Home Lifestyle I Am Gradually Learning Not To React To Everything That Upsets Me

I Am Gradually Learning Not To React To Everything That Upsets Me


I am gradually realizing that I don’t have to let everything that happens to me affect me.

I am gradually realizing that I don’t have to let every worry, challenge, and temptation life throws my way and every negative person that walks into my life get to me.

I am gradually understanding that the time and energy I have to invest in reacting to every harm that befalls me and every manipulative, selfish person that tries to take advantage of me drains me and sucks the happiness out of me.

I am gradually realizing that every problem and every bad person I concentrate on prevent me from seeing the good, valuable things in life. They prevent me from appreciating the people who genuinely love and care about me. They prevent me from feeling grateful for the unswerving support and unconditional love my family and close friends have been showing me all my life.

I am gradually learning that not everyone will like me. That not everyone will like and support my opinions, ideas, decisions, and goals. That not everyone is going to treat me the way I deserve to be treated – and that is fine.

I am gradually learning that trying so hard to please everyone around me is pointless and absurd. It’s impossible. Because there will always be someone who will judge and criticize me for my opinions and decisions. There will always be someone who will say that I’m not trying hard enough to make others happy.

I’m gradually realizing that trying so hard to make everyone around me like me is just a waste of energy. It’s a source of distress and happiness. Because not everyone will accept and cherish me for who I really am. Not everyone will accept me with my annoying habits, whims, insecurities, and fears. Not everyone will find me perfect with all my imperfections.

I am gradually understanding that not reacting to everything that upsets me doesn’t mean I am fine with it. It only means that I am willing, resilient, and tough enough to rise above it and move forward. It means that I am choosing not to let selfish, inconsiderate people undermine my confidence and self-esteem.

Not reacting to every negative thing that happens to me doesn’t mean that I’m ignoring it. Instead, it means that I am choosing to accept it as a valuable lesson and learn from it. It means I am choosing to allow it to make me wiser, stronger, and braver.

Not reacting to every bad person and thing life sends my way doesn’t mean that I lack the will and strength to deal with them. It just means that I am choosing to preserve my mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It means I am choosing not to let anyone and anything take my happiness away.

I am gradually realizing that life is too short to deal with immature, fickle, inconsiderate people.

I am gradually understanding that I don’t need unnecessary drama in my life, nor do I need to surround myself with individuals who create it.

I don’t need to be surrounded by people who only care about themselves. People who are only interested in taking advantage of others so as to meet their needs. People who think are superior to me.

I am gradually realizing that sometimes not reacting at all to someone’s crappy behavior is much better than complaining to them about it or yelling at them about it. Why?

Because it will not change anything. It won’t make them suddenly start respecting and loving me.

I am gradually understanding that sometimes you just need to let things be. Don’t complain. Don’t pick a fight. Don’t look for answers. Don’t beg for explanations. And don’t expect others to understand your story. Why?

Since reacting to everything that upsets you allows someone else to have power over your feelings and reactions. It allows them to mess with your mind and manipulate you. It allows them to control your life. It allows them to destroy your happiness and shatter your hopes. It allows them to prevent you from living your life the way you want to.

I Am Gradually Learning Not To React To Everything That Upsets Me