Home Love & Relationships I’m Not Desperate To Find Someone, But I’m Open To Love

I’m Not Desperate To Find Someone, But I’m Open To Love


With our hearts wide open, we all look for that one person who will manage to break all of the walls behind which we guard our hearts and who will make us feel in ways we’ve never felt before.

Love isn’t easy, is it?

In the world of modern dating, being single is considered as something embarrassing and bad. If you’re single, the people around you, especially those that don’t know you, are quick to tell you that this’s because you’re either too picky or you don’t know how to maintain a relationship.

What a foolish, absurd reason, right?

Well, I’ve been rolling solo for a year now, and I’m okay with it. I don’t find my relationship status embarrassing and there’s nothing wrong with me.

Indeed, I’ve stopped searching for that one person who will be able to handle the intensity of my love. The person who will love me the way I deserve. The person who understands what loving and caring about someone wholeheartedly and unconditionally means.

And NO! I haven’t given up on love. I’ve just given up on settling for individuals who don’t deserve me.

I’ve given up on settling for mediocre, one-sided, poor relationships. I’ve given up on giving my heart to someone who doesn’t deserve it.

So, no, I haven’t given up on love, in fact, I am more than ever open to it because I know that the right person for me will enter my life when the timing is right. The right person will walk into my life when I am ready for it.

And until then, I won’t jump into relationships just for the sake of being in a relationship.

Yes, that’s right – I am not desperate to fall in love because I don’t think that my happiness and sense of fulfillment depend on my relationship status.

I’m not desperate to fall in love since I’m still trying to heal my past wounds and shake the heavy burden from my past I’ve been carrying on my shoulders for a while now.

I’m not desperate to fall in love since there are many things I still need to learn about myself. Since I want to finally look deep down in my soul and face all the insecurities and fears I’ve been avoiding for years.

I’m not desperate to fall in love since there are many things I still need to learn about love and relationships.

I’m not desperate to fall in love since I’m not afraid of being single. I’m not afraid of going to dinner at restaurants alone or attending birthday parties and weddings all on my own. I’m not afraid of falling asleep and waking up in my bed alone.

Do you know what I’m afraid of?

I’m afraid of going to restaurants and parties with someone who doesn’t reciprocate my love. I’m afraid of lying in bed next to someone who is only interested in my body. I’m afraid of loving someone who can’t see the purity and beauty of my soul. I’m afraid of being with someone who thinks that I’m not good enough.

Therefore, I say: I am not desperate to fall in love … but I am open to it.

I know that when I finally start treating myself with the kindness, patience, and compassion that I deserve, the right person for me will enter my life.

When I finally begin treating myself with the respect and dignity I deserve, I’ll find the person who will treat me exactly the same way.

When I finally start accepting and cherishing myself for who I am, I’ll find the person who will accept me the way I am and who will embrace my flaws and imperfections.

When I finally learn to love and take care of myself the way I deserve, I’ll find the one who will give me all the love, attention, care, and respect I deserve.

Because this is what true, pure love is.

And yes, finding it is not easy, but it isn’t impossible either.