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How to choose the right used medical imaging equipment

medical imaging equipment


Medical imaging equipment is expensive. After all, it is the industry standard to provide high-resolution scans with minimal set up times and user input. But high costs and difficult procedures can leave a struggling practice looking for ways to cut expenses or increase productivity. Fortunately, purchasing used medical imaging equipment has become a popular way of obtaining quality equipment without breaking the bank.

Choosing the right used medical equipment for your practice starts with determining which type of machine you need for your specialty as well as reviewing how many patients you see in one day.C arm is the best solution. In this article, we shall discuss 5 factors typically necessary to make the right purchase or rent. C arm rentals and prices should be in bearable cost. 

  1. Screening Process

The first step of your used medical imaging equipment review should be a consideration of which practice types can benefit the most from the equipment purchase. Effective use of healthcare technology requires knowing both how and when to use it. This machines benefit you most will depend in large part on how much time you spend with each patient as well as your overall workload. (1)

  1. Budget

Some physicians may have room in their budget for new equipment. Some may not. So the first step when choosing a used piece of equipment is to establish your budget. Fortunately, medical imaging equipment ranges in price from under $10,000 for a high-quality portable ultrasound machine to nearly $5 million for a high-end 64-slice CT scanner. If you are on a shoestring budget, there are plenty of affordable machines you can use to achieve your goals.

  1. Skill Level

Some medical imaging machines are suitable for novice users, while others require extensive training. For example, physicians who frequently need to evaluate and treat patients who are obese will require a different scanning method than those who care for children and newborns. Similarly, practitioners of radiology tend to be more comfortable with an x-ray machine than an ultrasound machine. The important take-away here is that you need to know what equipment you currently use and the skill level required before you can make an informed decision on a used device purchase.

  1. Maintenance and Set Up

As with new equipment, there is a wide range of maintenance costs for used medical imaging machines. These include regular service, parts replacement, and activation fees. The fact that these costs can vary depending on the specific machine you purchase should be taken into consideration when comparing prices from used medical imaging equipment dealers.

  1. Reputation

Reputation is important when doing business with any particular vendor. It is especially true when dealing with a used equipment dealer. You need to be able to rely on the dealer to provide high-quality products and accurate pricing. To ensure this, do your research and check the reputation of any companies you consider for used medical imaging equipment before making your purchase.


Used medical imaging equipment gives small practices greater flexibility than ever before. You can make a smart choice without having to break the bank in the process. Pacific Health USA is a,c arm rental company that specializes in used medical equipment rentals. We are a full-service company that supplies ird imaging and ics equipment for countries around the world. With our service, you get the benefit of used equipment at savings over purchasing new. (2)