You need to have a reason before you invest your time, energy, and emotions into the investigation. It’s best to start by observing your spouse’s body language because body language—those non-verbal communications, such as eye movement, facial expressions, and gestures—is a powerful means of communication.

Albert Mehrabian’s study found that only 7 percent of communication is verbal. Thirty-eight percent is considered paraverbal (tone and intonation), and a whopping 55 percent is non-verbal.

So observe your spouse’s body language as he or she hops on the computer, tablet, or mobile phone. Do they:

  • Act nervously when you suddenly enter the room?
  • Blink their eyes quickly and avoid eye contact with you?
  • Quickly hibernate their laptop or put down their phone when you walk towards them?

These gestures are good signs that your partner is up to something. However, don’t use them as concrete evidence to accuse them of cheating on you. They are just a reason to start suspecting your love of doing something shady.

If such nervous behaviors persist or occur frequently when they’re online or on the phone and you catch them unaware, then you should begin to worry and immediately start digging. Ask some questions to validate your claims.

Start your research.

Is there a certain number that pops up on your spouse’s phone too often? Is it always “a work buddy” or “a wrong number,” but he won’t talk about it? If you happen to see the number, you can use a reverse phone lookup service to find its owner.

Now dig a little more. Over dinner, for example, you might calmly ask your significant other, “Hey dear, let me have your computer password, please. I want to check a review on a product on Amazon.” This always works for the phone, so you can check messages.

If they’re clean, they won’t hesitate to hand the password over to you. Otherwise, they’ll come up with a million excuses for not giving the password to you. Keep pressing them—gently. You should act as if you do not suspect them of anything.

If they insist on not giving you the password, then try asking for their email password some other time. Use any excuse, but don’t let them discover your plans. For example, you might tell that you forgot your email password and you want to send an urgent email to a colleague. If they still deny you, did even deeper.

Go ahead and check their email if you have their password. If not, enable cookies on their laptop (if their email password is not saved in their browser). The cookies will reveal their password the next time they log in, which you can use to hack their email and see what they are doing online.

Notice if they’ve recently changed their password.

Assuming you checked their email and haven’t found anything incriminating in their inbox, don’t give up.

Maybe that’s not where they do their secret activities online. Maybe they’re using other online forums or social networking sites to flirt with their friends. Just be observant: Have they changed their password recently?

You’ll notice that by checking their most recent activities on their computer. The cookies that you enabled earlier are your informants. They will reveal all their updated passwords for you to monitor their online behavior.

You should also check their Internet history.

Check your partner’s Internet history.

There is no better way to sneak into your partner’s life and see what they are doing online than to check their Internet history. And you can do that by following these simple steps:

  • Just power their laptop,
  • Launch their browser,
  • Go to the browser “menu,” and
  • Click “history.”

Once in the history tab or window, you’ll see all the websites that they have recently visited. However, if they are not honest, you’ll notice that they’ve deleted their history, typically erasing all the sites that they’ve recently visited. Even then, there are other ways to catch them.

Install an Internet history tracker like IE History Tracker, K9, or Surf Logger. These tools will help track everything that they do online, every website that they visit, and even when they delete them.

The tools that you’ve installed will give you a detailed report of all the websites that your spouse visits. That’s enough evidence to hang them—if you find anything incriminating, of course.

Chat with them on social media using an alias.

Another tricky thing you can do to catch your partner cheating on you on the Internet is the trickiest and most dangerous one: Chat with him on social media using an alias.

The easiest way to do that is to open a fake Facebook account bearing the beautiful name of a lady. Next, upload an attractive picture that will hook him instantly if he’s into girls other than you. Finally, entrap him by sending him a friend request. Then sit tight and wait…

If he accepted your friend request, don’t hit on him right away. That will be suspicious, sending red flags to him that he’s being set up. Spend a day or two updating your profile, uploading other beautiful pictures, enjoying your time on social media—all without saying a word to him.

After a week or two, reply to one of his messages (if he sends you messages). If not, send him a “hi” message and engage him casually to see what kind of person your spouse is.

Then judge accordingly.


In any case, find out the truth it is not so easy, because it may be really painful. But in any case, you should know whether your man is cheating on you or not. You should not be deceived, because the relationship and family is such a fragile thing that is built on trust and sincerity. If you are not sure about your spouse, then use my advice and achieve justice.