In an era when you can truly be anyone online, regardless of the profile picture or name you are displaying, you need to make sure that you are able to pick out trustworthy sites and figures online. Here are some of the tips you should look out for when trying to work out who can be considered trustworthy online.
Learn How to Spot a Bot
One of the biggest problems on major social networking platforms is bot accounts. These are essentially fake accounts that can be used to spam certain hashtags or used to engage with people in an incendiary manner. There have been so many cases of bots disrupting an online discussion. In particular, the 2016 US Presidential Election saw a massive influx of bot accounts on sites like Twitter. These engaged with the presidential candidates and supporters alike to sow a lot of discord on this site.
There are several ways to spot a bot account. The first thing to look at is the handle they use. It usually has a lot of numbers since it has been auto-generated and made very quickly. For example, you might see a bot account called John251618. They will usually have a generic profile picture if they have one at all, and they will be a very new user who has only been on the platform for maybe a month or so. Bots are not to be trusted.
Read Third-Party Reviews
While testimonials and onsite reviews are great, there is a chance that the company posting them could be manipulating them to only show the positive ones. This means that you can’t form a complete picture of a brand and what they stand for. Instead, you need to make sure that you are seeing as clear a picture as possible, so that might mean heading to a third-party website.
For example, at a site like, you could find all the information you could want about a casino before you go to play there. Extra impartial information like this could be key in informing your decision.
Even if a voice is genuine, they may be unwittingly not telling the truth. If you see something online that does not look right to you, take the time to research for yourself. There are so many uninformed opinions swirling online, and we could all do with fact-checking a little where we can.
It might be easier than you think to find the information you are searching for. Go through official channels as much as you can, and you should soon be able to separate fact from fiction.
In this world of information online, it is important that we can spot what is false and what is real. If you are able to approach any piece of information with some base knowledge of how to spot whether it is true or false, you should be in a much better position when navigating the online world.
A professional writer with over a decade of incessant writing skills. Her topics of interest and expertise range from health, nutrition and psychology.