Home Curiosity Modern lifestyle leading to increase in neurological problems

Modern lifestyle leading to increase in neurological problems


Few years back a shocking fact came to notice after united nation published a report saying nearly 1 billion people, which is one in six of the world’s population, are suffering from various neurological disorders, that includes Alzheimer and Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, strokes, brain injuries and even epilepsy to migraine. Nearly 6.8 million people die every year out of diverse types of neurological disorders. Of late, the addiction to mobile games is also one of the reasons for increase in neurological diseases.

In current time there are more than 600 neurological disorders. Neurological disorders are those diseases that mostly affect the brain and the central as well as autonomic nervous systems. In order to understand the signs and symptoms of common neurological problems, it is first necessary to distinguish the various types of neurological disorders.

Some common types of neurological disorders:

There are various types of neurological disorders, which include:

Alzheimer’s disease (ad)

Multiple sclerosis



Parkinson’s disease

The world health organization has stated that every year nearly 24 million suffer from Alzheimer’s disease whereas 326 million have severe migraines. In the coming years the world will see a higher number of people suffering from neurological ailments both in developed and developing countries.

Causes behind neurological disorder?

If you notice that any of your close family members or loved ones are suffering from one of these neurological issues, you may also start thinking about what is the reason behind a neurological disorder. Well, the reason behind such dysfunction can be pretty diverse. as our spinal cord and brain are insulated by so many membranes that are actually vulnerable to force and pressure. The peripheral nerves which are located deep under the skin are also extremely vulnerable to damage. Neurological disorders can not only affect a single neuron, it can damage an entire neurological pathway too. 

Even if a small disturbance takes place to a neuron’s structural pathway it can result in dysfunction. There are various causes of neurological disorders.


Unhealthy lifestyle


Nutritional deficiency

Environmental impact

Physical injuries

Signs of neurological disorders

The signs of neurological disorders can be significantly diverse. It generally depends upon the type of disorder the patient is suffering as well as the particular area that is affected. In some cases patients experience emotional symptoms while in several other cases some physical symptoms may occur.

Emotional symptoms of neurological disorders

Some emotional symptoms that are generally seen in cases of neurological disorders may include mood swings or sudden emotional outbursts. Some individuals also experience depression or delusions.

You must understand that these emotional symptoms could also be signs of other disorders and conditions. If you experience these types of symptoms in yourself or in any of your close family members, you must seek help from a medical professional right away as if this left untreated some serious neurological issues may happen in future.

Besides emotional symptoms there are some physical symptoms of neurological problems which are as follows:

Muscle weakness

Difficulty reading and writing

Decreased alertness

Poor cognitive abilities


Partial or complete paralysis

Partial or complete loss of sensation

Unexplained pain

Short-term and long-term consequences of neurological disorders

If neurological disorders are left untreated for a long time, it can result in numerous serious consequences.  For example, 50% of individuals who suffer from multiple sclerosis will experience severe depression at least once.  Similarly Parkinson’s disease turns out to be more severe over time, as this is known as a progressive disease. So when you realize that someone you care about is perhaps suffering from a neurological disorder you must seek medical assistance without delay.

Neurological test or self-assessment to diagnose neurological disorder

If you are concerned about a possible neurological disorder, it is important to seek professional medical assistance. a number of medical examinations can be performed to diagnose the presence of a possible neurological condition. This type of tests may include brain scans, genetic screening, and other tests. Even though all self-administered tests or self-assessments cannot positively identify the presence of a neurological disorder, 

Blurry vision




Mood swing

Numbness in the legs or arms

Changes in coordination or balance


Slurred speech

Medication for Neurological Issues

It is common that people get frightened once they are diagnosed with a neurological disorder. It is also necessary to understand that drug options for neurological disorders are available. With proper medication you or your loved one can certainly better manage the neurological condition and reduce symptoms and improve the quality of life.

Neurological Drugs:

The type of medication that doctors prescribe for the treatment of any neurological disorder mostly depends on the patient’s condition. Some popular neurological drugs are corticosteroids, which are mostly used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. This medicine is helpful to reduce inflammation. There are some Dopamine-affecting drugs, which help with rigidity and tremors.

Medication Side Effects

When taking medication for the treatment of any condition or disorder, it is important to understand that you may experience certain side effects. Medication side effects related to the treatment of neurological disorders can vary based on your own situation and the type of medication in question. In some instances, it may be possible to develop dependence to the medication you are taking. This can occur even if it is a prescription medication, and you are taking it for the treatment of a serious health problem, such as a neurological disorder.

Medicine Overdose

The chances for medication overdose are very much real and one should not take this issue lightly. There are plenty of cases where an individual has become excessively dependent on a medication, and they gradually start consuming increasingly larger doses of the medication just to ensure getting the same effects. This often results in medication overdose – which can be fatal.

If you have noticed someone you know is taking too much medication and causing medication overdose, it is crucial to seek professional help right away. 

Regardless of how long a patient is suffering from neurological disorders you must know that professional assistance is available all the time. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, it is possible to manage any neurological disorder effectively. Just make sure that the treatment facility has specialization in treating neurological problems.