In my past relationships, I used to forgive and accept lame excuses and apologies without even considering the situation carefully and thoroughly. I used to let people I loved with every part of me play with my feelings and break my heart without once standing up for myself.
Yes, I’m going to admit this right here and right now – I used to tolerate crappy behavior in relationships, but not anymore.
I used to give second chances to people who didn’t even deserve one, but not anymore.
I used to think that a person’s heart can’t be cold if they’re treated with love, kindness, and respect, but not anymore.
I’ve grown. I’ve changed.
Therefore, know that I won’t keep you in my life for long if I notice that you treat me badly. If I notice that you’re an immature, selfish, manipulative, inconsiderate person, I’ll walk away and let go of you without looking back. I’ll move on without feeling guilty about any big thing you might have done for me.
I’ll no longer let anyone play devious mind games with me, manipulate me, and take advantage of my empathetic soul. I’m going to set clear, strict boundaries and I’m never going to allow anyone to disrespect them. Since although I still have the same fears and insecurities from my past, I don’t feel weak and unworthy anymore – I’ve realized my self-worth. I know who I am and I know how I deserve to be treated.
So, if your actions don’t match your words, I’m not going to think twice about calling you out on it. I’m not going to act as if everything is okay between us and allow you to feed my hopes with your pathetic excuses, empty promises, and lies.
I am not the type of person that loves drama. I am not going to have angry fights with you every single day. If you bring more stress, worries, and dissatisfaction into my life than happiness and a sense of peace, then I’ll know that you aren’t worth my attention. I’ll know that you don’t deserve my patience, kindness, compassion, and respect. I’ll know that you aren’t worth my love.
Therefore, know that if you string me along, I’m going to let go of you.
If you’re unfaithful to me, I’m going to let go of you.
If you break my heart, even once, I’m going to let go of you.
I’m not going to make excuses for your broken promises, lies, and mistakes. I’m not going to justify your crappy behavior. I’m not going to let you treat me like I’m a worthless sh*t and get away with it just because you have a special place in my heart and my greatest fear is losing you.
I used to forgive and give second chances to people who didn’t deserve this since I was afraid of not being accepted, of not being loved back, of being rejected. However, I no longer give a damn about any of these things.
I’m more fulfilled and happier being single than surrounded by manipulative, dishonest, fake people – people that are good to you until they get under your skin and make you fall for them and then they betray your trust and leave you heartbroken the moment they get a chance.
I’ll no longer say, “that’s fine” when it’s not. I’ll no longer be the type of person that is always willing to sacrifice their own happiness for somebody else’s sake. I’ll no longer be the angel that is always there for others and makes sure everyone feels happy, safe, and protected.
I used to be all this, but not anymore.
I no longer put up with crappy behavior in relationships.
Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected]
Riley Cooper is a professional writer who writes informative and creative articles on topics related to various fields of study. Written with love and enthusiasm, her articles inspire readers to broaden their knowledge of the world, think and get ready to act. If you have a general question or comment please fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible