It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out when something isn’t right with your body.
You may have been out to lunch with a friend who confides to you that things weren’t going so well in the bedroom lately.
You may have a hunch as to what’s going on, but you go through your standard list and dig around to find the problem.
Your friend tells you he and his girlfriend weren’t fighting. He wasn’t more stressed than usual. He wasn’t drinking too much alcohol or taking any illegal substances (He’s actually been sober for the past two years).
So far, there’s nothing that would outright indicate what the problem is, but then you take a look at what he’s eating for lunch. The answer becomes somewhat obvious. There’s a basket of onion rings, a 2-liter soda, and a double-decker hot dog topped with chili, relish, and onions.
So you sigh, and tell your friend, “I think you need to take a closer look at what you’re eating.”
Your diet matters.
The reality is that everything you eat affects you, for better or worse. What you eat affects your immune system, your mood, your sleep, and yes–your sex life. Your testosterone levels absolutely respond to what you are eating, and there are some choices that are better than others.
It’s really important you take painless steps toward a healthy diet if you want to see lasting changes. Research shows a healthy diet helps maintain healthy testosterone levels, after all. Luckily, there are a few simple rules that can help you dramatically.
Reduce the worst foods
First of all, identify the WORST foods in your diet. Soda, energy drinks, fried foods, pastries (and sugar in general) are not a man’s best friend when it comes to their sex drive.
Once you’ve identified those foods, instead of cutting them out entirely, try cutting back by 30%. If you go to the donut shop every morning, start skipping that habit three days a week. Cut back another 30% every week for the next two weeks. That should put in you in a much better position health-wise.
You don’t have to be an extremist about it (I can’t say no to an almond croissant), but you should strive to be mostly healthy and allow yourself to indulge here and there.
Foods you should consider
Once you figure out what you should be reducing, think about how you can increase the number of quality foods you eat.
If you eat meat, choose high-quality, lean cuts, and if you can, buy them fresh. You’ll also want to make sure to eat fresh, ideally organic produce every single day. Stock up on fruits and veggies and always keep them close by to avoid snacking on something unhealthy.
Fresh herbs like cilantro, rosemary, and basil can make any meal taste straight-up gourmet, and they have really amazing health benefits.
When you go to the grocery store, you don’t have to have a meal plan all figured out. Just stroll through the produce section and don’t overthink it. Once you go home, you can figure out what you’re actually going to do with three crowns of broccoli, a head of lettuce, three bell peppers and a bag of mangos.
Choosing healthy foods isn’t always easy, but the end results are worth it. And no, you really don’t have be super strict, in fact doing so can backfire. Some people may diet perfectly, but the minute they made one mistake, they just relapsed into their old habits.
Keep it simple and easy, and avoid extremes. Just a bit of effort can go a long way!

A professional writer with over a decade of incessant writing skills. Her topics of interest and expertise range from health, nutrition and psychology.