Home Love & Relationships Loving Wholeheartedly Is The Only Love Worth Experiencing

Loving Wholeheartedly Is The Only Love Worth Experiencing


I came into this world to experience it through the prism of love. Good, old-fashioned, pure, yet at the same time heart-wrenching LOVE. However, I didn’t always get what I deserved and life itself managed to hand me over quite the nasty curve balls.

But, surprising as it may sound, I never gave up on love. I’m a firm believer that somewhere out there, true love waits for every person. It is only a matter of time.

And despite every struggle we’ve experienced at a certain point in our life, it is worth it. It is worth every tear, every ache, every second of the most terrible disappointment. Trust me on this.

So, if you plan on loving, you love like there is no tomorrow. You do it from the very bottom of your heart. Tell it like it is and don’t be afraid to wear your heart on the sleeve.

Show your person how much you love them, every day, every hour, every second. Life is too short to be wasting it silently and insincerely anyway.

I know life was hard for you, but if you are going to love, do it like you’ve never been hurt before. Like you’ve never experienced the soul-crushing experience from a failed relationship.

Take my advice and just give into it. You are wiser and more mature now. The things that happened to you, made you stronger.

But hey, don’t let them make you lose your hope. Don’t let them frighten you. It is only by letting go of the fear that holds us back, we would reach wonderful things.

Love the other person like there is no one else in the world more suitable for you. Because maybe there isn’t. Love them like you can’t get enough of their smell, the sparkle in their eyes, their gentle touch on your skin. Love them intensely like you’ve never considered a life without them.

If you are going to love, love with all you have. With every fiber of your being. With every cell from your body. Love even when the world turns upside down. Even on the most thundery of days.

Love wildly even when everything is against you. Love them with your words, with every action and every choice. No matter what.

If you plan on loving, love with a commitment. Show them you’ll be always by their side, listening. Love them with pure eagerness. Find out what sets their soul on fire and what sparks their eyes so bright.

Learn about their passions and support them. Be interested, invested and impatient to learn more each day. You show them how much they mean to you.

And please, when you do fall in love with someone, love wholeheartedly. Don’t do it for the sake of being in a relationship. Don’t half-love. Either you get out there and give your best or stay back and watch love pass you by.

But, what is life without love, anyway?

So, learn to love with an intention. Don’t waste your time on Earth by giving out only certain parts of yourself. Wait for the real thing, and when it finally arrives… just do it. Reach out to your heart and LOVE. And don’t you ever stop.

For only where there is love, there is life as well.