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How to Minimize Chlorine Exposure When Swimming


The swimming pool is a great place to go for some exercise and relaxation. However, it can also be one of the most stressful places you can visit. Chlorine gas is used in almost every public pool to prevent bacteria growth and maintain cleanliness. The downside of this chemical is that it has been linked with many health problems like asthma, bronchitis, throat irritation, coughing, skin irritations, and more.

This blog post will help you minimize chlorine exposure at your local swimming pool so you can have a healthy time while staying safe.

The Problem With Chlorine

Chlorine is a necessary evil in many parts of the world, thanks to its killing of bacteria and other microorganisms. Unfortunately, chlorine can quickly damage your hair and skin when you’re swimming, particularly if you have long or thick hair or sensitive skin. Most people ask how to get green out of hair because chlorine can damage your hair and skin.

Chloramines are formed when sweat, sunscreens, urine, and other chemicals and waste interact with chlorine. This oxidized chlorine gas can be found in the air near chlorinated pools as well as other sources of water.

Negative Effects of Chloramines

Chloramines are chemicals that form when chlorine interacts with organic matter in the water. The longer you stay under chlorinated water, the higher risk to your health. Chloramines are known to cause respiratory problems, skin irritation, burning eyes, and rashes. This is the primary reason why you should always use swimming shampoo to protect your hair from being damaged.

What to Do?

To assist reduce chlorine exposure, here are a few things that may be done:

1.Avoid chlorinated pools whenever possible

Chlorine is toxic to the body, and it’s also tough to filter out of water. It would be best if you, therefore, avoided chlorinated pools whenever possible. If you are going with a friend who wants to swim in chlorine, go for an outdoor pool instead. 

2.Use Vitamin C 

Vitamin C helps to reduce chlorine exposure while swimming by breaking down the toxic compounds in the water. Take a dose of vitamin C before swimming, during your swim, and after you get out of the pool for best results. This is good advice for reducing chlorine exposure and if you are trying to boost your immune system or other health goals because Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. If you do not like taking capsules or want to try something new, drink freshly squeezed lemon juice before swimming and during your swim. 

3.Protect the skin 

Chlorine is absorbed through the skin, so it’s essential to protect yourself from exposure. Wear a swim cap and goggles, as well as an old t-shirt over your bathing suit. Don’t shave any body parts before swimming: Shaving can cause tiny nicks that increase chlorine absorption into the body.

The Bottom Line 

You can minimize your exposure to chlorine by limiting the time you spend in chlorinated water, showering right after swimming, and using products that neutralize chlorine on your skin.