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Marriage Tips From Divorce Lawyers


Around 42% of marriages in the UK end in divorce, and while this number has declined significantly in recent times it still seems disproportionately high.

All marriages experience issues, however, and couples who end up talking to a divorce attorney have usually failed to address these problems at an early enough stage.

With this in mind, we’ve uncovered some top marriage tips from the world’s divorce lawyers and asked how they can be applied to your relationship:

1.Do Things Together 

We start with a simple but effective piece of advice from Alabama attorney Caleb Ballew, but one that so many couples ignore.

Partaking in shared activities and events creates a unique sense of collaboration, while also enabling two individuals to grow closer together over a sustained period of time. Make no mistake; this shared sense of purpose and enjoyment can make the difference between failed and successful marriages, particularly in relationships where both individuals work.

It’s also important to plan these activities and prioritise them, while getting outdoors and trying new things wherever possible.

2. Try not to Bring your Work Home 

The issue of work can be particularly testing for relationships, especially if people have high pressured jobs and a tendency to bring their work home.

Even if your to-do list continues to grow and overwhelm you, Dallas lawyer Aubrey Connatser suggests that you refrain from bringing it home with you. After all, this creates an unbalanced and potentially unhealthy lifestyle, while limiting your capacity to interact with your partner and fulfil a functional role at home.

The key here is to create an effective and balanced working schedule, and one that also reflects your responsibility as a husband and father. If you’re in a position of power, consider delegating work to trusted employers in order to free up some time. 

3. Seek Out Advice on Your Options and Make Informed Decisions 

Even with the best intentions, relationships and marriages occasionally experience breakdowns. Whether these are temporary or permanent, these breakdowns can wreak havoc on your relationship and trigger a huge amount of emotional and psychological stress.

A divorce attorney at Withers Worldwide suggests that such breakdowns should be tackled head on, by securing expert advice that lays out the options available to couples. This creates a clear direction from the outset, while also helping couples to make informed decisions regarding their futures.

Remember, divorce is a relatively drastic measure that will bring an end to your marriage, so it’s important to make sure that this is the right decision before you take action.